Yesterday my partner left home to come pick me up at work. She set the home alarm before she left.
We decided to go back to the house and drop my car off before shopping. I ran into the house to get something, and I shut the alarm off when I went in. While in the house I went into the bathroom and washed my hands. When I left the bathroom, I shut the door behind me so the dogs wouldn't go digging in the wastebasket while we were gone. I re-set the alarm and then left the house.
We returned home two hours later. I went and turned off the alarm system and my partner went into the bathroom (opening the door that had been shut when I closed it earlier). When she came out, she asked me if I had been doing something with the bathroom ventilation floor duct for some reason. Puzzled, I laughingly said no, and walked to the bathroom to look at it. (We have older, heavy metal floor vents that sit about 1 1/2" deep in the floor)
There, in the middle of the bathroom, about 12 inches from the duct was the floor vent cover...
It was not there when I was in the bathroom earlier. She swears that she didn't take the vent out or move it at all. The door was closed while we were gone, so the dogs couldn't have somehow gotten it up out of the floor. We checked every window in the house all were closed and locked. We looked in every corner and cubby hole throughout and could find nothing else missing or out of place. If someone would have come through one of the doors, the alarm would have been going off, but it didn't. Even if someone had somehow gotten in the house, why take the floor vent out and then leave?
Holy crap sublime! I'm kind of inclined to suggest you nail that vent down tight.
Many years ago, on Cinqo De Mayo in San Francisco, my husband and I went to the Mission district to have lunch. It was really crowded on the block where we waited to catch a Muni Bus home and as we stood there I got more and more nervous, but I couldn't explain why. Finally, when many busses that weren't the one we were waiting for had come and gone, I told Philip that we had to get on the next bus no matter where it was headed, that no matter what we had to get out of there RIGHT NOW. He was having the same feeling. We caught the next super crowded sweaty bus out of there.
The next morning we saw in the paper that not five minutes after we caught our bus, on the very same corner where we had been standing, a man had been stabbed to death.
I don't know if that's really unexplained so much as it was just strange. I could never say how I knew something bad was about to happen there. But I was right.
while attending college (i think my sophomore or junior year) a friend and myself went to drop off a paper due by midnight. we took the elevator to the 3rd floor (we thought it would be less creepy than dark stairs), turned in our papers and got back on the elevator.
we pushed "1" and started to go down. about the time we should have been around the 2nd floor the entire elevator went black, the lights of which floor we were on went out, and then all of the sudden we were on the first floor. while the lights were out we couldn't feel the elevator moving.
i also had an incicent in the library that same year where a door that kept getting closed and locked would open back up while i was studying. i moved spots...
Before I got married I was living in an apartment alone and my mom and sister were in town visiting. We were outside on the balcony and I was telling them about this dog I had been hearing right on the other side of my fence, but every time I looked, nothing was there. At that moment, we heard this snuffing sound (not really a growl but more of an aggressive sniff) no more than 2 feet of where we were. My sister jumped up and looked over the fence, nothing was there. Several strange things happened in that apartment, TV's on and off, etc. My dogs hated it there, they were always on edge.
While my daughter was an infant, my husband worked late nights in the ER, leaving us home alone until after midnight most nights. I had routinely "seen someone" standing over my bed in the night - usually waking me up, long enough for me to make out the distinct shadow of someone, but then it would disappear. I always wrote it off as my sleep-riddled imagination.
One night, while the baby was asleep and I was awake waiting for the hubby - I hear footsteps. LOUD, clunking footsteps - ON THE ROOF. Walking across the living room roof, across the dining room...I grabbed a baseball bat, and ran out the back door, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone coming over the top of the house. I couldn't hear anything outside, but as soon as I entered the house again, the footsteps started back across the dining room roof and then over the kitchen. I ran back outside, and took our massive flashlight - but nothing was there.
