Two Hundred and Seventy Second Question
Today is the 1st Anniversary
of The Big Question!
Happy Anniversary!
A big thanks to all my loyal readers and answerers. While reading the responses over the last year I have laughed, cried, questioned people's sanity, and been inspired. The range of experiences, beliefs, etc. that people have continues to intrigue me with every answer that is posted. It started as an experiment and has continued as a pleasure. Hopefully this blog does the same for every one else that visits too!
It’s always wonderful to see “new faces” appear, so if you are a faithful reader, I ask that you might consider adding a link to us on your blog (a special thanks to everyone who already has!). Another idea is to maybe forward our blog address to a few people who’s responses YOU might be interested in reading.
Remember, as always, no questions are posted on weekends. Occasionally another day, here or there, might also fall through the cracks. But, every effort is made to post questions at least 5 days out of the week. I also wanted to encourage people who “lurk” here every day to be brave and post their own answers!! I know from the hit counter that there are a lot of you out there…we really do want to hear what you have to say too.
Thanks again everyone and take care!
In celebration of our anniversary, today's question is:
What question(s) would you ask?
of The Big Question!

A big thanks to all my loyal readers and answerers. While reading the responses over the last year I have laughed, cried, questioned people's sanity, and been inspired. The range of experiences, beliefs, etc. that people have continues to intrigue me with every answer that is posted. It started as an experiment and has continued as a pleasure. Hopefully this blog does the same for every one else that visits too!
It’s always wonderful to see “new faces” appear, so if you are a faithful reader, I ask that you might consider adding a link to us on your blog (a special thanks to everyone who already has!). Another idea is to maybe forward our blog address to a few people who’s responses YOU might be interested in reading.
Remember, as always, no questions are posted on weekends. Occasionally another day, here or there, might also fall through the cracks. But, every effort is made to post questions at least 5 days out of the week. I also wanted to encourage people who “lurk” here every day to be brave and post their own answers!! I know from the hit counter that there are a lot of you out there…we really do want to hear what you have to say too.
Thanks again everyone and take care!
In celebration of our anniversary, today's question is:
What question(s) would you ask?
At 11:59 AM,
Brown Shoes said…
First off - thank you sublime, for coming up with this idea and for doing all it takes to keep it comin' day after day.
This blog is one I try to get to every day, and I never tire of reading what others here have to share.
I appreciate you creating this opportunity for me to get a glimpse into the lives (and hearts and minds) of those who answer here.
My questions:
Worst decision you ever made?
Best teacher ever?
Greatest pet ever?
City or country?
Cats or dogs - and why?
Have you ever seen a ghost/had a paranormal experience?
Biggest lie you ever told?
First true love - where are they now?
Most outstanding thing about where you currently live?
Your proudest moment?
Your worst moment?
Your biggest "lightbulb moment"?
Sorry if any of these are repeats.
And again, thank you for choosing to spend some of your time creating a connection between those who otherwise might never cross paths.
At 12:12 PM,
danielle said…
i want to say "thanks" too. i don't remember how i found this site, but i am very glad i did. since i've started visiting daily you've lead to me recalling memories that had faded and question myself and my beliefs at times. happy 1 year! i plan to be around for two as well :)
as far as questions go:
- What is the hardest thing/best thing about living with a significant other?
- Favorite TV show and why?
- How many blogs do you read? How many of those people do you actually know?
- How do you feel about public transportation?
just a few that came to mind as the gears start to click...have a great weekend!
At 12:33 PM,
nancy =) said…
happy anniversary sublime and the big q =)
i want to say thank you as well, sublime -- i love coming here and i have met some pretty cool bloggers thru this blog...thanks for bringing us all together...
as for q's, lemme think about this and get back to ya...
At 12:37 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
happy anniversary! I have to say this is one of my favorite blogs and I can't wait to see what the new questions are. I love hearing other peoples' ideas and memories.
I've thought of several questions over the last few months, usually not when I'm at a computer. Hmmm, let's see....
-What is your biggest regret?
-If you could change one thing about your significant other, what would it be?
-What do you want to be when you grow up?
-How is your life different than what you imagined it to be?
-What is your favorite book and why?
I guess I have more brain power this morning than I thought :) See you on Monday!
At 1:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congrats on 1 year! I maybe one of those that you questioned their sanity :)...
My questions:
If you could walk in someone else's shoes for one day, who would it be? Why and what would you do?
At 3:02 PM,
Tiggerlane said…
My question:
If you could ask God (or any other Holy Deity) one question, what would it be?
At 5:12 AM,
Fletch said…
Happy Anniversary Sublime :o)
Oh can we have Tiggerlane Question soon please ? :o)
Q. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
Ciao Ciao
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