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- Three Hundred and Seventieth Question
At 3:16 PM,
Sublime said…
I am already accomplishing quite a few things.... I haven't smoked (and had almost no desire to) in 2 days - thanks to the perscription CHANTIX. I would recommend it to ANYONE who wants to quit (if I can do it then anyone can!).
I plan on continuing to improve my physical health through exercise and a bit more weight loss.
I will become totally self-employed by expanding my own business.
Those are the big 3 goals!
Btw... sorry to everyone for getting "my out office reply" when they post their answers! It will be turned off tomorrow when I get back to the office.
At 4:40 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I hope to finish a lot more songwriting and put some of the songs together in a demo portfolio.
Not sure if I'll end up attempting to sell the rights or record them myself. We'll have to see: this comes first.
At 10:00 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
1. Finish book #2 and sell it!
2. Keep getting better at my job.
3. Pay off half my credit card debt.
At 12:52 AM,
Sariah said…
1. Get rid of our credit card debt
2. Get skinny
3. Get on and win The Amazing Race
At 10:11 AM,
Fletch said…
Ciao Ciao
At 12:10 PM,
danielle said…
i want to start cooking more this year.
i also want to start keeping the house in order on a somewhat more regular basis (rather than one deep clean ever 3 months).
my boyfriend and i both quit smoking (again - we are at the 72 hour mark tonight).
i want to start exercising more - nothing major, just some at home weights and pilates.
and finally, i want to pay off my credit card (s). that's going to be the hardest of all...
At 2:49 PM,
Felicia the Geeky Blogger said…
Long List
1) Read more "fun" books (not school, work, or research)
2) Learn to knit
3) Read the bible (track my progress here:
4) Go to the movies more
5) Find someone special to spend New Years Eve 2007 with
6) Go to church at least 3 out of 4 weeks a month
7) Go to Sunday School 3 out of 4 weekends a month
8) Discover new lesser known artists and buy their records (CD's)
9) Go to the dog park more often
10) Get Certified for my current job
11) Drop 25 pounds and keep it off
12) Walk 2 miles, 4 days a week
13) Train my big dog to be a canine good citizen
14) Get my tooth fixed
15) Laminate my bedroom floor
16) Replace my window coverings in my room and office
17) Organize my bedroom and office
18) Buy more of my favorite TV shows on DVD
19) Get my DVD's organized
20) Limit my alcohol intake to only 2 drinks when out (3 for when out longer than 4 hours)
21) Make myself stay on Match the complete 3 months without removing my profile (unless of course I start dating someone)
22) Return emails and phone calls in a timely manner
23) Send more snail mail
24) Attend more plays, musicals, operas
25) Take 3 real vacations
26) Take 2 roadtrips
27) Meet 3 blogger buddies in Real Life
28) Blog at least 5 times in a week
29) Spend less time worrying
30) Write a letters to all my family and friends about what they mean to me
31) Make a scrapbook of all my activites of 2007
32) Offline journal at least 5 days a week
33) Cook real meals at least 5 nights a week (Rachael Ray 365: No Repeats--A Year of Deliciously Different Dinners (A 30-Minute Meal Cookbook)
34) Watch Anderson Cooper and Catherine Cryer most days
35) Spend more time with friends and family
At 4:11 PM,
Connie in FL said…
Not to make promises to myself that I can't keep.
I will not start smoking again.
I will not exercise if I don't feel like it.
I will not worry about it if running late for work.
I will learn to ignore clutter
will try to make friends with house dust.
At 4:48 PM,
Sweet Lulu said…
Get more serious about my writing.
At 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
don't tell anyone, but i plan on getting below 220 lbs in 2007. only 20 more pounds to go.
At 12:37 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
Get myself in better shape by stretching and doing strengething exercises for my neck and back
Cook on a more regular basis
Actually MAKE art instead of just talking about it
Have more fun than I can possibly imagine!
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