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At 10:18 AM,
Felicia the Geeky Blogger said…
I love the holidays. It always seems to bring out the best in people. Plus, my birthday is the 17th, so there are tons of things for me to celebrate during the month. I think it also brings families closer together and that is just fantastic in my book :)
At 11:37 AM,
danielle said…
last year was the only year i was a scrooge. i think it had something to do with the transition i was making in my life at that time.
every year before, and especially this year, i am LOVING them. i enjoy all the music, the decorations, giving gifts, all the parties. and, like 'flea's thoughts' my birthday is in december, so it's a good month to end the year on :)
At 11:50 AM,
Sweet Lulu said…
I love the holidays.
At 1:54 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I love the holidays.......the lights, the music, getting together with family. It is stressful though, with so much to do and so little money. But I still love to celebrate :)
At 4:02 PM,
Pixie said…
I love every second of it!
At 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've never been a big Christmas lover and am finding as I get older that I love it even less. Childhood memories of Christmas were of my father being extremely drunk. The good memories I have were being with my grandma. She made everything so special. I have absolutely no desire to go shopping and honestly feel it's gotten way, way too commercialized and is only about "who can give the most." Definitely not a good time for me. I don't like feeling like I have to buy things for people just because it's Christmas. All of the standard Christmas songs make me cry so I can't even listen to them. I abhor decorating the house and putting up a tree. To me, that's just something else I have to clean up and put away. I'm a realist and I KNOW that it's okay to feel the way I do.
At 4:58 PM,
nancy =) said…
my bday is in december, too, so it has always been awesome for me...but i find that now that my kids are grown it kind of lost some of the magic...and family of origin strife has made celebrating difficult...but i do find myself turning a little bit quiet and a little bit solemn this time of year, and i am more into celebrating the solstice part of things...but i still dig all the music and decorating and whatnot...
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
sometimes i get really excited for the holidays. but we don't really celebrate xmas so it is just the time of the year that gets me going i guess. not sure.
At 2:52 AM,
Fletch said…
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At 4:08 AM,
Fletch said…
Its been a real tough year personally one way or another (Not helped by the fact that the Company I've worked for for 11 years has just gone into liquidation... :o/)...
So Christmas I can take or leave, (more inclined to leave though, cus as a reborn again atheist it has no special meaning for me), but the New Year, I can't wait to celebrate.
The sooner it arrives the better, a chance to see the worst year of my life (this one!), off and start a fresh one...
Role on 2007 :o)
Ciao Ciao
At 9:12 AM,
Sublime said…
My favorite Christmas time memory from childhood is each year on Christmas Eve I would lay underneath the tree and look up at the all the tiny lights. It was always a good time of year for my family. As I got older, and especially after my Grandpa died right around the holidays, I started to dislike it all together. Once I had my son, I was determined to make it special for him. Last year was probably my lowest "Christmas point" because of all the personal shit I had going on. I bought this little 24" tree and that was all we put up. Since this time last year, so much has changed for the better and I feel sooo thankful for everything in my life. It has made Christmas seem special again and I'm enjoying it all once more.
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