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At 3:19 PM,
Sublime said…
Most people don't know that I'm actually shy by nature. I come across as outgoing because I force myself to be. I made a conscious effort to overcome my shyness in the last year and I'm very happy that I did!
At 5:37 PM,
timothy said…
I'm more capable than they realize.
But, I guess if you play the fool long enough, it's the only part of you people know.
At 6:41 PM,
AKH said…
I'm more sensitive than most people think because I try to cover it up with humor.
At 10:34 PM,
nancy =) said…
in real life i'm kind of quiet and shy...and i color outside the lines...always...
At 9:53 AM,
Robert said…
That I'm a big girl trapped in this boy's body!? Owait, no!
That I'm just like everyone else, but in a good way.
At 12:33 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
That as outgoing and friendly as I seem to be, most times I would rather be at home being quiet.
At 1:39 PM,
Zoe said…
I am really shy and introverted.
At 9:34 PM,
SassyFemme said…
I'm really shy and insecure, especially when I don't know people.
At 2:03 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
That I know what I am doing and dont need help all the time in living my life.
At 10:40 AM,
me said…
I see dead people.
he he Just kidding.
At 12:28 PM,
Stacy said…
I'm insecure and a hopeless romantic.
At 9:54 AM,
DayDreamer said…
People dont realise that I am actually capable, just cos I chose to be away with the fairies sometimes they assume I'm not all that I am.
Neither do people realise how I worry and fret over everything, to the extent that my anxiety is all but strangling me.
I should probably share the first point with others, but the second...maybe not!
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