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At 4:28 PM,
*** said…
Hmm, a roommate? I guess it wasn't necessarily a roommate, but rather a romantic relationship that moved to the next level. Very difficult adjustment. Get along? Yes and no...move out worked best in the end for working out differences.
Was it just me? I'll be interested to read others responses to this one.
At 4:41 PM,
Pittchick said…
I lived with roommates in college. I don't really have any awful roommate stories. We all got along pretty well. It was a bigger adjustment for me when I moved in with my fiance.
I must say that I lived by myself for a while after I graduated and that was the best!
At 5:14 PM,
danielle said…
i lived with a roommate (in the same room) my freshman year of college. it was what one expects your first roommate experience to be – walking in on her with her boyfriend, fighting over the bathroom, arguing because we shared too small of a space. then my junior year i moved into an on-campus 2 bedroom apartment with my "big" in my sorority. it was only for a semester, but let's just put it this way: it was a good thing she graduated a semester early. it wasn't me that caused the "issues," and i have people who will back me up on that, it was more her lack of stability and other life problems that factored in.
the friend who moved into the same apartment after her was the best roommate i've ever had. we both were okay with dishes piling up in the sink until a point where we would then spend 4 hours cleaning the whole place. plus, she enjoyed rearranging furniture as much as i do!
i then had another roommate for the 3 months between graduation and my move to california. she is my best friend and we had a BLAST living together. i was sad to see it end :(
and now, i am in serious discussion with the significant other about moving in together this summer. i'll get back to you on how that goes...but i have no doubt it will be great :)
At 5:54 PM,
Robert said…
About 10 years ago... a straight couple, well she was my college-mate and he was my cousin... I worked nights and they worked days... no static there whatsoever!
We had the perfect separation. haha!
At 8:34 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Only in college. Three were horrid. I had psycho chick for a few weeks, she moved to another dorm and I ended up with the school slut. Oh my, the things I learned! After she got kicked out of the dorm I had a nice normal one.
At 10:09 PM,
AKH said…
I only had roommates in college. Well the first half of my freshman year I had a roommate, but we didn't get along and them my parents got me a single room and I just had a suitemate (we shared a bathroom and kitchenette).
It was hard in college because all of a sudden you are living with strangers. At first we got along, but then our differences started to shine through.
I guess the best thing to do is to not let the tension go too far. You need to talk with the person before you get ready to explode.
I personally don't ever want a roommate again. The next time I live with someone, it will be because I have a ring on my finger. :)
At 11:20 PM,
nancy =) said…
growing up i shared a room with my 2 sisters...which wasn't easy...i've lived with boyfriends since i was 18...i have lived with my husband since i was 22 or 23...i've actually never lived roomate from hell stories here, tho...
At 3:59 AM,
alan said…
Barracks mates then shipmates in the service, followed by housemates after...only the "normal" things really where the housemates are concerned, usually followed by someone moving out...
At 11:58 AM,
Unbalanced said…
Once... my best friend. For the most part it was great. There was only one instance of her going thru the pantry and putting our names on the items we had purchased. Somehow years later I still had a box of spagetti noodles with my name on it. Hmmm... we've both grown up since then.
At 10:18 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Never had a roommate 'til college. Got "paired up" with a guy why had lost his sight 3 years earlier in a car accident. Man, did I ever learn so much from him about life, determination and attitude!
The only hard part was that at the time, he was an early riser and I was a bit of a night owl, so it made classwork (w/o disturbing each other) quite difficult, but that was it.
He taught me how to get around blind, and I taught him how to drive my car. Yeah, that's right! He drove my car around campus with me giving him directions in the passenger seat. He even rolled down the window and stuck his cane out for visual effect with everybody else. We were the talk of the campus for the next week.
At 2:49 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I was an only child, so my first roommate situation was in college. The first roommate went goth, started smoking and got a skanky boyfriend between the time we signed up and actually moved in. She didn't go back to school in Sept, so she had to move out. The second one was a DREAM! She was quiet, clean and went home every weekend. The first time I shared a room with someone was when I get married. I've lived with two other boyfriends so far and I'm keeping this last one!
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