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At 10:15 AM,
Fletch said…
Sh*t... Thanks for reminding me, I'm due another eye test.... :o)
Glasses... Got a stigmatism...
(Does that invlove nails? ;o) )
Ciao Caio
At 10:17 AM,
Unknown said…
Ages and ages ago back in maybe middle school when they did checks regularly. I have excelent eyesight and pretty darn good night vision too.
At 3:10 PM,
Rebecca said…
a few months ago... I have okay vision but need contacts... :)
At 3:21 PM,
danielle said…
right before i graduated from college- about a year and a half ago. i had a small problem, but nothing that required glasses or contacts. i was warned that i'll probably need reading glasses as i get older.
At 4:05 PM,
Pixie said…
That's a cool picture. I get my eyes checked every year and love my glasses. I have a red pair, a plaid pair, a purple's a fun way to express myself.
At 4:18 PM,
nancy =) said…
i've worn glasses since i was 10 years old and contacts since i was 16...i get my eyes examined every other year...i'm of the age now where i need magnifying reading glasses, and i buy cheapo ones and stash them all over the had some really cool ones for just a buck and i stocked up royally...
At 7:49 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I love that picture, even tho it creeps me out!
I had an exam last summer and got new lenses in my two pairs of glasses. I've worn glasses since the 9th grade, all the time since my senior year.
I wore contacts for awhile, but I have a vertical imbalance now (one eye sees slightly higher than the other) and they can't put the corrective prism in contacts. So it's googly goggles for me.
Sometimes it's inconvenient, but my glasses seem part of me now :)
At 9:55 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Last year...I wear glasses. Cursed. Can't wear contacts because my stupid astigmatisms are too severe so contacts are really uncomfortable. Taking donations for LASIK. Thank you.
At 11:40 PM,
Connie in FL said…
My first glasses were in second grade.... by grade five I was wearing them all the time (1959)....My first "hard" contacts were at age 21 (1970) ... muddled through those until I had to get "mono-lenses" (one close up/one far away.) That lasted until two years ago when I gave up the contacts all together... now I'm an old fart with "progressive lens" ... rimless glasses which cost a fortune. Just glad I can see, thanks.
At 3:53 AM,
Audi said…
Had a check up earlier this year. Just need glasses for reading and computer work. Though I really never use them.
At 11:54 AM,
Tiggerlane said…
Haven't had a check up in two years, but I need ONE contact. I have 20/400 vision in one eye.
Fortunately, I see so well without the contact, that I rarely use it.
I have glasses, but never wear them.
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