When I was thirteen, I got a job with my best friend answering the phones and taking orders at Domino's Pizza. Because of our age, we could only work a few hours at a time. It only lasted about two months before I quit.
I had my first job at 13 also - selling gift certificates for a friend's restaurant. I had to initial every certificate... people began to know me as "kc". I eventually "graduated" to busgirl!
Besides working my behind off everyday on our farm... I think my first 'cash' paying job was babysitting a neighbor's infant at my ripe age of 12!! (Isn't this illegal these days... )
after many years of working (unpaid of course) in family businesses, I finally got my first "real" job. I sold pie and coffee at a place called "the pie stop". Learned how to use a microwave, how to tear down a hot cocoa machine, clean it and rebuild it, how to clean a coffee machine, how to tell if pie has gone bad (the green fuzz was the best indication) and other more bizzare bits. but I had fun, and made money!
I was a server at Chuck E. Cheese and would host birthday parties for rug rats. If I was lucky, I got to work in the game area supervising the ball crawl. For some reason, kids that are too short sink in the balls and I would have to go in and rescue them sometimes. I lasted six weeks!
I worked at a sandwich shoppe called D'angelo's when I was 16. I worked 40 hours a week and sacrificed my high school education because I was too tired to do homework. Nobody else in my classes worked. They sold pot out of the back door and there were always liquer bottles in the walk in fridge. The whole place smelled of drugs. I was straight edge. They would protect me like I was a little sister there. I miss it there.
My first job was when i was 18 at PIP printing (customer service). Very boring...though I did learn how to do Graphic Layout the old fashioned way - typeset and a wax roller.
A "junior producer" for a televison station. Translation: Follow the producer around, transcribe her tapes and occasionally write a one- or two-minute voice track for her stories. Yawn!
I got a job at an old-fashioned shoe store: we actually measured customers' feet and put the shoes on their feet. This old homeless lady with more bunions and corns than Nebraska would always come in and ask to try on shoes. Yuck. I actually held out for 10 months.
As a high school junior, I got a job as cleanup boy in a bakery. Not a bad job in and of itself, but it was owned/ran by a weirdo religious cult that attempted to foist their views on me. They finally let me go afte ri refused to address them as Brother Peter or Brother David.
my first job was at a burger king when i was 16...i wore an orange and yellow polyester pants suit and an orange and yellow polyester engineer hat...i got fired when i laughed in the face of some elderly customers who asked me for fries with no salt...i told them there is no such thing and started laughing...they complained and i got canned...
Does babysitting count? That's about all I did from the time I was 12 until I was 16. The summer I turned 16 I worked as a counselor at a camp for handicapped and MR kids and adults.
I started babysitting regularily at 11. My first job that the gov't took taxes from was when I was 16. I was a "server" at a restaurant. It sucked. After a few months I left to work at a movie theatre. At least there you get free movies, popcorn, and drinks!
I guess if you define job as something that pays ... that would be paper girl. I delivered the local shopper around the neighborhood where I made a whopping 4 cents a paper. I had to have been around 9 or 10 years old I think. I started babysitting around that time too, but since I paid taxes on my income for this job, I figure it was the one that counts.
Babysitting.. and I was good at it. I had some great regular customers who paid me well.
One spring in high school my dad grounded me and as part of my punishment I had to work in the parts department of his car dealership.
I sat in the back with the bins of parts at a u-shaped desk surrounded by index cards. In the mornings I went through the incoming parts orders and added them to the index card inventory.... in the afternoon, I went through all the sales and service orders and subtracted the sold parts from the index cards. I WAS the computer! UGH.
The best part was that the service and parts guys would forget I was back there so I learned a pretty long list of potty words.
I worked at this place where I answered telephones and took people's clothing orders online (Chadwicks, Brylane Home or Lane Bryant, anyone?)
It's where I learned to understand heavily accented foreign people over the phone and learn to deal with shitty customers while being snide and snarky, but not enough to get fired.
