Seventy-ninth Question
What's the best Halloween costume you've ever seen for an adult? How about for a child? Please describe for those of us needing ideas this year!
Question yourself. Post your own answer. Give to receive.
At 3:23 PM,
AKH said…
I bought a green M&M costume a couple of years ago. I had just graduated from college and went back to UW-Madison to visit friends and celebrate the biggest holiday of the year there, Halloween.
It was great walking down State Street (up towards the capital) and drunkingly yelling, yeah I'm the green M&M, melts in your mouth not in your hand. People got their pictures taken with me and everything.
At 5:05 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Last year, my workplace had a costume contest. Our maintenance man, who's Caucasian and about 7'0' and 350 lbs dressed up as Mr. T, including the chains and brown face paint. About the onlt thing he didn't do was cut his hair into a mohawk.
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Adult? I honestly have no idea.
Child - I have to give props to my father. From when I was old enough to trick or treat until I was about 11, he made me the most excellent costumes EVER. Well, the face paint, to be exact. Once I was a witch and he used the fake waxy skin to mold an awesome chin and nose for me.
This one girl at my school went as a table. She had the table top part with her head coming through the center and it spreading over her shoulders, with the four legs coming down. She glued fake plates and cups to the top and had a table cloth on it and everything.
Then there was my white cousin who went as Dennis Rodman. Painted his face black and his head magenta-ish.
At 10:11 PM,
nancy =) said…
hands down the best ever adult halloween costume i ever saw was in the halloween parade in greenwich village in nyc...there was a group of people dressed like those little toy green plastic army men and every time the parade stopped they would freeze into the positions that those little green army men are looked so was soooo awesome...
as far as kids costumes go i've seen lots and lots of cool ones but being a mom i'm gonna have to go with the time my own daughter dressed up as daisy duck when she was 3 years old...
At 10:53 PM,
mish-mash mousse said…
A guy in a dalmation outfit walking his dog. The dog was wearing a people costume complete with hat and shoes.
At 11:15 PM,
Sith Snoopy said…
Not sure.
I dressed as Snoopy one year... took a white sweatshirt, white sweatpants, sewed a black stubby tail to the pants. Sewed furry ears to the hood. Sewed a black spot on the back of the sweatshirt. Took 2 pair of my husband's socks and drew claws on them, wore 2 on my feet, 2 on my hands. Wore a collar. Made a white snout with a black nose and a black smile.
Had my red dog dish with me. :)
Another year I went as Darth Vader. Bought the mask, and the lightsaber. Wore black boots, pants, and shirt. Black gloves. Made a black cape. Taped a calculator to my chest. :)
I'm female, and barely 5 feet. The same year I went as Darth Vader, a guy went as Princess Leia, complete with cinnamin buns taped to his ears! He's about 6 feet 6 inches.
Somewhere there's this really funny picture of me and him standing, posing, with our arms on each other's shoulders.
Well, I tried to reach his shoulders. ;)
At 11:25 PM,
Kris said…
One year I went as Wednesday from the Adamms Family. My DH went as "Death" and weren't we the pair. We also dressed up as pirates one was fantastic. Best costume hands down for kids was a flower patch...all the kids in this one family had big flowers around their faces, and all green for the stems. Their arms were the leaves...they had signs around their necks that read "please don't pick the flowers". Priceless.
At 4:26 PM,
babyjewels said…
An easy, kinda funny costume is to wear all black and hot glue gun random socks, underwear, fabric sheets to yourself. Your static cling.
At 11:51 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
Last year, my boyfriend was zebra man. He had zebra striped pants and a black cape. He painted his face, and up into his hair, with black and white stripes and then stuck his hair in a mohawk. We weren't dating yet, but I walked right by him and had no idea it was him.
My favorite costume as a kid was Raggedy Ann. My mom made the whole thing, including a wig made out of red yarn. I won the costume contest at school in that one.
At 4:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a kid, best costume was a tube of toothpaste. My dad made me a 'top' out of a lampshade and the rest of me was dressed in a sheet sewn into a tube with colgate painted on it.
Best Adult costumes I've seen included: A firecracker (made from a concrete form paperboard tube), three blind mice (complete with knickers, canes and dark glasses), a clown with giant, and I do mean insanely cartoonishly large feet (made of styrofoam and duct tape) and a blow-up doll
At 12:19 PM,
Christina said…
Last year three girls I know went as the Fanta girls. It was right after those annoying ads came out, but before they got to be incredibly annoying. So it was a cool idea and no one else had the costume.
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