I'll have to go with the dumbest argument I've ever been in... This happened in (finnish version of) high-school. We were having debates in our finnish class, to learn how to argument properly. We had to pick an opinion and go from there, no matter what we really thought about the matter. Me and my friend decided to act as a lesbian couple who wanted to adopt a child. Our opposing team happened to be two girls who anyway had strong religious views. Debate ended when the other girl started screaming at us that "satan is talking in you". We burst out laughing and said that well, it's definetely not god who's speaking in you.
Our teacher was sorry we didn't videotape the argument that time, it would have been perfect example of how not to act.
I've been in serious physical fights and there's been real emotional fights with partners but somehow, that comic argument came to mind first.
once, my partner played a joke on me, but it happened to be a joke playing on my worst fears. i have never been so mad/hurt/mad/hurt in my life. she didn't do the actual joke-playing, and the person who did was a little too good at it, so it went on a little longer than necessary...
What started out as my innocently questioning some of the tenets of faith in my mainline Pentecostal church led to me and my family being unofficially censured by the denomination. I still have my faith, they still have their theology.
The worst was years ago with Fran. I can't remember exactly what the cause of it, but we both said some really hateful things to each other. We were screaming at the top of our lungs and slamming doors. I think it's the only time we ever fought like that. It scared the crap out of both of us to realize we could act that way. It's the only time we ever mentioned the word divorce, and that scared us, too. The outcome was we took some time in seperate rooms to cool down, then talked and cried. We've never fought like that since then.
It was between me and the ex, most definitely. It started out about sex and then ended up me not having any respect for the fact that his grandfather was dying, and how could I bring the sex thing up NOW, and what bad timing, and what an insensitive bitch I was, on and on and it eventually ended up with him calling the next day in a drunken rage, still pissed off and saying really crazy things to me that led to my eventual packing up and leaving town without saying goodbye. He deserved it. For some reason every time something bad happened in his life it was license for him to treat me like crap. Never could figure that one out. And now I don't have to care anymore!
with my girlfriend now we had our first big fight awhile back. don't know the cause really but we screamed and yelled threw things and broke things and even ripped up things. It was awful and she ended up leaving that night and met up with her ex and they ended up kissing. But its all good now. We love each other to death.
it was with my ex best friend when she called my g/f's 13 year old sons best friend and told the best friend how she thought he was going to be gay and other things. That was a few weeks ago and we still havent spoken and I don't expect us to ever again. How low do you have to be to bad mouth a 13 year old boy?
My mom. I was 18 and just got kicked out of college. We got into this huge screaming match about that, the fact that I was staying out for a week and not calling her. I stormed out of the house. When I came back the next morning, all my stuff was on the front lawn. I took this to mean that I was relocating. I left and didn't speak to my family for a year and a half. It was horrible for my parents and aweful for me. It was a life changing in a good way experience for me.
With my ex... screaming, voice trembling, fists swingin'... The usual crap. It was a dead end route anyway. Fun-knee how you let your guard down with someone you love and they know all the right buttons to press.
The spectrum of human emotions never ceases to amaze.
At 12:44 PM,
Hale said…
I'll have to go with the dumbest argument I've ever been in... This happened in (finnish version of) high-school. We were having debates in our finnish class, to learn how to argument properly. We had to pick an opinion and go from there, no matter what we really thought about the matter. Me and my friend decided to act as a lesbian couple who wanted to adopt a child. Our opposing team happened to be two girls who anyway had strong religious views. Debate ended when the other girl started screaming at us that "satan is talking in you". We burst out laughing and said that well, it's definetely not god who's speaking in you.
Our teacher was sorry we didn't videotape the argument that time, it would have been perfect example of how not to act.
I've been in serious physical fights and there's been real emotional fights with partners but somehow, that comic argument came to mind first.
At 3:25 PM,
Margaret said…
i came out as bisexual to my parents and siblings...
they have disowned me...
life goes on...
At 3:35 PM,
Clandestine said…
once, my partner played a joke on me, but it happened to be a joke playing on my worst fears. i have never been so mad/hurt/mad/hurt in my life. she didn't do the actual joke-playing, and the person who did was a little too good at it, so it went on a little longer than necessary...
but, we got over it.
At 4:10 PM,
David said…
God, so many to choose from...,
At 5:12 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
What started out as my innocently questioning some of the tenets of faith in my mainline Pentecostal church led to me and my family being unofficially censured by the denomination. I still have my faith, they still have their theology.
At 8:48 PM,
SassyFemme said…
The worst was years ago with Fran. I can't remember exactly what the cause of it, but we both said some really hateful things to each other. We were screaming at the top of our lungs and slamming doors. I think it's the only time we ever fought like that. It scared the crap out of both of us to realize we could act that way. It's the only time we ever mentioned the word divorce, and that scared us, too. The outcome was we took some time in seperate rooms to cool down, then talked and cried. We've never fought like that since then.
At 11:22 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
It was between me and the ex, most definitely. It started out about sex and then ended up me not having any respect for the fact that his grandfather was dying, and how could I bring the sex thing up NOW, and what bad timing, and what an insensitive bitch I was, on and on and it eventually ended up with him calling the next day in a drunken rage, still pissed off and saying really crazy things to me that led to my eventual packing up and leaving town without saying goodbye. He deserved it. For some reason every time something bad happened in his life it was license for him to treat me like crap. Never could figure that one out. And now I don't have to care anymore!
At 11:37 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
with my girlfriend now we had our first big fight awhile back. don't know the cause really but we screamed and yelled threw things and broke things and even ripped up things. It was awful and she ended up leaving that night and met up with her ex and they ended up kissing. But its all good now. We love each other to death.
At 4:17 AM,
arcane said…
it was with my ex best friend when she called my g/f's 13 year old sons best friend and told the best friend how she thought he was going to be gay and other things. That was a few weeks ago and we still havent spoken and I don't expect us to ever again. How low do you have to be to bad mouth a 13 year old boy?
At 1:15 PM,
Ritmeyer said…
My mom. I was 18 and just got kicked out of college. We got into this huge screaming match about that, the fact that I was staying out for a week and not calling her. I stormed out of the house. When I came back the next morning, all my stuff was on the front lawn. I took this to mean that I was relocating. I left and didn't speak to my family for a year and a half. It was horrible for my parents and aweful for me. It was a life changing in a good way experience for me.
At 1:18 PM,
Robert said…
With my ex... screaming, voice trembling, fists swingin'... The usual crap. It was a dead end route anyway. Fun-knee how you let your guard down with someone you love and they know all the right buttons to press.
The spectrum of human emotions never ceases to amaze.
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