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At 11:29 AM,
Unknown said…
played the alto sax in HS, but would love to learn to play the fiddle/violin and both types of music associated with them
At 12:11 PM,
House of Suz said…
Violin or chello. But I suck at reading music.
At 12:50 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I have taken flute and piano lessons. I would love to learn how to really play the piano and also the cello. I love the pitch of it.
At 1:59 PM,
Brown Shoes said…
Drums - preferably tablas or a dejembe or some other middle-eastern type.
Bongos even, in a pinch.
At 2:50 PM,
Pixie said…
I can play the flute and classical guitar and can read the music for both since they are in the same treble clef.
At 5:45 PM,
ian gordon said…
I play the guitar. (I favour the acoustic guitar). It made me far more friends than enemies.
At 7:47 PM,
Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said…
I would have liked been born a concert pianist.
Hoever, somehow, I always yerned to play the guitar, a far more "practical instrument" that you can throw on your back and be on your way ... maybe soon.
At 9:32 PM,
Anne-Marie said…
I can play piano and clarinet, and would love to play guitar- I took a few lessons, but then dropped it.
I'd also like to have a better singing voice.
At 10:01 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I play guitar aptly, bass guitar proficiently and a little bit of keys. I also played the violin way back when in elementary school.
I also sing, but I don't have the voice I used to. Blew it out in the middle of a gig with my old band...
At 12:07 AM,
Blogzie said…
None whatsoever.
I'm totally left-brained.
At 6:40 AM,
Sphinx said…
i played violin in highschool. I have always wanted to learn how to play the drums though.
At 3:35 PM,
Robert said…
I know how to play the big-ass accordian. I would love to learn to play the cello myself or the viola.
At 7:07 PM,
Unknown said…
I want to learn the harmonica...but i have no music in me
At 4:14 AM,
DayDreamer said…
Hmmm..I learned to play the cello at school, but I would love to be able to play the guitar or piano.
At 5:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I used to play piano as a kid...then later guitar...but now these hands are made for turntablism...and like it or's an instrument to me.
At 6:00 PM,
Noel Green said…
I play the didjeridoo... circular breathing and all.
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