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At 11:52 AM,
Meme said…
Every now and again, but haven't for i reaaaally long time.
Although I do keep meaning to go swimming cos thats the only form of excercise that i remotely enjoy. Ande even then it's just going from one end of the pool to the other (i just live for that kind of excitement!) for about an hour or so.
I did used to have a gym membership which i had for about 10 months (shock horror!) but i didnt use it enough, I hate gyms. Except for the group things (i.e. aerobics, soooooo much fun) they just aren't for me!
At 11:56 AM,
Gnomeself Be True said…
90 minutes in the gym, 3 times a week.
Long hikes in the desert at every opportunity.
At 1:11 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
Almost never, but I really need to. I am starting to feel really old and out of shape.
I have tried yoga (hurt my back), circuit weight training (got plantar fascitis) and pilates (love it but can't get out of the office at lunch).
So many excuses, so little time. I keep waiting for that euphoric high and the addictive quality I keep hearing about, but all I feel is tired and bored!
At 7:08 PM,
danielle said…
i try and walk the dog 3+ times a week. and i used to do yoga...i'm aching (literally) to get back to it.
no gym membership. i think if you get one of those big blowup ball you do situps on and some free weights you can do the same thing.
At 8:49 PM,
nancy =) said…
gym everyday...m/w/f cardio and weights, wed. free weights with a trainer...tue and thur 60 minutes cardio on a treadmill...tues night 2 hr yoga class...
i've been doing yoga for 12 years but only got back in the gym in january after not going for about 20 years...
exercising keeps the depression at bay and when i'm working out i'm less likely to eat crap...
At 11:21 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I used to run. Then stopped. I used to do pilates, then stopped. I tried yoga, loved it, can't afford it right now. Right now I'm gearing myself back up to get into the pilates routine again.
At 11:26 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
Every day:
15-20 yoga to start the day. Walk to work and back (20 min), twice if I decide to go home for lunch.
Then, it's either swim + water aerobics, or an hour+ of tennis if the weather is nice.
Saturday morning: serious yoga (1 1/2 hours)
Wednesdays: bellydancing for an hour
Can't imagine life without it.
At 3:36 AM,
Fletch said…
Ummm... Wots the Emoticon for a Guilty Look? :o<> (Or something like that..)
OK OK I admit it, a Pint of Guinness in each hand is NOT a balanced diet nor considered a work out on my Triceps :o)
Ciao Ciao
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
4 days a week:
Mon: weights at the gym usually chest and biceps & abs followed by 8 miles biking then 2 miles running
Tues: Weights at gym...Triceps, back, abs...8m bike 2m run
Wed: Weights at gym...legs, back...(let my abs rest)...
Thurs: stretching and free wieghts with push ups at home...(while watching tv)
Fri/Sat bartending at me it's a workout.
Sunday: beer/pizza/sleep
Been doing this for 9 months lost 30lbs...and look good (naked)again...
At 11:27 AM,
Pittchick said…
I'm at the gym at least 5 days a week. I do weights with a trainer twice a week and then 1 weight workout a week on my own.
I mostly run for cardio or use the elliptical machine.
At 2:51 AM,
Blogzie said…
Sometimes I walk from the living room to the kitchen.
At 7:16 AM,
DayDreamer said…
Funnily enough I ran the Race for Life last weekend. I like running - road running - and have been in a couple of races. But I dont do it nearly enough. It goes in peaks and troughs - I might go 4 days out of one week and nothing the next. Its the same with the gym - I either go alot or never. We're currently in the never stage, but I'm gonna get back on the wagon soon. Well, soon-ish.
At 12:20 PM,
House of Suz said…
I hit the gym about 5 times a week, lift a bit and do some cardio.
At 3:53 PM,
afuntanilla said…
run approx. 5 days a week right now as i am training for lake tahoe marathon in sept. also try to get an hour bike ride in during the week. weights at home. love training. LOVE IT!
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