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At 12:56 PM,
danielle said…
this is a tough one. i wish there was a high-quality "we sell everything" store. if i narrow it down to clothing stores, i say H&M. i've never been there, but everyone i know swears it's the best store to build your wardrobe from. and my closet is in dire need for a rehaul.
but if we're talking home furnishings, which i also would like new of, i think it would have to be restoration hardware.
At 3:16 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Danielle, it's true about H&M - and they're finally opening one in LA this spring! Whoo-hoo! CAN'T WAIT!
Okay, to answer the question...right now I want clothes and shoes, so I'm thinking probably Macy's, Bloomingdales, or Nordstrom since the selection is so good...but now that I think about it, new electronics would be wonderful - so possibly Best Buy.
At 4:45 PM,
AKH said… I could get all the books, DVDs, CDs, and electronics I ever dreamed.
We have a H&M in Chicago. It is funny because I saw them all over the place in Germany. It was the best place to get decent clothes at a cheap price. Which is hard to find since they are selling Levi's for close to 100 Euros
At 5:38 PM,
nancy =) said…
macy's, cuz they have it all -- clothes, shoes, furniture, electronics, kitchen gadgets, whatEVAH!!
At 9:39 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Best Buy!
Believe it or not, a close second would be Walmart, since you can get EVERYTHING there.
At 3:57 AM,
alan said…
If the GMC or Chevy dealer counts, I'd be there; if not I have an Amazon list that's huge...
At 8:29 AM,
Zoe said…
Restoration Hardware, not a doubt about it.
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