One Hundred and Second Question
Today is the start of deer hunting season w/firearms in many parts of the country. How do you feel about hunting? Do you think it's ok, and necessary or are you against it? Why?
Question yourself. Post your own answer. Give to receive.
At 3:24 PM,
nancy =) said…
i'm 200% against hunting...1) i'm a vegetarian and 2) imo it is never ever okay to kill anyone or any thing for any reason at any time ever ever...
At 4:32 PM,
danielle said…
i never really have had a strong opinion either way. i know that i wouldn't personally partake in it, but that's about it.
At 5:04 PM,
Margaret said…
i think hunting is ok if all parts of the animal will be used for a purpose...i do not think it is necessary...
At 5:51 PM,
arcane said…
I could never be a hunter but in some ways I do see a need for hunting. While killing something unnecessarily is wrong, sometimes there is the need to thin the population of certain animals. Like deer in my area. Last week there was a family of 4 killed when they swerved to miss a deer in the road.
At 7:16 PM,
I n g e r said…
What Nancy said.
At 8:31 PM,
whispers said…
personally, i find it abhorrent. BUT...the animals will die of starvation if the herds are not culled. Humans have taken their grazing lands for subdivisions, then humans need to help the other parts of the cycle. I find those who hunt for sport to be disgusting, but those who need to and do feed their families by their hunting are less so. its a complex picture...
At 10:41 PM,
SassyFemme said…
I'm 100% against hunting. It's a sport in most places, not done for the need to feed oneself and family. There's no need for it, plenty of food available in the grocery stores. People who can't afford to feed their families simply don't go hunting for their food anymore, so I don't think it's justifiable that way. It's cruelty to other living creatures. I don't buy the fact that there needs to be thinning down of herds and such. I think it's an excuse for animal murder that's been said so many times people actually believe it, and use it to justify murder of a harmless creature. Nature takes care of itself, and always has. Lots of places around the globe don't have hunting, and nature handles what nature has always handled.
At 9:39 AM,
Ritmeyer said…
I come from a long line of grocery shoppers, my grandpa even owned a grocery store. I was married earlier this year and my husband likes to fish. Last weekend he when deer hunting for the first time. We spent $900 and now have a new deep freezer in the basement filled to the brim with deer meat. I don't think I have a choice.
At 11:47 AM,
Clandestine said…
I couldn't do it, but if the body and meat and everything is used, I don't mind.
And there are definitely too many deer. Not the deer's fault, but ours, for invading their territory. If someone wants to eat a deer, I'm all for it.
At 12:09 PM,
Christina said…
I grew up in an area where hunting was a way of life, but I've never been entirely comfortable with the idea. I could never do it, but I can see how it can be necessary due to things like deer overpopulation, etc. I tend to feel more open to it when I'm driving home late at night and have to swerve like crazy to miss entire herds of deer that appear out of nowhere.
At 12:48 PM,
AKH said…
I think hunting is necessary to help control the deer population. I understand that it is a sport, but I think that you should only kill what you can eat.
Why kill just to kill? That just seems inhumane or some kind of a sick game.
Then again, am I just condoning canibalism here?
At 1:01 PM,
timothy said…
Now, I am typically against killing other living creatures. I am the type of person that will catch a spider and take it outside.
But I have absolutely no problem with hunting at all. Lions hunt and kill antelope in much more violent and painful ways (I've never known a hunter who would begin eating a still alive deer). And as much as we like to think that we aren't, humans are simply animals as well.
I don't agree with mass slaughter of the species while being wasteful (what was done to the buffalo for instance). Just like alchol and eating, everything is best when done in moderation.
To those of you who are against hunting due to its violent nature, I encourage you to look around your house and find all the things that were made by hurting animals.
Do you own leather?
Do you eat dairy?
Do you have makeup or toothpaste in your house?
There are many things that you own that has caused animals pain and misery.
If I was an animal that was to be used for food or product and have a shortened life, I would much rather live a life, free in the wilderness, than a horrible existence in a stock yard pen, or dark barn, or makeup laboratory.
At 1:16 PM,
Dr. Deb said…
Hate it. Unless you are starving and need to eat.
At 1:27 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I'm with Monkey. But I think it's sad that urban sprawl has taken up so much space that animals are culled to make more room. And there is something very disturbing to me about seeing a once-magnificent animal's head hanging up on some wall.
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