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At 2:10 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I've tried to figure this out for awhile now. I asked a friend of mine, an otherwise very intelligent Democrat what her reason was for wanting to ban gay marriage. She's religious too, by the way. She had a simple answer: God defines marriage as between a man and a woman, period. She had no problem with homosexuals having civil unions and having all the same rights, but she just didn't want to call it "marriage" or have it sanctioned by God in a church.
I didn't argue with her. Half the fun of living on this planet, for me, is to hear people's opinions and purposely not argue with them. Let them think what they want to think - I won't be the one to change their minds or get into a screaming match. I do think she's wrong. I think marriage was created by man and should adapt.
I don't think anyone should interpret God's laws for anyone else and force them to live according to their interpretation. I think it's the deepest form of oppression and it's been used to justify so many wrongs for so long. People fear what they don't understand and it's easy for them, I think, to get caught up in what their family and friends are saying/spouting, and to not think it out for themselves (if they even have the brain cells to think anything out for themselves, that is).
At 2:49 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
At 3:46 PM,
Unknown said…
I agree with "mini driver wannabe". I have no problems with anyone. I'm Latina, my step mother is black and has been with my father for 25 years+. I have dated all races. I have had great friends that were gay male and female. I have no prejudice so I practice no negative judgement.
At 8:25 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Fear of anything different. Losing the ability to oppress those which are perceived as different.
At 10:14 PM,
*** said…
You know, I really feel it's either religion (I am leaning heavily towards this one because of some Christians I have heard the opinion of) or political. None of it really makes any sense. To each his own. Live and let live. There are a lot worse things going on out there.
At 10:32 PM,
Margaret said…
yup...i think ignorance...and the fear of things/people that are different...
and really...i am confused about the whole marriage being defined between men and women...cause it just doesnt seem to mean a whole lot to some of them, ya know? so whats the point in pushing that definition?
At 11:44 PM,
Connie in FL said…
I agree with ignorance. None of the other choices make sense to me.
At 12:08 AM,
nancy =) said…
religion, politics, and ethics are just masks for the real issues: fear due to lack of understanding and ignorance...imho =)...
At 5:14 AM,
alan said…
Ignorance, intentional or otherwise!
At 11:41 AM,
whispers said…
i think the "marriage" part should be a church thing. and to each church their own choice.
i think the civil union should be required for all who want the govt. sanction on their relationship. govt sanction includes all benefits, all legal rights and str8 or gay should have to apply for this.
At 12:47 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I agree with Cris. Have everyone - gay or straight - have a legally binding, governement recognized civil union. Then the religious people can add on "marriage" at the church of their choice.
I think the biggest reasons people want to ban gay marriage is ignorance, or even more so fear of anything they can't control.
At 12:53 PM,
Unbalanced said…
I think it's fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of something different.
I keep an open mind about all manner of things. If one day, I feel compelled to marry my girlfriend, I believe that should be MY choice and MY girlfriend's. No one else's.
At 10:06 PM,
AKH said…
I think it is purely religious, which is why I don't even understand why we are having this debate in this country. We have a separation of church and state.
So gay marriage should be legal and if all the churches want to ban together and refuse to marry gay couples, let them. They can still get married at the justice of the peace and have all the rights of straight couples. I say keep the law and religion separate.
At 1:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Their religious dogma says that you cannot have sex until you're married, and sex is just for procreation. Gay marriage is a mockery of their beliefs, therefore they'll do anything to stop it. Gay marriage is kind of like the angels walking through the gate in the movie "Dogma", giving in to gay marriage is like proving god wrong and undoing all of creation.
At 2:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree 100% with akh. It is purely a religion thing. The church shouldn't have to marry gay couples if they don't want to because in the Bible it says that gay relationships are wrong. But gay couples should be able to be married by a judge or something like that and have the same rights as a straight couple.
These are the views of a 17 year old bisexual male.
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