One Hundred and Third Question
Recently, the USA celebrated Veteran's Day. Have you or anyone in your immediate family ever served in the military? If not, did you (or would you) ever consider joining any of the armed services? Why or why not?
At 3:01 PM,
danielle said…
my grandfather faught in the korean war and he's the only family member that i know of to have served. i personally would never serve in the armed forces for lots of reasons that probably wouldn't fit in your comments area.
At 4:53 PM,
Kaycee said…
I am a proud AF Wife and Daughter. My father served in Vietnam. I am very proud of both of them.
At 6:29 PM,
timothy said…
I think I have an uncle that served in Korea for awhile, but I don't think he saw any "action". My dad was in the Texas National Guard, but not during war time.
I would absolutely serve my country if called. Even if it wasn't a war that I agreed with, I still think it is the responsibility of citizens to support their country through service, if called to do so.
There are a lot of problems in this country, all countries have problems, but I feel that, despite my current political beliefs, this is still a great courtry, full of people who care about their families and their friends. And that is what I would be fighting for.
Not oil, not because a president told me to, but because America is a country with a dream of something better. America is country founded on freedom. We may have lost our way, but our foundations are strong.
And to me, that dream is worth fighting for.
At 8:30 PM,
arcane said…
My dad served as a Marine in Vietnam. My great uncle served in WW2 and was part of the Death March on Bataan and I served 4 years in the Marine Corps.
At 9:38 PM,
Margaret said…
i was in the Army...loved it...would have been a lifer if i had not gotten cancer...
At 11:32 PM,
Kari said…
my grandfathers, dad and brother were all in the military. i found out a few months ago that my dad almost went to Vietnam for a "change" from his station in Germany. Had he done that, he never would have met my mom. i'm glad he didn't go.
At 2:08 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
My grandfathers both served in WW2 (both volunteered). My dad served in Vietnam, 1st Cav - a "grunt" (got drafted). He has some stories, he does. He was forever changed by it, as our family was affected immensely by it. He always said 'Platoon' was the most accurate portrayal of his experience, which truly saddens me. I respect people who choose to serve. I also believe that what the 'founding fathers' wrote and birthed is the most brilliant/ highest attainment in human history. Defending those ideals should be the most important/ sacred thing a person does in his/her life. But I believe something has gone terribly wrong over the last 30 years. I believe that the turmoil of the war in Vietnam and the Nixon era has broken our country beyond repair. It has to do with illusions lost and reality being faced. When it was faced finally, something (the dream) died...I would not serve. Still, after all this time, we have failed to live up to the men who wrote our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
At 3:37 AM,
AKH said…
My dad served in the army around the time of Vietnam. Luckily he was sent to Germany and met my mom and the rest is history.
I would never join the military and I would hope none of my kids would either. Especially not in this day in age. I don't trust our commander-in-chief and don't think he has the best interest of our troops in mind.
Don't get me wrong. I think that the military is very necessary and I have a tremendous amount of respect for them and everything that they do.
I just don't respect the people who send them to fight a war without proper equipment and don't support them once they get home.
At 7:09 AM,
I n g e r said…
We're immigrants; my grandfather was part of the Norwegian resistance against the Germans during WWII, and my uncles and aunts worked in the liberation mvoement in Ireland. (Still do, for that matter.)
I support mandatory civil service in our country--a year giving back, ideally through a program like VISTA. And I support a broad range of activities related to equality and global fair play. But I'd ship my kids to Shanghai before I'd let them pick up a gun and point it at a person in an underprivileged country. And those tend to be the people we tend to go to war against.
At 9:38 AM,
Christina said…
Both my grandfathers fought in WW2, and I have a cousin who was in the navy.
I would never consider joining the armed forces, for no other reason than the fact that I'm a big ol' coward.
As such, I have a huge amount of respect for those who do serve.
At 3:31 PM,
Heather said…
We've had a lot of servicemen in our family. My maternal grandfather was in the Coast Guard, a couple uncles on that side were also in the Army, and one cousin was a Navy medic attached to a Marine unit during Desert Storm. I've heard another cousin on that side is currently in the Navy, but have not seen or heard from her in years.
My father was stationed in Germany during the Korean War. Apparently he and his buddies were sure they were shipping out for Korea when they got their orders so were suprised to find themselves en route to Germany.
Though I admire the men and women who serve, it's not something I myself could ever do.
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