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At 10:10 AM,
Robert said…
Hmm... While my ex was driving my trunk, he said that someone 'stole' it, but actually he sold it for dope $$!
At 12:42 PM,
danielle said…
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At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
i was deceived by one of my close friends regarding her relationship with my ex-boyfriend. what was worse is that she was the person i continually turned to talk about how hard it was for me during/after the break up.
good news...we're on the road to recovery. but that's a slow process.
At 4:01 PM,
alan said…
20 years after my father died of cancer, my mother told me that the middle name I've gone by my whole life was that of the male half of a couple they used to "swing" with, and that he might actually be my father...
I can look at photographs of myself and Dad, or my sons and Dad, and know that she was lying, but deep down there is still that question. I seriously considered changing my name; it actually made me physically ill to hear it for a few days before I "got control of myself". I still have a hard time dealing with her at times...
At 5:07 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
When I was a teen, I was told by my parents that they had my religious best interest in mind, but they ended up trying to dictate the choices regarding faith and church. They eventually tried to drag me into going to a very manipulative, un-fundamental church. By this time, I was old enough, so I moved out on my own.
At 6:15 PM,
nancy =) said…
i have a built-in barometer for bullshit...really, i do...i can always tell when someone is telling a i have been very lucky in that i have avoided the big being lied-to far, anyway =)
At 6:28 PM,
Margaret said…
my parents said "you are our child and we will love you no matter what"...
they lied...
At 11:10 PM,
AKH said…
This president telling us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
At 8:05 AM,
Clandestine said…
i honestly can't think of a time when i've been lied to in any sort of major way...yet, anyway. thank goodness!
At 12:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll never leave you.
as told by my father...
At 12:51 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
"I'll love you no matter what" by my dad. He disowned me for a year and forbid me to speak to my (much younger) siblings because I defied him and wouldn't go to church when he told me to.
My siblings and I are all close now and none of us have a relationship with him. Guess that tactic backfired!
At 3:12 PM,
Ritmeyer said…
I really can't think of any. I feel blessed for that.
At 8:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
the one that Nancy=) told up there.
At 11:20 AM,
whispers said…
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