The Big Question

Question yourself. Post your own answer. Give to receive.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Three Hundred and Fifth Question

When is the last time you saw your own blood?
What caused you to bleed?

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  • At 10:59 AM, Blogger Robert said…

    Last night. I had this skin tag on my leg and it's been bugging the heck outta me, so I snipped it off.

    Well, you asked! :-)

  • At 12:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Last night when I raked my knuckle skin off while cleaning the pond filter, obviously a small but painful amount. Never have had a large wound.

  • At 1:43 PM, Blogger danielle said…

    last night when i somehow cut that horribly painful place between your thumb and pointer finger. i didn't even notice until blood was dripping down my hand.

    (seems like everyone was hurting themselves last night!)

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Asaph's Table said…

    Last week, at work: I was carrying a case of soda over a pile of crap in a store, and ran into a post, driving the case into my lower lip. ...And as we all know, lips bleed like a French pig!

  • At 2:11 AM, Blogger Elizabeth Taylor said…

    Yesterday - I scraped the back of my knuckle on something.

  • At 6:16 PM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    You don't want to know the specifics, trust me.

    Last week.

  • At 1:04 AM, Blogger Audi said…

    yesterday, cut myself shaving. Why is it that women in our society have to shave almost all of there body hair off to be beautiful.

  • At 5:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Saturday I was helping a friend dig out under his house so he can build a basement. I created lots of nifty little holes in my hands and arms...nothing major though-Jn

  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger Pepper said…

    I cut my neck doing a rush shaving job last night. Got myself in three spots. I haven't done such a poor job in ages!

  • At 3:12 PM, Blogger pocketpunk said…

    i squeezed this really offensive spot on my chin ...and then it bled afterwards

    it was about 3 days ago

  • At 9:05 PM, Blogger Mind Sprite said…

    A few days ago with a paper cut on cardboard. I'm pretty clumsy and hurt myself all the time. Good thing the sight of blood doesn't bother me!

  • At 9:46 PM, Blogger Tiggerlane said…

    pocketpunk and I must be sharing a doppleganger moment.

    3 days ago, I couldn't resist prodding the chin-thing (zit?), and a small amount of blood was expelled.

    And a great deal of relief ensued.

  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger gemmak said…

    A week ago...tooth extraction :o/


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