One Hundred and Ninety Second Question

synchronicity in your life?
"The uncanny coincidence. The unlikely conjunction of events. The startling serendipity. Who hasn’t had it happen in their life? You think of someone for the first time in years, and run into them a few hours later. An unusual phrase you’d never heard before jumps out at you three times in the same day. On a back street in a foreign country, you bump into a college roommate. A book falls off the shelf at the bookstore and it’s exactly what you need."
-Excerpt from "What is Synchronicity" by Meg Lundstrom
(Intuition Magazine, May 1996)
(Intuition Magazine, May 1996)
At 9:53 AM,
Sublime said…
Just now RIGHT AFTER posting this Very strange!
I was digging through some old folders with papers in them and randomly saw the word 'synchronize' on one of the pages.
At 1:05 PM,
nancy =) said…
things like this happen quite often in my life...perhaps even every single day...
i've written stories on my blog about meeting someone while on vacation in the bahamas and then meeting up "coincidentally" at a dead show in ny...i can't remember anything recent, tho, but if you give me a minute i know i will think of one, cuz it happens to me ALL the time...
At 3:32 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I can't think of anything specific but little things like that happen to me all the time. The best example of this I can think of is the link between me and my oldest childhood friends. Our dads met in boot camp in the Navy and then happened to buy houses two doors down from each other after the service. (We are two months apart in age). Later, I hadn't talked to him in years and the week before we moved from my long-term home, he happened to write me a letter. Every time we have tried to find each other, we have been amazingly succesful. The last big instance of our synchronicity was after I moved to Oregon. I tried to find him up here by calling his dad. He called an hour after I left a message with his dad and it turns out he bought a house three blocks from my mom in the same development. I have a feeling we will never totally lose touch with each other!
At 5:05 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
This morning. Even though I was jamming to U2 in my car on the way to work, I had that stupid tune "You've Had a Bad Day" goijng through my head. The second the radio was turned on at work, guess what song came on...
Thankfully, I DIDN'T have a bad day, per se...
At 11:21 AM,
Gigi said…
Thanks for the word, the definition, the experience....all day yesterday.....whoaaaa
At 10:01 AM,
DayDreamer said…
I had just finished reading Animal Farm by George Orwell on the train. I got into my meeting and someone had a paper open at the satirical cartoon page - the cartoon showed two pigs walking on their hind legs pointing at the words "All animal are equal, but some are more equal than others".
At 5:57 PM,
Moonpie said…
The other morning I accidently threw my boyfriends toothbrush down the toilet, when I owned up to it, it turned out he had done exactly the same with mine only hours before.
I really like your blog here, great idea.
At 9:56 AM,
Sphinx said…
Hey Sublime...
Last time I experienced synchronicitity was this weekend. I was walking home at night with a good friend of mine, and we had been talking about life, its apparent meaninglessness, and how the nothingness was everywhere and seems inescapable. Then we saw the word 'something' in graffiti on the road. I thought it was very synchronous.
I also see numbers on the clock frequently, like 11:11. 12:12. 12:34. I don't know if this is synchronous or not.
A few months ago there were soooo many synchronicities with someone I had developed feelings for. We had things in common that were uncanny, and he would say things that I was he was inside my head.
I think alot about synchronicity, and there are probably many other synchronous things I am overlooking right now.
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