Seventy-fifth Question
I am to be gone for few days, so I have posted several questions today to "hold over" my loyal readers until I return (see questions 73 & 74 also).
In honor of my birthday on Friday...
What is the most memorable birthday you've ever had? Why was it special or what did you do?
What was the worst birthday you've ever had? Why was it such a bad day?
In honor of my birthday on Friday...
What is the most memorable birthday you've ever had? Why was it special or what did you do?
What was the worst birthday you've ever had? Why was it such a bad day?
At 12:26 PM,
Blogzie said…
Happy Birthday!
And have a good trip.
Another libra...we are the best aren't we?
As far as birthdays in general, as a rule I much prefer celebrating any birthday that is not my own.
At 1:29 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
Best birthday was spent in an Atlantic City casino. I forget which. Bally's maybe. I had just turned 21 and I blew 200 bucks. But it was awesome.
Worse birthday was at age 9. My mom threw me a party but invited none of my friends. So basically it was me and a bunch of grown ups.
At 1:31 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
Oh, I may be out of town on Friday so let me take the opportunity now to wish you a most WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!
At 4:24 PM,
Ritmeyer said…
Best birthday was 16th. I did not have a super sweet sixteen, but it was so much fun. My friends kidnapped me before school, I got my license and drove myself around all day. Then we had a big party on the weekend.
My worst was that my uncle committed suicide on my 18th b-day.
At 5:22 PM,
Topher said…
Best birthday was my 14th. My extended family (who's moved all over the world) all came home and I got to spend my birthday with them (even ones who I haven't seen since I was born)
Worst was at age 22, this year. I spent the day alone, and despite of all the calls, I still felt...err....lonely
At 5:26 PM,
Topher said…
Oh yeah was thinking this too:
Happy Birthday!
At 11:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Best birthday was probably about my 9th. Chuck E. Cheese and games galore, complete with friends, how can it not be? You're eternally happy at that age anyways, it seems.
Worst birthday was the last one. My 17th birthday I was at the height of my depression that left me angry at anyone. I didn't have a party and had an argument with both my parents that left me in a horrible mood. Finally they called me up, my father telling me to get the whole thing over with so he could get some sleep.
I opened the first present and it was a handheld mirror, wrapped in a plastic bag fresh from CVS. I was angry and threw it back in the bed. Then I took my dog out for a walk for 2 hours until midnight.
...Reminiscing about these things makes me realize that antidepressants are a wonderful thing.
PS: Happy Birthday.
At 8:58 AM,
nancy =) said…
have an awesome weekend!!
At 11:32 AM,
Kris said…
Happy Birthday! THe best gift I ever received was from Kyle Swekla. His parents owned a meat shop and he gave me tons of beef jerky and pepperoni sticks...weird yes but DELISH!
At 4:26 PM,
sands of time said…
My best was my 21st.Lots of drinking and a really good time had.
Worst was my 39th.The asshole i was married to never remembered as usual.Then to make it worse nor did anyone else.So,i never even had a card or a happy birthday off anyone.
At 4:42 PM,
Mara said…
Two birthday's ago I found out I had cancer.. it was the worst birthday ever.
This years birthday was the best because I fought and won.... at least so far.
At 7:20 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Every birthday between my 5th and 9th was the worst, because every year at the same time, I would get a severe case of bronchitis.
My best birthday was my 18th, when my parents (finally) allowed me to get my driver's license!
At 3:38 AM,
MrSoaringMan said…
The whole world parties when it's my Birthday. Because it's the 1st January.
Happy Birthday.
At 5:37 AM,
DayDreamer said…
Worst Birthday: Think it was my 11th, I was upset because I had to spend it with my mothers boyfriend, who I hated. thinking back he was harmless enough, but, boy, did he bug me. Hated every second of that day. Lucky that I'm a grown up now and can get over these things!!
At 5:40 AM,
DayDreamer said…
Worst birthday - on my 11th birthday I spent the entire day mightily miffed as Imy mothers then boyfriend accompanied us on our birthday day outing.
How I hated that day, and looking back he wasnt that bad!
Thank god I'm a 'grown up' now and can be rational about these things!!
Happy Birthday, have great fun!
At 11:38 AM,
I n g e r said…
I honestly can't recall a single birthday, though I love the cards my kids make for me and I've saved them.
Happy birthday, Sublime!! Sending you a bouquet of smiles and hugs.
At 4:35 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Gotta take back my previous best birthday. Definitely my best was in 1995, when my fiance made a wonderful home-cooked meal. "Dessert" was the best part, though.
At 10:45 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Best birthday was probably when I was 7 or 8. Huge pool party with tons of friends. Can't think of a worst birthday. I guess maybe 27, when I was not yet with Fran permanently, and wasn't able to spend the time with her, we were still seperated across the country.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
At 2:29 PM,
mish-mash mousse said…
Best birthday was 1996. I was working as a public school teacher in Philly at the time. I came home after an especially hard day to find my incredible husband had turned our apt. into a cafe! He made dinner, dessert, and had a few other surprises for me!
Worst birthday was being sick on the day having two small children to chase after. Thank God for NYQUIL!
Happy Birthday, Sublime!
At 1:35 AM,
arcane said…
My worst birthday was probably my 30th. All of my life up tp that point I was convinced I would die before I turned 30. So for 2 days before and the day o fmy birthday I stayed in my bed scared to do anything because I just knew I was going to die.
I don't guess I have a "best" birthday. None of them have been good or special. I have never liked them. And I am not growing any more fond of them the older I get..
At 8:55 AM,
Kaycee said…
My 22nd birthday, My husband proposed.
At 5:56 PM,
AKH said…
I hope you had a wonderful birthday. My most memorable birthday was probably my 21st because we celebrated my 21st and my mom's 50th birthday together. To keep with my dad and brother's tradition, they got us a stripper too. There is something to be said to be watching your first stripper with your mom sitting next to you. It was memorable alright.
P.S. It was tastefully done. In other words he didn't take it all off.
At 12:57 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
My 29th was my most memorable one. My girl made it special
Worst, 30th becuse I went out of my 20s. It hit me hard.
At 12:12 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
My worst was about 8 years ago. I was fighting with my dad (and probably my ex-husband)and we were so broke, we went to Burgerville for my birthday dinner and they screwed up my meal. I sat in the dining room crying.
My best was my 8th birthday, when my mom threw a surprise party with my whole family. I also got my favorite present of all time, my rag doll Keri, that I drug with me everywhere for years.
Last year's birthday, my first with my wonderful boyfriend, was pretty good too.
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