My parents were originally going to name me "Wesley Mark," I have no idea why. (They deny this, but I once found my baby book in which my mother had a list of possible names for me. BUSTED!) My grandparents remembered that a distant uncle, Gerrit, had been one of the leaders of the underground railroad in the 1850s and 60s, and wanted to honor him. My middle name, Wilson, is the same as my grandfather's.
I was supposed to be JaimeLynn, but my grandmother fought with my mother telling her Jaime was a boy's name, until my mother gave in and named me JennyLynn {one word, no middle name}. Jaime was after my uncle James. Lynn came from her cousin. Jenny came from Lynn's mare. Yes, that would make me a JackAss. :) I don't like my name, but it's what I have....
I was named after my dad. We have the same first and middle name and it sucks being a girl named after her dad. My mom only named me after him out of spite anyway.
i was supposed to be a boy, and my name was going to be mark...but i popped out a girl, and my mom had no name for me, so she asked my sister, who was 5 at the time, what should we name the baby, and my sister's friend was named nancy, so she said name her nancy =)...voila...
Elizabeth is actually my middle name, and I don't know why the folks chose it...and my first name was from a character on the mother didn't even watch the Waltons but she just happened to hear the name.
How funny your mother chose your name from a character on The Waltons... I did the same thing to my youngest daughter! I loved the name Elizabeth but her father didn't want it for a first name. We had exhausted the book of baby names so naturally I turned to the TV Guide. Erin Elizabeth got her first name there.
I was named after a mermaid in a cartoon that my mother used to watch when she was a little girl. My middle name is my mother's first name. So, i'm Marina Susan.
My mom always told me I was named after some old boyfriend that she had unrequited love for. But then again, she's a big fat liar and always has been.
In the 'name meaning' books, my name (Stacy DeAnne) means 'divine resurrection'...which is cool b/c sometimes my birthday is on Easter. But I'm not a Christian. It's also on Tax Day every year, and I AM a tax-paying American. I have no idea what that has to do with anything.
My sister (named Jennifer Rose) was named after the character of the same name on Days of Our Lives. Ugh.
I was named after my uncle James, who died flying bombers over the mountains in China, during WWII. Some of my friends shorten it to one syllable and call me "James" for fun. [I'm female.]
And when my Mom was naming me, she was pretty well out of it. For some reason she gave both me and my Sister the same middle name. It totally sounds like I'm from the South, but I was born and raised mostly in California.
Some people of a Southern origin will call me "Jamie Lynn", until I correct them.
I was named by my oldest sister. She named me after her favorite cartoon character...Jana from Jana of the Jungle. I never saw the cartoon but I once did an internet search for it and wow! I wished I looked like my namesake.
I'm just glad that my parents didn't make Jungle my middle name like sis wanted them to. LOL
My mother liked my name, and my father didnt. As a compromise, they altered the spelling from Lucy to Lucie as my father felt the latter was a bit different. the alternative was Jessica. I'm happy with Lucie.
At 12:43 PM,
HappyKap said…
I think my Mom just liked the name Heather. If I was a boy, I would have Dennis.
I'm glad I'm Heather.
At 2:04 PM,
Clandestine said…
my first name is my godmother's name.
my middle name was my great-grandmother's name.
At 4:40 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
My parents were originally going to name me "Wesley Mark," I have no idea why. (They deny this, but I once found my baby book in which my mother had a list of possible names for me. BUSTED!) My grandparents remembered that a distant uncle, Gerrit, had been one of the leaders of the underground railroad in the 1850s and 60s, and wanted to honor him. My middle name, Wilson, is the same as my grandfather's.
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was supposed to be JaimeLynn, but my grandmother fought with my mother telling her Jaime was a boy's name, until my mother gave in and named me JennyLynn {one word, no middle name}. Jaime was after my uncle James. Lynn came from her cousin. Jenny came from Lynn's mare. Yes, that would make me a JackAss. :) I don't like my name, but it's what I have....
At 6:17 PM,
arcane said…
I was named after my dad. We have the same first and middle name and it sucks being a girl named after her dad. My mom only named me after him out of spite anyway.
