The Big Question

Question yourself. Post your own answer. Give to receive.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Three Hundred and Tenth Question

Where were you when you heard the 1st airplane
had struck the Twin Towers?

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  • At 10:56 AM, Blogger nancy =) said…

    i am too close to this to want to think about this today...



  • At 12:06 PM, Blogger Pixie said…

    I was at work when I first heard and then we all watched the day unfold in our break room. It was a devastating day.

  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger danielle said…

    in the car on my way to class when i first heard about it - but i think i was still in bed when it actually happened.

  • At 2:35 PM, Blogger Pepper said…

    I was at work at the Kennedy Center, across the Potomac from the Pentagon. Since I worked in another national monument, we were sent home rather quickly. On the way to my home in Virginia, I could see the thick smoke rising from the Pentagon site.

  • At 5:23 PM, Blogger Tiggerlane said…

    In my car, on my way to work. The panicked voice of the man on the radio made me think it was a joke, at first. When I got to work, I realized the truth of it all, after speaking to coworkers. I had to go back home and glue myself to the television.

  • At 5:51 PM, Blogger Anne-Marie said…

    At work (in a school),on a break, going through the office checking my mailbox. The teachers were hunched over a secretary's computer, watching reports coming in.

    I remember that no airplanes flew by that day, as our school was on the flight path and then for days and days after that, and that the silence was weird.

  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger Asaph's Table said…

    I was at home on a day off from work. A friend called and told us to turn on the TV. I turned it on about 5 minutes after the 2nd plane had hit.
    At the time, I worked as a Directory Assistance operator, and I knew our call center would be flooded with people frantically looking for loved ones, so I called work and offered to work some OT.
    I spent 4 hours listening to folks crying, screaming, pleading for help, doing my best to try to assist them. The saddest calls were those looking for the cell phone numbers of people that were in the WTCs, and we didn't carry that kind of info. I will never forget those sounds so long as I live...

  • At 2:53 AM, Blogger Fletch said…

    A remote Log Cabin in the Scotish Highlands... I heard the news on the radio some hours later, then turned on the TV.

    Ciao Ciao

  • At 4:31 AM, Blogger Audi said…

    I work at a hotel and was at work that day. I watched the whole thing. That day was crazy with all of the people stuck and not able to go anywhere. Everyone was in shock.

  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    In Spanish 4 with 2 other students and a Teacher. The rest of my class was next door and came over to tell us.

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    At my job - Hanscom Air Force Base

  • At 5:27 PM, Blogger SongBird said…

    I was teaching a sixth grade music class.


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