It was so real, so loud - but didn't wake the child. I never saw the shadowy figure in my bedroom again. But the 12-year old girl living next door at the time started complaining the next day that she had seen this figure in HER bedroom, and saw it every night for several months. I can only figure that the shadow became bored with us - and was looking for someone else to pester.
I was just checking in before going to sleep, but now I don't want to. Geeze Tiggerlane, you've got me all jumpy! How on earth did you get on with life after that? I would probably never sleep again if those things happened to me.
Geeze. I was just talking about this yesterday with a friend. We think his house just might be haunted and we were both talking about similar experiences we have had in the past. (Objects moving, shadows changing without a reason, footsteps when no one else is home). Shudder. -Jn
When I was a kid, doors in my mom's house would open and close. We used to joke about George, our ghost. Anything that was missing or moved was blamed on him!
My dad owned a 100-year old house at that time. That place was seriously creepy. He woke up one night to the bedroom door repeatingly opening and slamming shut. When he reached out to pull it close, it finally stopped. We would also find marbles everywhere. They were buried in the yard, in all the rooms in the house. You could vaccuum a room and walk right back in and there would be a marble in the middle of the floor. He had a big jar of them by the time he sold it.
I freaked out a little when we found a couple marbles at our new house, some 25 years later!
I get weird stuff happening to me all the time. There are two things that stand out in my mind though. When I was a teenager my BFF and I were out at her grandma's house and she had just broken up with her boyfriend. She had a necklace that he had given her and we burried it in the dirt road. When we got back to her house that night the necklace was on her nightstand. Freaked us out!! The other things is that most of the time when I dream and wake up and remember specific things about the dream they always come true. It is a total de jevu moment. There are even times that I try to change what I was going to do to something else and it ends up being what happened in my dream.
At 10:40 AM,
Sublime said…
Yesterday my partner left home to come pick me up at work. She set the home alarm before she left.
We decided to go back to the house and drop my car off before shopping. I ran into the house to get something, and I shut the alarm off when I went in. While in the house I went into the bathroom and washed my hands. When I left the bathroom, I shut the door behind me so the dogs wouldn't go digging in the wastebasket while we were gone. I re-set the alarm and then left the house.
We returned home two hours later. I went and turned off the alarm system and my partner went into the bathroom (opening the door that had been shut when I closed it earlier). When she came out, she asked me if I had been doing something with the bathroom ventilation floor duct for some reason. Puzzled, I laughingly said no, and walked to the bathroom to look at it. (We have older, heavy metal floor vents that sit about 1 1/2" deep in the floor)
There, in the middle of the bathroom, about 12 inches from the duct was the floor vent cover...
It was not there when I was in the bathroom earlier. She swears that she didn't take the vent out or move it at all. The door was closed while we were gone, so the dogs couldn't have somehow gotten it up out of the floor. We checked every window in the house all were closed and locked. We looked in every corner and cubby hole throughout and could find nothing else missing or out of place. If someone would have come through one of the doors, the alarm would have been going off, but it didn't. Even if someone had somehow gotten in the house, why take the floor vent out and then leave?
Very, very strange, creepy and unexplainable!
At 11:53 AM,
Rebecca said…
Yes, I have.....
At 3:54 PM,
Angelina said…
Holy crap sublime! I'm kind of inclined to suggest you nail that vent down tight.
Many years ago, on Cinqo De Mayo in San Francisco, my husband and I went to the Mission district to have lunch. It was really crowded on the block where we waited to catch a Muni Bus home and as we stood there I got more and more nervous, but I couldn't explain why. Finally, when many busses that weren't the one we were waiting for had come and gone, I told Philip that we had to get on the next bus no matter where it was headed, that no matter what we had to get out of there RIGHT NOW. He was having the same feeling. We caught the next super crowded sweaty bus out of there.
The next morning we saw in the paper that not five minutes after we caught our bus, on the very same corner where we had been standing, a man had been stabbed to death.
I don't know if that's really unexplained so much as it was just strange. I could never say how I knew something bad was about to happen there. But I was right.