At 7:37 PM,
Kris said…
I was named after an autistic chilod in a psychology magazine. YEP.
At 9:15 PM,
nancy =) said…
i was supposed to be a boy, and my name was going to be mark...but i popped out a girl, and my mom had no name for me, so she asked my sister, who was 5 at the time, what should we name the baby, and my sister's friend was named nancy, so she said name her nancy =)...voila...
At 10:40 PM,
Connie in FL said…
My dad picked the name Connie for no particular reason. Not Constance, just plain Connie. Jane is my mother's middle name... hence, Connie Jane.
At 12:25 AM,
Margaret said…
i am named for my fathers grandmother...if i had a grrl, i was going to make her a jr...cause i think its
At 12:52 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Elizabeth is actually my middle name, and I don't know why the folks chose it...and my first name was from a character on the mother didn't even watch the Waltons but she just happened to hear the name.
At 1:34 AM,
Blogzie said…
I don't know why my parents named me Blogzie. I guess they were just very forward thinking.
At 9:16 AM,
Connie in FL said…
Elizabeth Taylor...
How funny your mother chose your name from a character on The Waltons... I did the same thing to my youngest daughter! I loved the name Elizabeth but her father didn't want it for a first name. We had exhausted the book of baby names so naturally I turned to the TV Guide. Erin Elizabeth got her first name there.
At 9:27 AM,
Marina said…
I was named after a mermaid in a cartoon that my mother used to watch when she was a little girl. My middle name is my mother's first name. So, i'm Marina Susan.
At 11:38 AM,
Kaycee said…
I was named after a grandmother of my moms.
At 5:23 PM,
Stacy said…
My mom always told me I was named after some old boyfriend that she had unrequited love for. But then again, she's a big fat liar and always has been.
In the 'name meaning' books, my name (Stacy DeAnne) means 'divine resurrection'...which is cool b/c sometimes my birthday is on Easter. But I'm not a Christian. It's also on Tax Day every year, and I AM a tax-paying American. I have no idea what that has to do with anything.
My sister (named Jennifer Rose) was named after the character of the same name on Days of Our Lives. Ugh.
At 1:12 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
Jamie Lynn
I was named after my uncle James, who died flying
bombers over the mountains in China, during WWII.
Some of my friends shorten it to one syllable and
call me "James" for fun. [I'm female.]
And when my Mom was naming me, she was pretty
well out of it. For some reason she gave both me
and my Sister the same middle name. It totally
sounds like I'm from the South, but I was born and
raised mostly in California.
Some people of a Southern origin will call me
"Jamie Lynn", until I correct them.
At 1:17 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
JennyLynn... wow, we have almost the same story.
[I posted first, then read your post! Weird....]
{twilight-zone music plays in background...}
Tankgrrrl... that's funny. I totally know the character
you are talking about, Jennifer Rose. ;) I'm a
"Days of our Lives" addict. ;)
At 9:13 PM,
AKH said…
I was named after my aunt/godmother.
I think my mom and her siblings ended up picking her name as well. I guess my mom really liked it.
At 2:46 PM,
Jana said…
I was named by my oldest sister. She named me after her favorite cartoon character...Jana from Jana of the Jungle. I never saw the cartoon but I once did an internet search for it and wow! I wished I looked like my namesake.
I'm just glad that my parents didn't make Jungle my middle name like sis wanted them to. LOL
At 1:53 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
That is so weird! So there's another Erin Elizabeth running about? And a youngest, at that! I too, am the youngest.
At 11:24 AM,
DayDreamer said…
My mother liked my name, and my father didnt. As a compromise, they altered the spelling from Lucy to Lucie as my father felt the latter was a bit different. the alternative was Jessica. I'm happy with Lucie.
At 9:38 PM,
Sharon Cullars said…
My mother wanted to name me Alicia, but someone suggested that I be named for my father, Aaron. Get it - "Sharon"?
Also, for some ungodly reason, my middle name Lorne is for Lorne Greene, but no one can tell me why.
At 12:43 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
my mom and dad where at the drive-in movies and it was one of the actresses name. My mom loved it. and my middle name is my moms middle name.
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