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At 10:14 AM,
Sublime said…
I have two chihuahuas that I adore. Their names are Minnie and Lola (named after two of the dogs on The Osbournes). The picture on today's question is of Minnie taken about 1 year ago. Unfortunatly, I don't have a picture of Lola with me.
They are two of the sweetest dogs in the world when they want to be. And at other times, the most annoying. They are also lesbians and totally in love with each other, but when they fight - it's all out
At 11:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have two.. My cat Oreo who was the best in the world! Being an only child, he was my best friend. And later my ferret Dook-Dook. He was my little man. His face could always make me smile no matter how bad my day was. Boyfriends came and went, but he was the one man I could count on. :)
At 12:02 PM,
Blondie said…
I don't think there's a "best". There was Abby, who was a bit mean, but we loved her so much. When my parents had to put her down, they told my brother "she's 14, she's old, she needs this". My brother, in all his wisdom, cried "Kate's 16, why dont' you put her to sleep too?"
Then there's Jeffy, who loved everyone. Jackie, who'd tear through the house, even when she was old and sick. George, or "Speedbump", is still around, and starting to become a lover. On his own terms, of course.
Then there's our "kids". Duncan & Tessa are our cats. They groom each other, sleep in the same basket sometimes, et. And Bailey, our cocker spaniel, tries to do everything just like them!
At 1:14 PM,
Estelle said…
I still have him. His name is TJ. He's half cat/half ferret (okay, maybe he's all cat, but he looks like a ferret!)
I pulled his mother out of a dumpster. I was an animal rescuer and all feral cats would be trapped, neutered, and released. All females (feral or not) would have a spay/abort.
But not this time. For some reason, I told the vet to not abort this cat.
Then the kittens were born and I lost all but one of them. TJ. He was the wildest little thing. Wanted nothing to do with me. But I kept at it. I loved him. Eventually he started to warm up to me. And he would climb my pants, would climb into the pockets on my robe to ride around, would sit on my shoulder while I read. I loved him.
Then I almost lost him again. He had a near fatal reaction to Advantage (flea stuff). He was in the vet for nine days in a drug induced coma of sorts. Every night he was transferred back to the emergency vet and every morning back to my vet. Finally they told me he wasn't going to make it, and to put him down.
I made the decision to put him down Friday night. I got there, and he meowed at me. Just fine. It took some time to recover, but he's fine now.
Three times a vet wanted to put him down. Three times I fought for him. And to this day this animal is a piece of my soul. More than any other has ever been or will ever be. It'll all but kill me when he goes. I love him so much.
At 1:15 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
We had a cat named Webster Webfoot, who had five extra toes and thought he was a dog. He went on walks with us to the park and liked to ride in the car.
Right now, I have my sweet little tabby Abby. She has been my comfort and companion through a rotten marriage, painful divorce and the blooming of my new better life. I feel bad because my bf's cat has driven her from sleeping with me anymore. But she's still my little snuggle bunny!
At 1:25 PM,
Kaycee said…
Just one? That is hard. I do foster care for Min Pins so there are far too many, and I love them all. I have to admit I have had favorites. I definetly miss my Earnest! He was a chow chow-golden retriever mix. He was beautiful and wonderful and I miss him very much
At 1:34 PM,
Gigi said…
Had a basset hound that was THE sweetest and most stubborn dog around!
At 1:38 PM,
danielle said…
i think all my pets were great for different reasons. my first cat(s) nikki, stormy, and gypsie were the best for me when i was little and wanted to torture cats by chasing them around the house at age 2-6.
my 2nd cats, cocoa and kami, were fantasticly patient because from ages 7-12 i dressed them up and played house/school with them.
then my first dog came along at age 14 and was/is the best dog ever. simon, named after the character in "lord of the flies." most loving, gentle, well humored dog ever. i wish he had moved to california with me.
and now i have my own 2 cats - grace and zeke - who are both "the best" in their own ways. grace, because we bitch at each other all the time (yes, i realize i'm talking about a cat) and zeke, because he keeps me entertained with his kitten antics and crazy jumping skills.
was that a long enough answer for you??
At 1:58 PM,
Fletch said…
:O) Brought a big smile to my face just remembering him... MAX... Spaniel... And without a doubt the most insane animal I've ever met...
Missed very much even after 15years...
Ciao Ciao
At 2:49 PM,
Pittchick said…
Gunner was a black lab puppy i had. Turns out i was very allergic to him and I had to find a new home for him. I know the people he's with now, and he has a great life, but I think about him a lot.
At 4:04 PM,
nancy =) said…
toots the wonder dog was my dog when i was a kid...she was awesome...and i had a cat named richie...he was one cool cat...then i got my first golden retreiver, ladybabe, or lady for short...she was truly a remarkable dog and she passed away 7 years ago at 11 years old...i still can cry thinking of i have 3 more golden retrivers - amber, bailey, and sheba...amber is my true soul mate...just like ladybabe was...
here's to pets =)
At 5:20 PM,
*** said…
Well, we grew up with a Poodle (mix of Toy and Miniature, so mid-size), but my favorite has got to be out cat, Paws. He's just so frickin' cute!
At 6:49 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I had a HUGE (fat) black cat named Sheba. She would do all sorts of crazy things, like:
* Fall asleep with her head in my shoe.
* Chase (wobble) after me whenever I ate a cantaloupe.
* Keep my wife and I up all night by bathing continually, including spitting into her fur.
* Lay on my lap and get cross-eyed when I'd scratch her back.
* "Play cello." Envision a fat cat washing herself down there!
At 7:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
The cocker spaniel mutt we had when I was a kid, Princess. Most patient dog in the world and endured a lot with three imaginative little girls who put her down the slide, tried to make her roll over, let her eat crayons...
At 9:37 PM,
Robert said…
My first giant black African millipede which I named Molli. She was wonderful and stayed with me for years and years.
Anyway, I love the picture of the baby from Estelle. Happy baby! Too cuuute!
At 10:47 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
Oh my, how to answer that? All my cats and dogs were special in their own ways. The first two pets I ever had as a grown-up, a lovely cat called Maigret, and Sheba the wondermutt, both died about two years ago, and not a day goes by that I don't remember their sweet presence in my life. That said, I adored all my animals, from childhood onward, because they all gave me unconditional love and joy during their time with me.
I adore my three current kitties too. All animals are great and they leave a big footprint on your heart.
At 3:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
most remembered... had a dog when i was a kid... dad's ran over it in the driveway, breaking its leg with bones sticking out and all... quite a unforgetable sight and socking one for a kid
favorite... a turtle i named money, which grew too large for its aquarium so i had to release it in the pond at the local park. no, i didn't have room for a larger aquarium at my place :(
At 5:08 PM,
House of Suz said…
Well, the most memorable would be Rufus, a terrier mix who continues to eat our house but the sweetest dog in the world is Monster, a retriever who my ex now has.
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