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At 4:15 PM,
Pixie said…
I saw a motorcycle accident 3 years ago. My boyfriend (now husband) hit the curb and flew off his bike right in front of me. It is funny now but wasn't at the time. He broke his arm and had pretty bad road rash.
At 4:18 PM,
Sadie Lou said…
I witnessed two cars in a game of 'cat & mouse' on the freeway. Obviously one driver had wronged the other. The car behind the other one quickly caught up to the car in the lead and then swerved directly in front of him. He swerved so hard that he overcorrected to keep from spinning out of control.
He ended up flipping over several times before landing right side up on the side of the freeway. I looked in my review mirror and saw him climbing out of the car. The other driver involved just kept going.
I called the police from my destination and told them the story.
It was scary as it happend right in front of my eyes.
At 4:20 PM,
danielle said…
i watched a guy run a red light and t-bone an old woman going through the intersection. right before it happened i said "he's going to hit her." and slowed down so i was involved.
At 4:20 PM,
danielle said…
i meant to say "wasn't involved." oops.
At 4:56 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
Actually, no. I've been involved in several but haven't ever witnessed one.
At 9:01 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I haven't witnessed anything major, just some fender benders. I have been in a couple, though. Got side-swiped in one, and had another nut-case pull out in front of me and totaled my car.
At 11:51 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
Yes, I saw a jeep hit the cement wall coming off the Bay Bridge during my last holiday there. Calle 9-1-1 on my cell, because I feared they were drunk, since they just kept driving. We stayed well back away from them. No idea what eventually happened.
I also thought I saw a body on the side of the road once driving home from Cleveland back to Toronto. The Pennsylvania Highway patrol thought I was a teenager playing a prank until I told them I was 42 and Canadian. Then it was, "oh, sorry ma'am, we'll go check out the mile marker." Never found out about that, either.
At 3:39 AM,
alan said…
In the late 70's I was coming home from Dad's in very icy conditions, late afternoon, rush hour and in my rearview mirror saw cars start bouncing off each other like balls in a pinball machine on a high bridge over the Kansas River. I don't know how it started; I turned on the C.B. and went to Ch. 9 and called for the state troopers. One answered, saying he knew he'd be working an accident there before the sun went down!
At 4:01 AM,
Fletch said…
OK OK if witenessing includes actually driving at the time, then the answers is yes, lots ;o)
Not enuf time to expand and I wouldnt wanna bore u with the details of all 8 of them :o)
Ciao Ciao
At 9:12 AM,
Dr. Deb said…
Saw a van hit a parked car. The driver got out and then got back in his van. And LEFT. I took down the license # and the saying that was on the van and waited for the driver to come out. He was so grateful.
At 9:32 AM,
nancy =) said…
several...the first was when i was just a little kid, 7 or 8 years old...i was standing on the corner with the crossing guard waiting to cross the street when two cars going in opposite directions tried to make the same turn at the same time and crashed right into each other...
the other was when i was pulling out of my driveway...a brown pick up truck was coming down the street a ways back but i got a weird vibe and did not pull out in front of it...i waited for it to pass and then pulled out behind it...there was a car stopped, waiting to make a left turn down the street a ways...the brown pick up plowed right into the back of that intuition has never ever failed me...
another time lightyears ago i was 19 or 20 and i was driving home from a party drunk and i hit a parked car...the cops came but miraculously i didn't get a dwi or anything...
At 12:04 PM,
Gigi said…
I saw a guy speed through a red light and clip another car at the intersection and then just speed on through.....the bad thing is I didn't stop or go back...I saw that the woman was ok and I just drove on.....n
At 1:32 PM,
robin hood said…
Maybe this counts:
After a late night drinking session, my Dad, his buddy, and I, were driving home through the country lanes of Sherwood Forest. We were singing our heads off; "Irene Goodnight" in three part harmony like you've never heard.
Suddenly, BUMP. We sobered up real fast! No real damage done.
(And no, I personally never drink and drive. Zero tollerance of those that do.)
At 2:10 PM,
Shannon said…
I saw one about a month ago when I picked up my son at school. Just happened to glance in the rear view right as a truck backed into the fender of a sedan. Nobody was hurt or anything, but there were a lot of kids walking around the parking lot. The driver was lucky there weren't any kids by that car.
At 4:13 PM,
Brown Shoes said…
A few years ago, in Eastern Washington, I saw an 18 wheeler on its side near a sharp curve. The accident was mundane, but the freeway and surrounding area were COVERED with bright red, shiny apples.
Very incongruous.
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