I would watch the lab and make sure no-one walked off with any computers. I would sometimes help people. I would also "abort jobs" that had run amok, especially print jobs.
There was a back room in headquarters of the lab with a single workstation with a title taped to it of "Abortion room", since that's the only place you could get to the mainframe and abort print jobs or other jobs that were stuck in endless loops.
The mainframe was an HP 3000. I feel like I was only a few steps removed from some system requiring punch cards, but I guess it was pretty advanced for the time! :)
If we wanted to draw any graphs, there was a 3 pen plotter we could submit graphs to. Wow. Makes MS Windows and MS Excel look like the Holy Grail now!!!
Oh, forgot to mention where. The computer lab was at my junior college, back in... 1984 thru 1986-ish. I think I was either 16 or 17. I lasted a few months, then needed more time to concentrate on studying.
age 14-mcdonalds. i started out as a "hostess", which is a nice word for the girl that sweeps up peoples fries and cleans the tables/bathrooms. i graduated to the counter and drive thru. after 2 years, i moved "up" to Dairy Queen.
At 10:19 AM,
Sublime said…
When I was thirteen, I got a job with my best friend answering the phones and taking orders at Domino's Pizza. Because of our age, we could only work a few hours at a time. It only lasted about two months before I quit.
At 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had my first job at 13 also - selling gift certificates for a friend's restaurant. I had to initial every certificate... people began to know me as "kc". I eventually "graduated" to busgirl!
At 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Besides working my behind off everyday on our farm... I think my first 'cash' paying job was babysitting a neighbor's infant at my ripe age of 12!! (Isn't this illegal these days... )
At 11:28 AM,
Kaycee said…
I think it was a restaraunt, or the golf course. I cna't remember
At 11:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
My first real job, I was 16 and got a job at Hallmark Cards. I worked there for 4.5 years eventually making it to the Assistant Manager.
At 11:36 AM,
whispers said…
after many years of working (unpaid of course) in family businesses, I finally got my first "real" job. I sold pie and coffee at a place called "the pie stop". Learned how to use a microwave, how to tear down a hot cocoa machine, clean it and rebuild it, how to clean a coffee machine, how to tell if pie has gone bad (the green fuzz was the best indication) and other more bizzare bits. but I had fun, and made money!
At 11:48 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
I was a server at Chuck E. Cheese and would host birthday parties for rug rats. If I was lucky, I got to work in the game area supervising the ball crawl. For some reason, kids that are too short sink in the balls and I would have to go in and rescue them sometimes. I lasted six weeks!
At 1:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I worked at a sandwich shoppe called D'angelo's when I was 16. I worked 40 hours a week and sacrificed my high school education because I was too tired to do homework. Nobody else in my classes worked. They sold pot out of the back door and there were always liquer bottles in the walk in fridge. The whole place smelled of drugs. I was straight edge. They would protect me like I was a little sister there. I miss it there.
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
My first job was when i was 18 at PIP printing (customer service). Very boring...though I did learn how to do Graphic Layout the old fashioned way - typeset and a wax roller.
At 4:58 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
A "junior producer" for a televison station. Translation: Follow the producer around, transcribe her tapes and occasionally write a one- or two-minute voice track for her stories. Yawn!
At 6:37 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I got a job at an old-fashioned shoe store: we actually measured customers' feet and put the shoes on their feet. This old homeless lady with more bunions and corns than Nebraska would always come in and ask to try on shoes. Yuck. I actually held out for 10 months.
At 7:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a high school junior, I got a job as cleanup boy in a bakery. Not a bad job in and of itself, but it was owned/ran by a weirdo religious cult that attempted to foist their views on me. They finally let me go afte ri refused to address them as Brother Peter or Brother David.
At 7:34 PM,
nancy =) said…
my first job was at a burger king when i was 16...i wore an orange and yellow polyester pants suit and an orange and yellow polyester engineer hat...i got fired when i laughed in the face of some elderly customers who asked me for fries with no salt...i told them there is no such thing and started laughing...they complained and i got canned...
