Sixty-fifth Question
I recently heard about a study that compared the length of people's lives between "believers" and "non-believers" (no matter what the religion/spirituality). The study concluded that people with some "faith" tended to live longer than people with no religious affiliations. What (if any) religion/faith/spiritual path do you follow?
At 7:40 PM,
nancy =) said…
i threw religion out the window a long long time ago...i believe that religion is the root of all evil in the george carlin says it has caused more wars, suicides, and failed marriages than anything else in the world...i am a very spiritual person, tho...i'm spiritually inspired by nature...and synchronicity...and serendipity...and karma...definitely karma...
At 9:57 PM,
AKH said…
I guess I'm screwed since I'm a non-believer.
Like nancy said, I'm with George Carlin. I only worship things that I can see like the Sun or Joe Pesci.
Although I don't believe in god, I do believe in karma. What goes around comes around. I think it is all about the people and the power (energy) of the people.
I believe that we don't need to pray to a god for peace. If everyone in the world wanted peace, we would have it because there wouldn't be anyone there to fight.
At 10:20 PM,
Unknown said…
karma for me ... buddhism more formally, but not very formally ... reincarnation yes, guilt no
At 11:49 PM,
Margaret said…
i believe in karma...and the pagan/wiccan saying "as ye harm none, do as ye will"...
At 1:06 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
That Jesus was the Son of God, and died for our sins, and was raised from the dead.
Yes, I'm one of "those horrible people". :) Or at least I try to be.
I believe that God exists in 3 persons or 3 parts of himself, i.e., the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. No, I don't claim to understand how this whole Trinity thing works.
I believe we all have a God-shaped hole in us. We were designed to have a relationship with God. He has alot of love to give, and so created us to have more directions for his love to go.
God doesn't want robots. So we have free will, and can choose to accept a relationship with Him, or reject that relationship.
He doesn't want us to reject Him, both because He loves us, and because He knows that rejecting Him is a bad thing for us. But He's not the kind of being to force Himself on us.
God's more about "knocking on the door of your life", rather than "breaking the door down."
We've made some selfish, sinful choices with that free will thing. So God sent Jesus to pay for our sins, so that, if we accept God's gift of salvation through His son Jesus, we can still have a relationship with God. [Without having our sins paid for, and w/o having accepted God's gift of forgiveness, we aren't truly capable of having a loving relationship with God.]
Anyway, I do believe somewhat in synchronicity, serendipity and karma, but more in the sense that God is in control of it all.
Ok. [[Flame Shields Up. On HIGH.]]
At 1:43 AM,
Kris said…
I think that non-believers tend to forget that STUPIDITY causes most of the crap that people say religion is the root of. There are a lot of freaking ass stupid people doing stupid things in this world...screwing up everything for everyone, not religion, that's just a convenient excuse. Just my two cents.
At 1:09 PM,
SassyFemme said…
I believe in God, Heaven, in being a good person, in helping one another. I haven't found an organized religion I can believe in/with. I think it's more important that I believe, rather than go to a place to worship.
At 2:50 PM,
nancy =) said…
one more thing i'd like to add...i have felt closer to god/buddah/allah/yaway/spirit of the universe/higher power/whatever you want to call it while i was outdoors in nature then i ever have in any temple/church/synagouge/house of worship...for me organized religion has no connection whatsoever to being a spiritual person...sometimes i think the more religous a person is the less spiritual they actually are...
At 5:19 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
I'm agnostic not to be confused with being an atheist. That said, I've sort of been looking into Buddhism.
Like P, I also believe in karma.
At 9:01 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. I hesitate to say "Christian," because so much in that belief system is so badly out of wac, I don't believe it can/will be fixed. I used to be wholly committed to the system, and alienated a lot of people. I realized my life contradicted the teachings of the Bible, so, while I do attend a local church, it is not my rule for life. The Word of God is.
The 2 biggest rules in my life: "In everything do to others as you would have them do to you," and "All things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial."
This is how I try to live my life.
To the rest of you, may the rules you live by bring you peace and blessing to you and those around you.
At 2:27 PM,
Clandestine said…
i'd say closest to akh - i believe that why prayer works sometimes is energy going into the universe. i believe in evolution and that the reason people feel the need to do the things we feel the need to do is survival of the species, but that it sometimes gets confused. i believe that if you trust that everything will work out eventually, it will, even if you can't understand why you have to go through what you go through to get there. you just have to have faith and keep on truckin'.
At 10:54 AM,
Robert said…
My grandmother believes in Buddhism years ago, and now she's too old to do much of anything... and I am very close to her since she raise me when I was just a wee-boy. I find all religions quite fascinating... Tho these days I listen to Buddhist chants but I'm not a Buddhist, tho I prefer their teaching cuz I feel it's very close to [my] heart.
"Everything is dependent on the will of the self. With the sufferings of this life, one must strive to better his own conditions."
At 11:03 AM,
Robert said…
I also read somewhere that when a person prays, it's 'mostly' when he/she wants something...
Believing in something can be quite beneficial to one's soul, and also dangerous... It can make you see the light, and the light can also blind you. There's a fine line in the middle, whether one wants to see it or not.
At 2:05 PM,
Kaycee said…
I am a catholic, though not currently attending church. I do not agree with EVERYTHING the catholic docturin teaches, but as a whole, I love my religion.
At 11:51 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
I am babtist, but I believe in karma too. I know there is a heaven and a god but beyond that I have know clue right now.
At 2:45 PM,
Ms Enigme said…
im a muslim :d
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