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At 9:15 AM,
Pixie said…
Last night at dinner with my husband. I am so at ease when I am at home with him. I am a pretty carefree person though, I've learned that worry is a waste of energy. I enjoy life too much to spend it stressed out. :)
At 9:27 AM,
Clandestine said…
everytime i see someone with kids, i feel carefree because i don't have any! :) heehee
At 9:42 AM,
Kaycee said…
Any time I am with my two step sons. I love them so much and enjoy having time iwth them that nothing else matters
At 10:05 AM,
Robert said…
I'm the same with clandestine, whenever I see kids, especially babies, but not the fact that cuz I don't have any, but how I feel when I see them playing, etc.
Such innocense, makes me feel good all over. It makes me forget about all things. I think that's carefree enough, for me anyway! heh!
Happy Friday and a great weekend everyone.
At 11:10 AM,
Gigi said…
Last nite...standing in the parking lot of a restaraunt w/my friends all of us wearing black veils their tribute to my 50th BD and they are doing a chorus line to TRY and embarass me.....It was one of those moments that life just seems sweet! Thank God we are NOT red hat types.....dang there I go judging the red hats....but give me a black sexy veil anytime!
At 11:54 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
Really, really carefree......Last summer, riding my bicycle across the open desert at Burning Man. I can't wait to go back and be free from deadlines, phone calls, home repair projects and the like. Darn, I've been stressed lately. I savor the little moments, like snuggling with my honey and sitting outside with the sun warming my face.
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Last Friday. I had the day off and the wife and kids had school. An actual day to myself.
I hiked up a very steep hill to sit on the rocks and look at the valley beyond.
First really carefree moments in a long time.
At 3:46 PM,
House of Suz said…
In Cancun a year ago.
At 9:48 PM,
nancy =) said…
unfortunately, not this past week...
but let's see...oh, yes...last sunday, which was hubby, my 2 kids and i headed to the beach...splendid day =)
then monday we started some work on the house and things got a bit chaotic...
At 10:30 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
Today, in the middle of a school rehearsal for our Aladdin musical, leading six girls into a bellydancing performance. It was great fun.
At 11:40 PM,
robin hood said…
Last summer, behind an old cricket pavilion, chuckling with the dawning realisation that whatever happened I was simply going to walk away from a job which had changed beyond all recognition. And I did.
At 1:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Last Time i truely felt care free was when I was in my junior year of highschool and we were at a bon fire by the lake.
At 1:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Every time I'm with my son. He's 1 and I'll do anything to make him laugh. For some reason he loves it when I do pantomime. I know we all hate mimes, but my kid gets a major kick out of it even though I'm horrible at it.
At 2:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:24 AM,
Marbles said…
The other day, driving down the road, the sun on my fave and Tom Petty on the radio. I felt danm good!
At 2:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
The last time I felt free is when I was in bed with my boyfriend and he was sucking my nipples...
At 2:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure that I was *truly* carefree but I honestly can't think of any really really carefree moments right now...but the closest I can come to was tonight-I went to a bookreading given by my creative writing professor which was overall a great experience, I was actually pretty untroubled by the problems I've been trying unsuccessfully to deal w/ lately. a friend and I went, got confused on where to go but made it. then the reading itself was awesome. I bought the book and when he saw that I was going to buy the book he said "god bless you" and I'm not religious at all but that HAD to be the best moment of my day.
At 3:10 AM,
alan said…
I don't remember...
At 4:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Last night with my girlfriend, lying on her bed holding her in my arms, talking about stuff that we would normally feel awkward talking about.
At 6:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
well, livin in the city-and that's what most of us are doing-can bring on stressful days filled with rushin' around, working for the man and what not. (man, i should really start my own business soon, even if it is just an italian soda cart! i can almost smell the freedom....)
The thing is, we all should have little ways to escape throughout our every day, even though we are busy, rushed, sore and arthritic from labor. time to find your happy place! just find one spot that you can get to on the daily to find your zen. it'll take more than just going everyday. some deep breathing and taking time to reflect whilst chillin' in your happy place are also recommended. you will have many a carefree moment...buen suerte, pura vida!
(good luck, the fine life!)
At 10:34 AM,
SassyFemme said…
Early this morning when we were out seeding the grass. We were just listening to the birds chip, looking at nature's seasonal awakening. Just beautiful, full of the possibilities of life.
At 11:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Talking with my step son about his mother. He has many questions about why he doesnt live with her. Although I was not going to tell him the details of her addiction, I let him know that she is very ill, and that she is starting to get better. I dont much care for her, but I do care for him and his opinion of her. It was really awesome that he asked me - his step mother, questions about his mother. It was cool that I could be honest but not in a way that I belittled her character. Life is good.
At 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
when we didnt have school
i could've slept in til 5 if i wanted
but i didnt :]
just to not have an agenda or plans is grand
At 4:22 PM,
Unknown said…
It's been a long time. Yesterday I even tried. I made the decision to skip all my classes and didn't leave my house all day and didn't plan anything and I am still all out of sorts. I feel guilty because we just had a break and we are done so soon and I still can't pull myself together.
At 7:05 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Laughing with my co-workers on the job, in spite of the hard work. We all enjoy finding humor in the moment whenever possible.
At 7:52 PM,
Fletch said…
Can't ever remember feeling care 'Free', well not since I was a child anyhows...
Ciao Ciao
At 11:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
The drive home after working construction labor.
At 7:07 AM,
DayDreamer said…
Yesterday. I was driving back from a seminar and the sun was out and I had my music on. A bubble of optimisim burst in my chest.
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