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At 9:07 AM,
Sublime said…
I had an imaginary friend, but it was a squirrel! My Dad use to pick me up from day care every day and we would drive past a window replacement shop that had a squirrel as part of their logo. I thought the picture was adorable and use to pretend the squirrel would jump into the car with us each time we went by. We had a special spot on the floorboard of the car where I would pretend it would curl up and sleep. I use to make my Dad even "pet" it's head. Of course, he did every time!
At 12:02 PM,
danielle said…
my imaginary friend was a mouse. named "mousey." i carried him around in an empty wooden cheese box. with things like cotton, washcloths, and doll house items to make it his "home." only i could talk to him, and only through a stethoscope from my toy dr. kit.
at some point i found a small bean-filled mouse that became the physical representation of "mousey." but it wasn't the same...
At 12:11 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
Not unless you count my ragdoll, Keri, who was as alive to me as my real friends. We had hours of conversation and fun!
At 2:35 PM,
Fletch said…
Nope... Not unless constant internal dialogue with yourself counts... ? ;O)
Kool Picture Sublime... Really like that one... :o)
Ciao Ciao
At 4:24 PM,
Pixie said…
Nope, I never needed one. I am a twin. :)
At 7:46 PM,
Rebecca said…
No, I didn' least I don't remember having one.
At 9:45 PM,
Connie in FL said…
No, but my youngest daughter had one with multiple personalities!
"Mean Nancy and Nice Nancy." Her house had burned down so she had to live with us! It was quite imaginative... and sometimes scary.
At 8:52 AM,
Asaph's Table said…
Actually, no, but when my friends weren't available, I'd imagine we'd all be doing stuff together...
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