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At 8:59 AM,
Sublime said…
I couldn't find a picture of my favorite Holly Hobbie sheets, so just a pic of her will have to do. Come to think of it, my Mother might have made those sheets from a pattern at the fabric store.
Also, I was always jealous of my brother's cool Star Wars sheets!
At 12:07 PM,
danielle said…
i had a set of semi-flannel penguin sheets that were at my dad's house. i loved them and fought him when they had to be washed and i had to sleep on different sheets.
At 12:10 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I had this great set of brightly colored animals prints in a patchwork pattern. Orange, pink, green, yellow. Very 70's, but I loved those things. They matched my yellow and white dressers.
Wow, I haven't thought of those in years! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
At 12:15 PM,
Rebecca said…
hahha, funny - they were a patchwork looking style of sheets. I think they were really big in the 70s, because on some of the shows on television, you'd see they were using them too! They came in both a blue or brown tone.
At 2:24 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
I had a beautiful Chinese print with black thread forming the hair of the people depicted on the print. It also had pegodas. I've kept it all these years, even though it's a bit tattered, just because I loved it so.
At 2:31 PM,
timothy said…
My sister had the Holly Hobby sheets, pillows and canopy bed. She thought she was the epitome of cool.
My favorites were my Charlie Brown sheets. There were two sets, one with a wild west motif, and one for space exploration. It had all these different little scenes all over them of the characters doing different things.
It wasn't until college that I finally got my vintage Star Wars sheets from a second hand store. I would still use them, but the twins sheets just won't fit on my queen bed.
At 2:40 PM,
*** said…
Oh wow, I totally forgot all about Holly Hobby! I think the only ones I could actually remember were my Strawberry Shortcake ones. And my grandma made me this cool strawberry quilt to match that I still have to this day. It's on my sons bed now...he wanted it.
At 6:56 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Stink, I'm envious of my kids. I never had "cool" sheets as a kid; they were all just typical, boring sheets. My daughter has Tinkerbell sheets, while my 6-year-old son has Speed McQueen ("Cars") on his bed.
At 12:54 AM,
Audi said…
I can say I was never really attached to a certain set of sheet. I just love it when they are fresh out of the dryer and all warm and toasty. They are even better when you can still smell the laundry soap and fabric sofener.
At 3:27 AM,
Fletch said…
Ummm... Ummm... No Idea... At a guess I'd say the ones that didn't stain easily ;o)
Ciao Ciao
At 9:09 AM,
Unknown said…
They had big lions all over them. Yah always feel safer when you are sleeping in the middle of a bunch of lions...or...something. :)
At 1:38 PM,
Brown Shoes said…
I didn't have cool sheets as a kid, but when I was in college, i found a set of Peter Max sheets, and have them still - sooooo outta sight, man.
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