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At 3:25 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
When I separated from my rotten ex husband and he was semi-stalking me. I had no idea what he was capable of, especially in an emotionally agitated state. Luckily he has moved on and I am happier than I have ever been. Although if I get an email from him, my stomach instantly knots up (and is a little bit just typing this).
At 6:02 PM,
danielle said…
it's a tie between my bike accident my freshman year of high school and my car accident my sophomore year of high school. both cases left me fearing for my life. thank god for helmets and seatbelts. and great emergency room staff.
At 12:10 AM,
Crafty Andy said…
I will be there when there is no hope, but so far everything has and end, nothing lasts forever.
At 1:39 AM,
nancy =) said…
9/11 scared the bejesus out of me...i saw the towers on fire...
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
The most scared I've ever been was about a week ago. My husband went in for routine surger, and I had never been in this situation before so I was a tiny bit nervous. A friend of ours was actually doing the operation, and he came and got me when the operation was over to come see my husband. I think that he let me see him earlier than most family get to see people coming out of anesthesia. When I went back there he was still totally passed out, and then he started to convulse violently... the nurses had to hold him down. I had no idea that people shake like that coming out of the anesthesia. My initial thought was that he is having a seizure, the anesthesia has affected him and he's going to be brain dead. The surgeon friend reassured me that it was normal, but not before I had been traumatized. I'm better now, but I kept seeing that image in my head for a few days and my heart would beat really hard and I would get sweaty.
At 3:22 PM,
Ritmeyer said…
Unfortunately there have been many. I've been beaten and robbed at knife point and a few more. But looking back the most frighting thing was this night my freshman year in highschool when 2 cars of friends went to this party. I was getting ready to get in my friend's car and realized that I left the extra beer in the house. I said I would be right back and my friend said "Hey, just go with Matt's car and we will go ahead." We got stuff in traffic because there was an accident. We pulled up to the wreck and found out that everyone in the car was dead. It was my friends.
At 7:10 PM,
pawzz said…
I was scuba diving off the coast of Cali...about 45 ft dwn exploring an old wreck. All of a sudden the water around me got colder. I looked up and saw about 45 sharks swimming right above. I checked my tanks for air...intending to just wait them out but I had only 10 mins air left....
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