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At 10:30 AM,
Pixie said…
Working as a cocktail waitress in a little dive in a small Texas town.
At 10:38 AM,
Sublime said…
When I was seventeen, I worked for 1 day at a plastic's factory trimming excess off of pieces that would come out of the machines. It was hot, smelly and my fingers felt deformed by the end of the day from using the cutters. Plus, I think it was only minimum wage. Needless to say, going back the next day wasn't too appealing.
At 10:44 AM,
arcane said…
For about 45 minutes I tried to be a chicken plucker. It was horrible. I decided I needed a job, but not that bad. I was 16 at the time and needed gas money but I decided I could walk a while longer.
At 11:13 AM,
Robert said…
I've been very fortunate. I was a bus boy once at Marie Callender's. Hard work but it wasn't too bad, tho I learned that they don't make any $$ compared to being a waiter/waitress. They just pay us however much they feel like. *shrug*
Happy July 4th weekend!!!
At 11:55 AM,
danielle said…
i'm lucky, i've never really had a bad job. looking back and comparing previous jobs to what i do now and did in college, i guess hostessing for salt grass steak house during highschool kinda sucked. not the job itself, but the uniforms. we had to wear long sleeved button down shirts, black jeans, a black vest, and a bolo. very stereotypical western. and very hot in the middle of the houston summer heat.
At 12:21 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I worked at Chuck E Cheese for six weeks in high school. I had to wait tables for half the dining room plus give me "undivided attention" to three simultaneous birthday parties. Between that and the screaming kids, I didn't last long.
At 12:49 PM,
SongBird said…
Working as a cook in a fastfood joint. I hated the hair net, the grease, the heat, the uniform, pretty much everything about the job.
At 3:12 PM,
nancy =) said…
when i was 16 i worked at a burger king for maybe a day or 2, but it really didn't suck...i got fired because an elderly couple asked for french fries without salt and i couldn't stop laughing at that was a totally hysterical laughing fit that got me canned...
never had a crummy job...i very rarely find myself in any kind of crummy situation, ever...i just always make the best of whatever life deals me...
At 3:15 PM,
Brown Shoes said…
Telephone solicitor.
I did it for 10 minutes and bailed. Hands down, THE WORST JOB
I ever had.
At 6:02 PM,
Connie in FL said…
Through high school I either baby-sat or worked at my dad's Ford dealership for spending money. Determined NOT to work for my dad another summer, I set out to find gainful employment at the Hilton about 30 miles from home.
They hired me alright, as a chambermaid. UGH! Jockeys from the local horse track "lived" there during the summer, those were the rooms the part timers were assigned to clean. OMG! I swear they washed their horses in the bath tubs. It was horrible and the full time maids hated the part time girls so we always had to watch our backs as well. It was totally nasty.
At 8:54 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
wI worked in the compression department of "Laminations." We made "Hiney-Hiders," aka the stall walls in the public restrooms of such prominent places as Disney-World... I didn't mind the hard work-- the pay was decent-- but that place was an OSHA crackdown waiting to happen. The equipment we used was old, inefficient, often broken, and DEFINITELY not safe. It also sucked working there in the summer; the temps near the presses was 130*.
I also hated the stupid product slogan: "Hiney Hiders: We bust ours to cover yours." No, I'm really not joking. In my opinion, my month's experience at McDonald's was a lot better.
BTW, I love my current job as a delivery driver for a soda/beverage distributor!
At 4:33 PM,
Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said…
Costume rentals - I thought it would be just what the doctor ordered...
I lasted until around 2:30PM and sadly had to "express my regrets".
I thought I die if I stayed one more minute in that joint!
At 6:31 PM,
whispers said…
the corporate one. cubes and rules that make no sense, trying to make everyone alike and pushing people to get more out of them for less.
At 9:54 PM,
Kris said…
In university I answered an ad for a live in mother's helper for a mom who had twin handicapped girls. I believe they were about 13. All I knew was that the woman wanted someone to come in and be the mother so that she could paint her toenails and yell at the help all day long. That lasted ONE day. I am not stupid.
At 12:58 AM,
Unknown said…
I was a teachers assistant for an adjunct prof. He hated his home life so he never went home and never slept. He just worked all the time. He was good with a guilt trip to pass off work so that he could pick up more and he would make me feel stupid if I couldn't grade 40 exams in 1 night on top of my own classwork. He is divorced now. If anything I feel bad for him but I have seen him since and I still tense up and feel nauseous.
At 11:15 AM,
alan said…
Janitor...if guys did at home what the do in a public restroom their wives would cut it off!
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