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At 10:17 AM,
Robert said…
OMG Sublime, MUST you ask this question? :-) Currently I'm driving 53 miles each way to work, on one of California's nastiest freeway, the 405. Work hours from 6.30am to 3.30am, and by the time I get home it's about 5.15pm.
At 10:42 AM,
Pittchick said…
I think the longest I ever did was about 15 miles, but it took close to 45 minutes. My commute is only about 15-20 minutes now and around 7 miles.
At 10:52 AM,
nancy =) said…
i used to drive 35 miles one way and it took over an hour one way...had to drive on the nastiest stretch of the nj turnpike everyday...right past where the wtc towers used to be...oy...
At 12:00 PM,
Unbalanced said…
My commute is only about 20 miles. In the morning it takes about 45 minutes to get to work. Not too bad.
At 12:09 PM,
SassyFemme said…
About half an hour to forty-five minutes.
At 12:11 PM,
danielle said…
as far as commuting to work: 15 miles each way...takes anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes depending on weather and the type of people on the road.
but, when i was in high school i commuted 36 miles each way. private school...
At 5:26 PM,
Christina said…
I had to drive about 40 miles from Philadelphia to Princeton and back each day. It made the days so long I eventually had to just suck it up and move out of the city.
But the worst was when I first graduated college -- I had to drive about 40 miles each way to a job I hated. It was second shift, so I finished around midnight, and had to drive 40 miles home on the PA turnpike, all alone and tired as all get out.
At 5:39 PM,
arcane said…
Right now I am driving 50 miles to work and I hate it!!!!
Especially at 3 am
At 10:21 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Although it was only one time, I once had to drive to Savannah, GA from NE PA for a work op. It only took 18 hours!
The longest (regular) commute I ever had was about 25 miles each way. I now live about 8 miles from my work.
At 11:01 PM,
*** said…
I think Robert has me beat hands down. I currently only drive about ten miles one way total between leaving the house, dropping off my son and getting to work. Furthest ever was probably close to thirty miles one way when I lived in Vadnais Heights, MN and worked in another suburb at AT&T. That drive was a bitch!
At 2:25 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
My worst commute was 30 miles each way, from one end of the metro area to the very other end. It would take from 45 minutes to two hours. It was brutal. Books on tape were the only thing that kept me from losing my mind. I eventually got a new job because I couldn't take it anymore.
At 6:23 PM,
AKH said…
I used to drive 36 miles each way. I'll never do that again.
I'd much rather get a job in the city and just take the train in. It is probably around the same distance but at least you don't have to deal with road rage and get caught up on reading during the commute. :)
At 1:48 PM,
Kaycee said…
3 hours round trip.
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