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At 3:10 PM,
alan said…
I was in the 8th grade, Mom and Dad had both left me completely in the dark on the subject. Something was said in a band practice that completely sailed by me and everyone else got it, so I asked a trombone player who was a freshman about it. He said ask my parents...I said they won't talk about it, and he felt sorry for me and explained things as simply as he could.
Years later, after we had moved back here and had two little boys my wife tried to get me to ask Dad if he thought I was old enough for "the talk" yet...I never did.
At 3:50 PM,
Clandestine said…
when i was probably around 10 or so, a girl down the street from me told me she walked in on her parents "trying to get pregnant," and explained to me in graphic detail what was where...i thought it was absolutely ridiculous, so (get this) i went home and told my mom about this stupid thing this girl told me. my poor mother then had to try to convince me it was true. i, of course, pretended that i just told the story wrong...
that is the extent of any 'talk' i ever had, and that was and still is FINE with me!
we had sex ed in school in 6th grade, so it wasn't long before i learned far more.
At 4:07 PM,
danielle said…
"the talk" came at about age 7 or 8 when my mom and her 2nd husband started trying to have a baby. it was not the typical talk most kids have though, since my step-father was a OBGYN. it was very medically in depth and included a book with pull tabs that made the sperm move into the egg.
buti don't really consider myself fully learned in the subject until 6th grade, when i was "socially introduced" to sex during lunch - it was the thing to talk about at that age.
At 5:29 PM,
nancy =) said…
i was in 2nd grade -- how old are you then, 7? 8?...anyway i learned from other kids on the playground as a kid and then as i grew up i learned more on the street...never formally had "the talk", it was all what i picked up on my own...
At 8:27 PM,
Margaret said…
dont know when exactly i learned about it...but no, i never had the talk...
now, i talk about it all the time with my kids...i want them to leave my home with more knowledge than i did...they deserve it...
At 8:57 PM,
SassyFemme said…
I think I was about 8, the kids of one of my mom's best friends told me. If I recall, it grossed me out at the time. Never had "the talk" with my parents, we had a very in-depth class in 7th grade on it, and my mom mentioned something about the class once, and it was just never talked about.
At 9:44 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I lived in a pretty sheltered home, and I think my parents were too naive, or too fearful, to have "the talk" with me. I pretty much learned from my friends and peers. ...Which maybe was just as well. No awkward, red-faced emotional trauma was involved.
At 9:33 AM,
Pittchick said…
My dad talked about it constantly with me. Even when I thought it was gross and I was gonna wait until I was married.
I think in the 5th grade we got a talk at school, too. I went to Catholic school from preschool-12th grade, so I know I didn't get all the facts there.
My dad was way more upfront about it than my mom was, but looking back I think it was probably a good thing. I always felt I could ask him about anything or talk to him about it, so when I did finally decide to do it ( Iwasn't married) I was prepared and never got into any kind of trouble.
At 2:45 PM,
*** said…
Elementary school, I believe it was fourth or fifth grade. We had to have a permission slip to participate in Sex Ed. So I guess I would have been around ten years old? Oh my gosh, ten years old! My son will be nine in two months! Other than school, neither parent really talked to me about it. I guess they figured school had done the trick.
At 2:49 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
My babysitter watched porn while I was at her house when I was about 7 or 8, so that was my introduction to the mechanics of it. We had the class in elementary school, but that was more medically based. My mom never had "the talk" with me and still won't talk about it.
At 12:24 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
My neighbor next door, Michael, was about two years older than I was. I was about 5. That song by Olivia Newton John, you know, "let's get physical! physical! I want to get physicaaaaal, let me hear your body talk" was really popular. Anyway, one afternoon, Michael and I were out on the front porch of his house, and he said, "You know what that means, right? Getting physical?" and of course I said, "huh?" and he told me. Then I told my mother and after that, time spent with Michael was much more closely supervised...I found out later that his dad had left him and his mother and his mother had lots of strange men over all the time. Poor Michael...wonder how he turned out?
At 6:31 PM,
AKH said…
I was in elementary school and a girl was talking about her older sister "bleeding". I was like that can't be true and I asked my mom about it. Then she came out with this book and we had "the talk".
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