Clarence, my cat! He used to climb into bed with me at night and wrap himself around my head like a crown, and knead my skull with his claws until I was wincing. But I wouldn't move; even at 5 you somehow know the difference between good pain and bad.
A dog ...a mutt, her name was Cookie and she always ran away and I would CRY and my parents would threaten to get rid of her if the dogcatcher brought her home one more time..... She lived to be very old....they never gave her away but I LIVED with thinking they would.
a cat named stormy. i was born a few months before huricane alicia hit houston and stormy showed up on my doorstep after the storm had passed. she lived to be 18 years old. i have lots of fond memories of her...too many to pick from.
I had a nervous little Toy Fox Terrier named "Baby." He had been a farm dog and was abused; was blind in one eye from getting kicked... He would never eat his dog food until my father cooked an egg and put it on top.
I had a German Shepard named King. I was about 3 when we got him and what I remember most about him was holing on to his tail and having him pull me around the house. Plus he bit the mean neighborhood bully too.
As a young girl I had an English Springer Spaniel. His name was Champ. I loved that dog! He was really old and in pain and my dad took him to the vet to be put to sleep, but Champ must have known because on the way to the vet's office he went to sleep on his own in the back seat.
my first pet was a dog named sheba...she was a mutt...cute, tho...a shaggy white dog with black spots...she had issues, tho...she chased bicycles...and terrorized the paper boy...she had puppies, and we kept one...the pup was named tootsie...i called her toots the wonder dog, and she and i were best pals till the end...i really really loved that dog...
Andy! She wasn't technically mine, but she did sleep with me :-) She was a grey cat, and her nickname stood for Aunt Drusilla. I loved, loved, loved her...we called her the 'greeter puddy' because when we drove up, she always ran up to the car when we got out, and she'd make this cute little meow/purring combo.
My family always had pets, a mixture of dogs and cats in the early years, then just cats (they're more self-maintenance...sometimes). The first one I remember was a german shephard named Duchess. We had to get rid of her when she bit the mailman, though he deserved it.
Everyday he would tease her by swinging his mailbag over the fence at her. He was told to stop many times, and one day she decided she'd had enough and lunged for him. Rather than punishing him, they punished the dog - though I think in the end she got the better deal, a nice big farm where she could chase cows and horses all day.
PS. Found your blog through the link you left at my friend Jana's site. Neat concept!
At 11:43 AM,
I n g e r said…
Clarence, my cat! He used to climb into bed with me at night and wrap himself around my head like a crown, and knead my skull with his claws until I was wincing. But I wouldn't move; even at 5 you somehow know the difference between good pain and bad.
At 1:40 PM,
Gigi said…
A dog ...a mutt, her name was Cookie and she always ran away and I would CRY and my parents would threaten to get rid of her if the dogcatcher brought her home one more time.....
She lived to be very old....they never gave her away but I LIVED with thinking they would.
At 3:23 PM,
danielle said…
a cat named stormy. i was born a few months before huricane alicia hit houston and stormy showed up on my doorstep after the storm had passed. she lived to be 18 years old. i have lots of fond memories of her...too many to pick from.
At 4:48 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I had a nervous little Toy Fox Terrier named "Baby." He had been a farm dog and was abused; was blind in one eye from getting kicked... He would never eat his dog food until my father cooked an egg and put it on top.
At 5:45 PM,
arcane said…
I had a German Shepard named King. I was about 3 when we got him and what I remember most about him was holing on to his tail and having him pull me around the house. Plus he bit the mean neighborhood bully too.
At 8:49 PM,
Heidi said…
A turtle..It crawled under the fridge..Never came out :(
At 9:16 PM,
AKH said…
A goldfish. That was the only thing that I wasn't allergic too. It was fun the first couple of days, but once the fish tank got dirty, it got old.
At 11:26 PM,
4evergapeach said…
As a young girl I had an English Springer Spaniel. His name was Champ. I loved that dog! He was really old and in pain and my dad took him to the vet to be put to sleep, but Champ must have known because on the way to the vet's office he went to sleep on his own in the back seat.
At 12:03 AM,
nancy =) said…
my first pet was a dog named sheba...she was a mutt...cute, tho...a shaggy white dog with black spots...she had issues, tho...she chased bicycles...and terrorized the paper boy...she had puppies, and we kept one...the pup was named tootsie...i called her toots the wonder dog, and she and i were best pals till the end...i really really loved that dog...
At 1:57 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Andy! She wasn't technically mine, but she did sleep with me :-) She was a grey cat, and her nickname stood for Aunt Drusilla. I loved, loved, loved her...we called her the 'greeter puddy' because when we drove up, she always ran up to the car when we got out, and she'd make this cute little meow/purring combo.
At 11:44 AM,
Heather said…
My family always had pets, a mixture of dogs and cats in the early years, then just cats (they're more self-maintenance...sometimes). The first one I remember was a german shephard named Duchess. We had to get rid of her when she bit the mailman, though he deserved it.
Everyday he would tease her by swinging his mailbag over the fence at her. He was told to stop many times, and one day she decided she'd had enough and lunged for him. Rather than punishing him, they punished the dog - though I think in the end she got the better deal, a nice big farm where she could chase cows and horses all day.
PS. Found your blog through the link you left at my friend Jana's site. Neat concept!
At 3:23 PM,
Claire said…
A dog named Amy, of all things. She was a golden lab and was MEAN. I am still scared of dogs to this day.
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