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At 10:55 AM,
Sublime said…
Hard to narrow down! I seem to know so many annoying people
The person at the top of my list probably goes to the world's most annoying woman - luckily for you (unfortunately for me), she works in MY office, not yours. One of those people that no matter what they say, how they look or what they are doing - it's simply annoying.
Here's to having less annoyance for the rest of my day! *Cheers*
At 1:37 PM,
alan said…
I have a few of those at work, but I bite my tongue and cringe and let them upset my stomach rather than saying anything for fear it's me that's the problem, though deep down I know better...
The ones that truly annoy me are ones that hate, whether through ignorance or intolerance, and find ways to lead others to do the same!
At 2:08 PM,
Topher said…
It would have to be people who finds the negative about anything.
At 2:26 PM,
Robert said…
Really loud and obnoxious peeps!
At 3:02 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
My co-worker that sits about 10 feet away. She talks too loud, butts in on everyone's conversations, cries when someone points out a mistake (which are many) and is the biggest drama queen I've ever met.
I agree with the comment about people who hate, but they infuriate me more than they annoy me!
At 4:16 PM,
Unknown said…
Everyone including myself.
At 10:01 PM,
nancy =) said…
my family of origin...i've learned to handle my parents but my sibs are just wacked...i simply avoid them...
At 1:59 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Specifically: REGIS PHILBIN, the biggest ego-maniac in the US! Also high on the list are Oprah and Dr. Phil. (My wife's choice: American Idol's Simon Cowell.)
Generally: people who claim to be one thing and are obviously the complete opposite. The people I admire the most are those who are brutally honest with themselves... Transparency is a great quality that too few possess...
At 3:35 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Insincere, fake, and shallow people annoy me to no end. Especially when they must speak.
At 8:40 PM,
SassyFemme said…
My wife when she's all cranky! My sister when she doesn't return phone calls.
At 10:00 PM,
Blogzie said…
People that find Regis annoying just annoy the hell out of me.
Oh and religious fanatics too.
At 10:56 PM,
*** said…
Hey, do you live in Colorado? Cause I think we work in the same office.
But really, I think people that tell me what to do bother me. Even if it they happen to be correct, let me figure it out on my own! Not speaking of work, of course. If I did it wrong, do tell. But if it relates to my personal life, find a better way of presenting your case.
At 7:51 PM,
Zoe said…
Out of control children, and religious zealots.
At 8:02 PM,
Dr. Deb said…
Insensitivity and bigotry.
At 9:25 PM,
Pirate said…
conformists that march around pretending their ideology is unique. i.e. anarchists.
At 1:44 PM,
Kaycee said…
My immediate Co-worker. We work in a 4x4 office and she listens to gospel music all day, make LONG personal phone calls where she talks shit about everyone and constantly says, "uh-hummmm". She also has not couth and cannot be polite and courteous to anyone who does not benefit her. It is very irritaing and has caused me to look for a new job.
At 5:07 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I have to add hypocrites of all kinds. Don't tell me you want a stable, fulfilling relationship and then do everything in your (unconscious) power to sabotage a great thing. Well, OK, that was for one hypocrite in particlar. But they all annoy me.
At 6:27 PM,
AKH said…
Really just about everybody can annoy me at one time or another. If I can't avoid them, I usually just let them talk and don't try to engage in a conversation. Best to let them say what they have to say and then just move on.
At 7:52 PM,
House of Suz said…
"Clownface", a chick here at work. She's 23 and an expert on EVERYTHING. I'm old enough to be her mother and if I were give her the back of my hand.
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