At 4:59 PM,
danielle said…
while attending college (i think my sophomore or junior year) a friend and myself went to drop off a paper due by midnight. we took the elevator to the 3rd floor (we thought it would be less creepy than dark stairs), turned in our papers and got back on the elevator.
we pushed "1" and started to go down. about the time we should have been around the 2nd floor the entire elevator went black, the lights of which floor we were on went out, and then all of the sudden we were on the first floor. while the lights were out we couldn't feel the elevator moving.
i also had an incicent in the library that same year where a door that kept getting closed and locked would open back up while i was studying. i moved spots...
At 5:29 PM,
Pixie said…
Before I got married I was living in an apartment alone and my mom and sister were in town visiting. We were outside on the balcony and I was telling them about this dog I had been hearing right on the other side of my fence, but every time I looked, nothing was there. At that moment, we heard this snuffing sound (not really a growl but more of an aggressive sniff) no more than 2 feet of where we were. My sister jumped up and looked over the fence, nothing was there. Several strange things happened in that apartment, TV's on and off, etc. My dogs hated it there, they were always on edge.
At 11:30 PM,
Tiggerlane said…
While my daughter was an infant, my husband worked late nights in the ER, leaving us home alone until after midnight most nights. I had routinely "seen someone" standing over my bed in the night - usually waking me up, long enough for me to make out the distinct shadow of someone, but then it would disappear. I always wrote it off as my sleep-riddled imagination.
One night, while the baby was asleep and I was awake waiting for the hubby - I hear footsteps. LOUD, clunking footsteps - ON THE ROOF. Walking across the living room roof, across the dining room...I grabbed a baseball bat, and ran out the back door, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone coming over the top of the house. I couldn't hear anything outside, but as soon as I entered the house again, the footsteps started back across the dining room roof and then over the kitchen. I ran back outside, and took our massive flashlight - but nothing was there.
It was so real, so loud - but didn't wake the child. I never saw the shadowy figure in my bedroom again. But the 12-year old girl living next door at the time started complaining the next day that she had seen this figure in HER bedroom, and saw it every night for several months. I can only figure that the shadow became bored with us - and was looking for someone else to pester.
At 4:20 AM,
Angelina said…
I was just checking in before going to sleep, but now I don't want to. Geeze Tiggerlane, you've got me all jumpy! How on earth did you get on with life after that? I would probably never sleep again if those things happened to me.
At 10:24 AM,
Fletch said…
:o( I'm boring... Nothing Spooky ever happens to me...
Unless Deja vou counts? I get it all the time... (It's when they change something in the Matrix...)
Ciao Ciao
At 10:25 AM,
Unknown said…
Geeze. I was just talking about this yesterday with a friend. We think his house just might be haunted and we were both talking about similar experiences we have had in the past. (Objects moving, shadows changing without a reason, footsteps when no one else is home). Shudder. -Jn
At 7:58 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
When I was a kid, doors in my mom's house would open and close. We used to joke about George, our ghost. Anything that was missing or moved was blamed on him!
My dad owned a 100-year old house at that time. That place was seriously creepy. He woke up one night to the bedroom door repeatingly opening and slamming shut. When he reached out to pull it close, it finally stopped. We would also find marbles everywhere. They were buried in the yard, in all the rooms in the house. You could vaccuum a room and walk right back in and there would be a marble in the middle of the floor. He had a big jar of them by the time he sold it.
I freaked out a little when we found a couple marbles at our new house, some 25 years later!
At 4:03 AM,
Audi said…
I get weird stuff happening to me all the time. There are two things that stand out in my mind though. When I was a teenager my BFF and I were out at her grandma's house and she had just broken up with her boyfriend. She had a necklace that he had given her and we burried it in the dirt road. When we got back to her house that night the necklace was on her nightstand. Freaked us out!! The other things is that most of the time when I dream and wake up and remember specific things about the dream they always come true. It is a total de jevu moment. There are even times that I try to change what I was going to do to something else and it ends up being what happened in my dream.
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