At 8:39 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Does babysitting count? That's about all I did from the time I was 12 until I was 16. The summer I turned 16 I worked as a counselor at a camp for handicapped and MR kids and adults.
At 10:16 PM,
Sariah said…
I started babysitting regularily at 11. My first job that the gov't took taxes from was when I was 16. I was a "server" at a restaurant. It sucked. After a few months I left to work at a movie theatre. At least there you get free movies, popcorn, and drinks!
At 1:22 AM,
AKH said…
I guess if you define job as something that pays ... that would be paper girl. I delivered the local shopper around the neighborhood where I made a whopping 4 cents a paper. I had to have been around 9 or 10 years old I think. I started babysitting around that time too, but since I paid taxes on my income for this job, I figure it was the one that counts.
At 4:14 AM,
arcane said…
My first job was making pizza when I was 15. Unless you do count babysitting. I started doing that at 13.
At 10:39 AM,
Connie in FL said…
Babysitting.. and I was good at it. I had some great regular customers who paid me well.
One spring in high school my dad grounded me and as part of my punishment I had to work in the parts department of his car dealership.
I sat in the back with the bins of parts at a u-shaped desk surrounded by index cards. In the mornings I went through the incoming parts orders and added them to the index card inventory.... in the afternoon, I went through all the sales and service orders and subtracted the sold parts from the index cards. I WAS the computer! UGH.
The best part was that the service and parts guys would forget I was back there so I learned a pretty long list of potty words.
At 11:14 AM,
Gigi said…
concession girl in a movie theater...My MOM got me the job.....
At 12:21 PM,
danielle said…
hostess @ salt grass steak house. i had to wear a bolo...not fun.
At 2:34 PM,
author said…
I sliced apricots in half and de pitted them, I laid them on these huge racks and they were then dried.
Dried apricots to this day
make me ill.
I was 14 and had to get special permission to work. This was in San Jose California. A summer job.
At 6:53 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
My first job was at age 14. I worked at Showbiz(now known as Chuckie Cheese). I was a cook/waitress
At 10:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
My first job besides baby sitting was at 16.
I worked at this place where I answered telephones and took people's clothing orders online (Chadwicks, Brylane Home or Lane Bryant, anyone?)
It's where I learned to understand heavily accented foreign people over the phone and learn to deal with shitty customers while being snide and snarky, but not enough to get fired.
At 1:11 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
Computer lab monitor.
I would watch the lab and make sure no-one walked off with any computers. I would sometimes help people. I would also "abort jobs" that had run amok, especially print jobs.
There was a back room in headquarters of the lab with a single workstation with a title taped to it of "Abortion room", since that's the only place you could get to the mainframe and abort print jobs or other jobs that were stuck in endless loops.
The mainframe was an HP 3000. I feel like I was only a few steps removed from some system requiring punch cards, but I guess it was pretty advanced for the time! :)
If we wanted to draw any graphs, there was a 3 pen plotter we could submit graphs to. Wow. Makes MS Windows and MS Excel look like the Holy Grail now!!!
At 1:13 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
Oh, forgot to mention where. The computer lab was at my junior college, back in... 1984 thru 1986-ish. I think I was either 16 or 17. I lasted a few months, then needed more time to concentrate on studying.
At 2:24 AM,
Kari said…
age 14-mcdonalds. i started out as a "hostess", which is a nice word for the girl that sweeps up peoples fries and cleans the tables/bathrooms. i graduated to the counter and drive thru. after 2 years, i moved "up" to Dairy Queen.
At 12:19 PM,
Christina said…
I was 17 -- almost 18. I got a job as a cashier at my friend's father's grocery store. It was so much fun.
At 5:05 PM,
Cold Chilli said…
My dad got me a job beta testing games. The first one I remember was Where in the world was Carmen San Diego version 1 for the Apple ][.
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