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At 11:51 AM,
Sublime said…
Sadly enough, yes, it was Huey Lewis & The
At 12:04 PM,
nancy =) said…
grateful dead roosevelt stadium jersey city nj 1976...they opened with
At 12:19 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I can't believe I'm admitting was Rick Astley. But we really went to see the opening act. It was Martika, who we loved from her days on Kids Incorporated.The only other "big" concert I ever went to was Michael Bolton. Yeah, I'm a goober! I have much better taste in music now, I swear!
At 12:44 PM,
Unbalanced said…
NKTOB!!! Wow, that was a long time ago.
At 12:59 PM,
danielle said…
live. i went with my boyfriend at the time...and my dad. how cool was that?
At 1:09 PM,
Blogzie said…
Jethro Tull with opening act Led Zeppelin.
It was 1971, I think...
At 1:21 PM,
Chicken said…
Fugazi in Eugene, Oregon at WOW hall. I was 15 and it still ranks as one of the best shows I've ever seen.
At 2:52 PM,
Sublime said…
Blogzie - You're my hero! Led Zepplin opening for Jethro Tull? Who would have ever guessed that would happen? LOL
*LOL* freemind_sprite... I think Rick Astley MIGHT possibly be worse than Huey Lewis & The News. But, my second concert was Wham! and then Paul Young - both of them were every pre-pubescent girl's dream back in those days.
At 3:07 PM,
Clandestine said…
At 3:41 PM,
*** said…
I believe it was Prince with Sheila E opening. I lived in suburban Minneapolis, so that was a given. It was probably the majority first concert musicians for anyone in that area.
At 5:06 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Way back when I was a lad, (pre-teen) my family and I went to a city about 50 miles from our home to see the Christian band "Second Chapter of Acts." At the time, they were at the cutting edge of "Christian pop," today they'd be considered "inspirational/easy listening." That was over 25 years ago... Oy ve!
At 5:08 PM,
Gigi said…
STYX w/ the Doobies.....Des Moines Iowa 1974....
At 6:28 PM,
AKH said…
An Alanis Morissette concert. It was a great concert and Garbage opened for her too.
At 7:31 PM,
SassyFemme said…
UB40 at Fordham University in the mid-80's.
At 8:48 PM,
arcane said…
REO Speedwagon and it was the best! Oh and Billy Squier opened up for them.
At 11:40 PM,
Connie in FL said…
The Beach Boys in Cleveland and Akron I think in '66 or '67.
One of my first cousins (not RQM) was their sound engineer at the time. The first night my sister and I watched from back stage. During the intermission we were introduced. Night two we watched with my cousin from the orchestra pit. My parents accompanied them to their jet the next day.
None of our friends believed our stories but I have the autographed albums and pictures (somewhere) to prove it!
At 3:54 AM,
alan said…
Bill Chase played an assembly at our high school, and the Ozark Mountain Daredevils played one. As far as going to one, a girlfriend took me to the Beach Boys at Royals Stadium in KC when I was home on leave in '73 or '74, and I saw Arlo Guthrie live at the San Diego Civic Center in '74; I can't remember which came first (blush)...
At 8:50 AM,
Sphinx said…
At 9:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
CHICAGO with Peter Cetera, it started 2 hours late because of weather. Everyone drank until the show started - I don't remember if it was good or bad.
At 11:28 AM,
Zoe said…
Pint Floyd, I was 16.
At 12:01 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I definitely think Rick Astley was worse than Huey Lewis. I still like Huey Lewis and I can only remember one (bad) song of Rick's!
At 10:31 AM,
Robert said…
I believe it was the Go-Go's back in 1981?!? Either that or the Cocteau Twins around that time. My memory is fading fast.. hahaha!
At 11:38 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
actually it was New Kids on the Block with my mom and sisters. LOL
At 10:51 PM,
whispers said…
Blood Sweat & Tears, at Summerfest....
and i believe the year was 1970.
At 1:46 PM,
Kaycee said…
NKOTB. New Kids on the Block!!! Its was in Germany. It was awesome!
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