I used to read TIME but then switched to Newsweek and then switched to the Nation. Now I don't read news magazines - I do read Marie Claire because they always do interesting stories on women's conditions in other parts of the world (sandwiched nicely amongst fashion advice!). For news I go to the internet and read the LA and NY Times...
I regularly read Oprah (for inspiration and life issues) and Better Homes & Gardens. I just started getting Cooking Light. If I haven't cooked more than one thing a month out of it for a year, I will cancel it. I have a tendency to be a magazine junkie and buy way more than I'll ever have time to read.
i subscribe to a slew of stuff...utne, the nation, the sun (which is my fav)among others...i also subscribe to better homes and gardens for inspiration...and being the middle aged woman that i am o comes to my mailbox as well...
and for years i subscribed to people...in addition to the usual celebrity crap, it also had some awesome stories on ordinary people...but in the last few years it turned to crap and i let it go...i still read it if it's laying around the dr.'s office, tho...
I'm not much of a "ziner." There's only 2 mags I read regularly, and enjoy them greatly: Bass Player and The Hockey News. From time to time I'll peruse a US News and World Report...
This last year I've been reading way too many health and fitness ones; when I need a break it's "Alaska", "Russian Life", "Digital Photo Pro" "Bike" or "Dirt Rag".
I used to read the "New Yorker" when I "worked the line" and could read one in an evening; now I can't keep up with them and finally had to give up my subscription because I felt guilty about not getting through them...
Okay, this might be terrible to admit, but I love Shape magazine. I always have good intentions when I tear out those pages with the "Get your bikini abs in just three short weeks!"
Right now the only magazine that I subscribe to is Business Week. I usually get most of my info off the internet now. So I only go out and buy something if Madonna is on the cover. Those are my favorite ones. :)
Since we bought the house last year, I get this one mag which is totally fantastic.. From Brit, named Living, Etc. It's the best decorating mag I've seen so far. I get it whenever I see it. Other than that, nothing.
At 10:47 AM,
Sublime said…
Technically I am a magazine junkie, but my fav has probably got to be the Utne Reader.
At 12:18 PM,
danielle said…
TIME...but i did recently come across REAL SIMPLE and was facinated by most of the articles in there.
At 12:33 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I used to read TIME but then switched to Newsweek and then switched to the Nation. Now I don't read news magazines - I do read Marie Claire because they always do interesting stories on women's conditions in other parts of the world (sandwiched nicely amongst fashion advice!). For news I go to the internet and read the LA and NY Times...
At 1:32 PM,
Zoe said…
I love several, Dwell, Ready Made, and Natural Home & Garden. I do enjoy Utne too.
At 1:33 PM,
Gigi said…
People....I am serious, I love that magazine and in a pinch US will do....
I know I know I am banned...
At 1:48 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I regularly read Oprah (for inspiration and life issues) and Better Homes & Gardens. I just started getting Cooking Light. If I haven't cooked more than one thing a month out of it for a year, I will cancel it. I have a tendency to be a magazine junkie and buy way more than I'll ever have time to read.
At 1:52 PM,
nancy =) said…
i subscribe to a slew of stuff...utne, the nation, the sun (which is my fav)among others...i also subscribe to better homes and gardens for inspiration...and being the middle aged woman that i am o comes to my mailbox as well...
and for years i subscribed to people...in addition to the usual celebrity crap, it also had some awesome stories on ordinary people...but in the last few years it turned to crap and i let it go...i still read it if it's laying around the dr.'s office, tho...
At 5:16 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I'm not much of a "ziner." There's only 2 mags I read regularly, and enjoy them greatly: Bass Player and The Hockey News. From time to time I'll peruse a US News and World Report...
At 5:51 PM,
Sphinx said…
The Economist and Scientific American
At 3:54 AM,
alan said…
This last year I've been reading way too many health and fitness ones; when I need a break it's "Alaska", "Russian Life", "Digital Photo Pro" "Bike" or "Dirt Rag".
I used to read the "New Yorker" when I "worked the line" and could read one in an evening; now I can't keep up with them and finally had to give up my subscription because I felt guilty about not getting through them...
At 9:28 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Oh I adore magazines! My current favorites are Curve, Oprah, and People.
At 10:05 PM,
Dr. Deb said…
Discover Magazine.
At 11:03 PM,
*** said…
Okay, this might be terrible to admit, but I love Shape magazine. I always have good intentions when I tear out those pages with the "Get your bikini abs in just three short weeks!"
At 9:55 PM,
JessicaLynn said…
I used to have millions of favorite magazines. Now I'm kind of gotten past that addiction but Women's Health could maybe be considered a favorite.
At 1:11 PM,
Blogzie said…
I'm a magazine slut.
I subscribe to everything.
My favorites are 'The Week' and 'Vanity Fair'.
At 6:24 PM,
AKH said…
Right now the only magazine that I subscribe to is Business Week. I usually get most of my info off the internet now. So I only go out and buy something if Madonna is on the cover. Those are my favorite ones. :)
At 10:29 AM,
Robert said…
Since we bought the house last year, I get this one mag which is totally fantastic.. From Brit, named Living, Etc. It's the best decorating mag I've seen so far. I get it whenever I see it. Other than that, nothing.
At 11:42 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
Cosmo, First and People
At 1:48 PM,
Kaycee said…
This isn't very Feminist of me but Playboy. I love it
At 7:35 PM,
House of Suz said…
Vanity Fair, cover to cover.
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