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At 10:53 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Um...I don't think I've ever ridden in a convertible!
At 10:59 AM,
Meme said…
Never!! I really want one though, maybe one like that one in the pic!
Or a convertable mini cooper, though given the choice i'd go with an original mini any day.
At 11:02 AM,
Pixie said…
1994, my dad had one and we rode to Austin in it. It was awesome!
At 11:13 AM,
Pittchick said…
I was in FLorida and the end of May and we rented a convertible Mustang. It was pretty nice!
At 11:42 AM,
House of Suz said…
This morning. I have a Jeep and the top is off for the summer.
At 11:45 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
I know I've been in one, but darned if I can remember when. Does an open top Jeep in Hawaii count?
My last boss always promised to take me to Dairy Queen in his convertible, but never did before he left for a new job :(
At 12:59 PM,
Robert said…
In my Jeep Wranger [the one from your last entry. *sigh*]... I took the top and the doors off. It was quite exhilarating riding on the freeway during winter time.
At 1:02 PM,
Gigi said…
Red Chrysler Le Baron......sold it at least 3 years ago loved having it, driving it....I love motorcycles and for me driving a convertible is the closest thing.....would love to have another one but not a Chrysler!
At 1:05 PM,
SongBird said…
If a jeep with the top off "counts" as a convertible, then it was the late 80's in Salisbury, Maryland. A "real" convertible....1976 in and around Los Angeles. I have a great sunroof in my car now which is almost as good as a convertible!
At 2:04 PM,
danielle said…
my mom used to own a volvo convertable when i was in highschool and college. so i guess it's probably been about 4 years ago...
At 3:37 PM,
Brown Shoes said…
October of 1995.
It was red.
We took the long way,
and autumn leaves kept falling
into the back seat.
At 7:09 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I've only ridden in a "flip-top" once. One of the members of my church youth group wanted to go to the ice cream parlor after service, and I rode along.
At 6:14 AM,
Unknown said…
Not so very long ago, less than a week. One of my housemates has a convertible eclipse and when its nice we use his car. I dont complain. :) -Jn
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