Two Hundred and Twenty Ninth Question
Thanks to Coal Miner's Daughter for submitting
today's Big Question....
today's Big Question....

The cake, the frosting, or the ice-cream on the side?
What kind of cake is your favorite?
Question yourself. Post your own answer. Give to receive.
At 11:54 AM,
danielle said…
it's all in the frosting. i like a 1/3 cake, 2/3 icing ratio. i am the person who wants the corner piece. but only if it's good icing...not that crap stuff from the grocery store that tastes like cream. i want the sugar loaded stuff that makes your tummy ache. oh, and i'll tackle anybody to be the person who licks the candles...
At 11:55 AM,
danielle said…
oops, missed the 2nd part: i don't really like the cake part that much, so flavor is not that important. but if i had to pick, white cake with rasberry filling.
At 12:11 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I like a nice balance of cake and icing. I'm not a big cake person in general, but my favorite is my mom's spice cake with white frosting. She makes one for me every year on my birthday!
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
mmm...the frosting on the edge that's always left behind on the tray when you pick up a piece...that's the good stuff...
damielle- them's fightin words...get off my candles!
At 12:16 PM,
House of Suz said…
My favorite cake is a Pennsylvania Dutch Funny Cake because it's in a pie crust. I like pie better than cake, hands down.
At 12:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Those are MY candles and I'm not sharing!!
I love the corner piece with the frosting piled up .. preferably white cake, white frosting, the really sweet buttercream kind.
And just for good measure ... I'll swipe that decorative edge of frosting that goes all around the bottom of the cake.
At 1:14 PM,
Gigi said…
Danielle and I could never share a cake....I am totally in her camp......other than make mine CHOCOLATE
At 2:14 PM,
Pixie said…
I love the very middle piece, the perfect mixture of mostly cake but just enough icing. BUT, no store bought icing, it has to be the good stuff. My favorite is lemon cake and vanilla icing. Dang it, I don't think I can wait until July for my bday cake.
At 3:32 PM,
*** said…
I think I like a half ice cream, hald cake bite the best.
At 4:43 PM,
Pittchick said…
Yellow cake with chocolate icing is my favorite. I'm allergic to milk, so I can't have ice cream. I don't like a think coating of icing, just enough.
At 7:58 PM,
Crafty Andy said…
Heavy Double Chocolate Cake, the cake is the delicious part.
At 8:13 PM,
SassyFemme said…
The making a wish and blowing out the candles part. Beyond that, it's the frosting. Prefer to have marble cake with white frosting, and vanilla ice cream.
At 8:19 PM,
Heidi said…
Ohhhhh I have too many favs..And more to choose from on Friday ;)
At 8:19 PM,
Unknown said…
I like one bite mostly frosting and the next mostly cake though I usually try to end with mostly frosting. Oh and you can have my candles. Type of cake? My mom makes a stellar red chocolate cake and it has been my favorite since I was a kid.
At 12:02 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
The cake/icing combo. Ice cream is a whole other thing and I don't like the two combined...I love spice cake with that white tub frosting with about a zillion calories a teaspoon? yeah, that's the stuff...
At 12:10 AM,
danielle said…
after reading all the posts, i have a question: does anybody else buy the tubs of icing and eat them by the cake?
At 3:20 AM,
alan said…
My wife's "family recipe" mayonnaise cake is my favorite, though the last few years I've been making myself pineapple upside down ones to keep her from having to make one because she's usually working and I get the whole week of my birthday off every year (our plant shuts down from Christmas through New Years and I'm in between).
At 3:35 AM,
Brown Shoes said…
I don't really like cake.
Gingerbread with lemon sauce
or Key lime pie would be my choice.
At 10:47 AM,
Fletch said…
Cake... who said cake...:o)
Ummm... All of it :o) Especially my Mums fruit cake (Hey, she cant cook for toffee, but she sure can bake :o) )
Ciao Caio
At 1:01 PM,
Shannon said…
Frosting for me. I always try to get the corner just so I can get more frosting. Carrot cake, black forest cake, and german chocolate are my favorite.
At 1:12 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
danielle, I've never eaten tubs of frosting on their own, but my mom always put the extra left over after frosting the cake between graham crackers for a snack!
At 12:03 AM,
Unknown said…
If I am gonna just have frosting, I make it but yeah...there are times when it just needs to be done.
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