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At 1:55 PM,
Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said…
I like the natural appearance of "skin" - In all its imperfect and total glamour.
At 1:55 PM,
House of Suz said…
I have one that I designed and got put on my butt almost 20 years ago, before they were popular. The tattoo artist wasn't that good and the design was not copied exactly, so I'm basically unhappy with it. In hindsight I wouldn't do it again or would have picked a better artist but luckily I don't see it often.
At 2:08 PM,
Pixie said…
I have one on my hip of a butterfly. I had always wanted one and when my husband and I were in Austin for a concert I decided to go for it. I like it, but won't get another one.
At 2:23 PM,
danielle said…
i have two.
my first one i got my sophomore year in college. it's two stars on my lower back, right about the buttcrack. my reasons are personal...
the second one was supposed to be the chinese symbol for truth, but in fear of it actually meaing "fried chicken" i ended up with a butterfly - the symbol for change. it's on my left side, a little below my hip.
At 2:28 PM,
Unbalanced said…
I have 2. The first one is a butterfly with a woman's face (makes more sense when you actually see it) on my right butt cheek that I got on the day I turned 18. The second one I got ten years later, a friend and I went on a girl's trip and decided to get it done together. It's 2 small hearts on my left lower abdomen, this represents my heart and the heart of someone I love.
At 3:20 PM,
Gigi said…
I have one on the inside of my right icthus w/Psalm 46:10 riding the son and I got them together for Christmas last year....I want another one but not sure what so going to wait....
At 4:48 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
None right now, but both my wife and I are thinking of getting one; in both of our cases, it's kind of a sign of new beginnings. My wife will probably end up with a butterfly/humming bird/fairy or something similair. I'm working on a design for one I'll get on my shoulder this fall. It's an intersecting "TWT," standing for "That Was Then," the name of my pseudo-band and a good capsule of where I'm at in life right now.
At 5:21 PM,
ian gordon said…
But a couple of years ago I designed one for a student, which in turn she gave to her mother. So, there I am on "Parent's Consultation Evening" (not sure what you call that in the States), and me and this woman are pulling up clothing to check out the results of my artwork.
That's one grateful parent who will never forget me - at least not in the shower!
At 5:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have none...but two are soon as I have the $$
At 6:24 PM,
Robert said…
2. A pair of wings on my back and the other on my left chest, a profile sketch of Jean Cocteau himself. Got them back in the early 90's. No reason really. I've always wanted tats.
At 6:53 PM,
arcane said…
I have 4. One on my back of a yin/yang thats pink and black, one that my best friend and I have a like on my right shoulder of a purple sun with a rainbow colored center, on the left shoulder I have a sun and moon and then on the back of my neck I have a yellow sun with the chinese symbol for strength in it. All of them have meaning to me except the first one and that one was just my "I want a tattoo " tattoo. I plan on getting at least one more. I want to get something with sunlowers in memory of my mother. She was with me when I got my second tattoo and I know she would approve.
At 9:41 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Ah, tattoos. I have an issue with them. If I see a man with a tattoo, or even better, multiple tattoos, I make a beeline for him. I gotta have him. And I don't even LIKE them. I just always end up with a man with tattoos! What the hell kind of sense does this make? The guy I'm seeing now is a tattoo ARTIST! And yep, he wants to tattoo my bod - blank slate, you know...and unbeknownst to him, it's going to STAY that way. But he looks good...
At 11:11 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
I have considered them, but I like myself just the way I am, all 4000 freckles worth.
At 3:37 AM,
Brown Shoes said…
More than one,
less than enough.
They help remind me
where not to go.
At 10:17 AM,
DayDreamer said…
I have two, one on my back and one on my leg. I would love another, and maybe another.
James hates them with a passion. I have choosen to ignore this and can't wait to jump under the needle!
At 11:43 AM,
Crafty Andy said…
I have one on my right calf, it is in Klingon language. I got it this Jan 06. It marks a new time in my life, reclaiming my life as a spiritual warrior.
At 1:17 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
Not yet, but I've been thinking about it for years. I want a sun with wavy rays in the middle of my upper back, above the bra strap, with a simple three-point celtic knot in the middle. There is symbolism in all of it. I just have to justify the money to myself with a new house and tons of debt....
At 1:30 PM,
Shannon said…
I have one on my lower right calf just above my ankle. It's a pink and purple rose with a yin yang in the center. I got it back in '96.
At 7:59 PM,
Margaret said…
i have one tat on my can check it out here...i got it done because i wanted it...and because of what the different things mean to me...
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