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At 11:49 AM,
Tiggerlane said…
I was in the seventh grade - and went to a New Year's Eve celebration at the local Catholic Church with my best friends, a boy named Johnny and my best girl-friend Shawn. They had champagne at the church, and it was so tasty...I had seven glasses! I was completed surprised by the goofy feeling I got, and the experience further cemented my parents' distrust of any organized religious group.
At 12:04 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I took a sip off my mom's Blue Hawaii drink in Honolulu when I was 12. I also sipped her wine coolers in high school. My first drink, unsupervised by my mom, was in college. I tried a Blue Hawaii again but it wasn't nearly as tasty as I remember. I think they taste better in the islands!
At 12:25 PM,
danielle said…
i had a few sips of wine for the first time around age 13, i think at christmas dinner. but my first *real* drink was the summer between my jr and sr years of highschool. i went to this huge keg party with my cousin and her boyfriend and drank beer in the backyard on a half-pipe. i think i thought it tasted good only because the boy i was crushing on gave it to me...
At 4:57 PM,
Pepper said…
My parents were always rather liberal in their approach to booze, so I almost always got a sip of wine or champagne at big dinners (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.) But the first time I really got into the stuff, I was about 12. My mother, sister and I were in Europe visiting family and there was a bon voyage party for us at the end of the trip. The wine was flowing freely that night and no one seemed to notice that I was keeping pace with some of the adults. Next thing I know, the collar of my shirt is being tugged rather forcefully by my, up until then oblivious, mother to send me to bed to sleep it off.
At 4:58 PM,
*** said…
Very young teenage years, maybe thirteen or fourteen. I am not positive, but I think it was vodka mixed with Kool-aid with my best friend Bobbi Jo at my house. I don't think I told her what I put in, but she definitely knew it wasn't regular Kool-aid!
At 6:11 PM,
Meme said…
I was young, trying some of my mums wine and not liking it one, how things have changed...
The first proper alcohol experience was quite a few years later when i was at a party and was drinking some absolutely hideously sweet excuse for and alcoholic drink. I managed to get to 'tipsy' on the scale.
At 8:19 PM,
puhpaul said…
My dad used to give me sips of his beer when I was a little kid. My first unsupervised drinking was when I was 12. Someone had a bottle of Scotch and I took a shot. It was pretty gross. After that I didn't drink until I was 18.
At 8:52 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
When I was about 13, my brother, a few of his friends and I decided it would be "cool" to get some Coors Lights. The one bud was only 16, but looked about 10 years older, so he baought a 6-pack, and we all grabbed our cans... I thought I was gonna yack. I've never liked beer...
At 1:12 AM,
SongBird said…
I was seventeen years old on a Delta flight from DFW to LAX. My best friend from high school and I were on a graduation trip given to us by our parents. We had a steak dinner with champagne. I thought I was very sophisticated!!
At 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
The first time I had alcohol without a sip out of my parents beer, came when I was 15 in 1985. My best friend and I convinced a guy outside of a local store to buy us a fifth of J.D. (Jack Daniels). Anyway, we took it home and partied in my bedroom listening to Def Leppard and Bon Jovi, and talking about guys, while we got trashed. We made a cassette tape of the evening which I still have to this day. Ended up getting caught after drinking about half the bottle and my friend got pretty sick...
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
When I was seven yrs old my father gave me a taste of his...god, I think it was Busch lite...I loved it...which scared him enough that he wouldn't let me try again. But my family all my life would allow us to have a small drink of wine at family dinners..
At 7:42 PM,
Angelina said…
We always got to have a little wine on channukah which I was not especially impressed with, but every year I looked forward to the little brass wine glass that came stuck on the bottle because it was the perfect size for my barbie dolls.
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