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At 11:32 AM,
nancy =) said…
in all my years in various relationships, i am not aware that any of my mates ever cheated on me, and i have never cheated on them...there was potential for one of my partners to cheat, and i made sure as best i could that he stayed away from that person...but who knows...
my hubby and i have been together 23 years...we never cheated...we were separated for a period where we both saw other people, but never when our relationship was "on"...luckily i chose an honest and loyal partner...
At 12:40 PM,
Connie in FL said…
The other woman's husband told me.
Divorced the son of a bitch.
At 12:42 PM,
danielle said…
i have not been cheated on in a relationship physically, but i suspect somebody i was with found emotional support elsewhere toward the end of our relationship. part of me doesn't blame him - it was a tough time for him.
i have cheated on somebody, but not in the "i went to a motel with them" sense. i was a freshman in college and began spending significant amounts of time with somebody other than my boyfriend (who went to a different school). i got caught - and it was the worst feeling ever.
At 2:35 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I've only been in one really serious relationship - the only one I would have cared about re cheating. I never did and he never did. I don't know how I know he never did, but I just do.
At 10:16 AM,
Robert said…
Oh yeah, the guy I was with asked to borrow my camera, etc. to head up to San Francisco at the time, to take pictures with the guy that he's 'friends' with... and later on showed me the pictures!
Nice! Tho he was my first, I didn't know any better!
At 11:08 AM,
*** said…
Well of course. It's done when there's cheating.
At 12:44 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
My ex-husband bragged about it when we separated and said I deserved it. I divorced him even faster!
At 12:55 PM,
Unbalanced said…
Yes, I have. Caught him. Left him.
At 5:40 PM,
arcane said…
I once caught my then best friend and my then girlfriend together on our living room floor after I had gone to sleep. I actually caught them in the act and took my friends clothes, keys, cell phone and everything and tossed it out in the yard and then made her leave and I made the g/f move out the next day. I haven't heard from either of them since....
At 8:28 AM,
DayDreamer said…
An ex of mine cheated on me and a friend told me in a round about way, as they were trying to convince me to go out with someone else. I ended it with the ex, but caved in a few months later and we got back together.
It was a mistake. I never forgot or forgave and ended up cheating on him. I'm not a big enough person to forget/forgive a hurt so deep.
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