recently i have had to deal with the financial aid department of the college i work at. it's been a royal pain the ass trying to deal with the process of hiring student workers.
I was running late to work and needed some coffee so I pulled into the last space at Quick Trip (yeah I know, but Starbucks isn't 1 minute from my house & I needed some coffee). I rush out to my car and some jackass has parked behind me. Why, why would anyone do this? You don't do that. This means I have to pull an Austin powers reverse-forward 50 freakin' times to try and get out. The silly bitch walks out as I am doing this and by this point I am in a world of pissed off one can only be in when late for work without having injested much coffee and reversing and fowarding 50 million times. I shot her a look that said it all, but I really felt I needed to say something too, uh so I did, managed to get my car out and pealed out. I showed her! (I'm such a jackass)
This morning at work, I was trying to do everyone else's work because my co-workers are completely incompetent, and then getting behind on my own work.
yesterday. I'm doing the presidency at my son's co-op nursery school with 2 other women. At every step, the director seems to try and trip us up. Yesterday she pulled some silly crap trying to get the people we rent from to limit (parents) use of the building. It's a freaking co-op, ah, don't get me started.
Do I have to pick just one? We'll have to skip the one most recently on my mind.....sorry, but a close second is my husband is out of a job, on strike. Frustrated because the company is being an a** and the union is being just as much of one! Don't know what the future holds for us.
patient in emergency department who put his face over a firecracker and it went off in his face....actually in his eyes. MD immediately saw him, examined his eyes. Blurry vision right eye with mulitple foreign bodies embedded in cornea. No vision left eye with mulitple foreign bodies embedded in cornea and a slit in iris. left eye completely clouded over. placed page to eye who has not taken call in about 2 years. why would today be any different. Instead of calling another hospital to transfer....we wait on return. when it came the doc was in a code on one of the floors. finally about 1 hour later eye specialist from another hospital found by me was called and accepted patient in transfer. 2 hours after rolling through the doors he was transfered....could the er doc not listen just once when told the eye guy does not take call and lets get this guy out of here, his vision is at stake. I am furious about this.
My toddler so refuses to stop injuring himself!!!! First it was a badly scraped knee. Then he cuts the roof of his mouth with a key he found. Then today he climbs a kitchen chair, falls, and gashes his chin open!!! All this in a span of 5 days...
Getting a note through the mail saying I did not give all the information needed to this place to get accepted and I did. That was this evening so now I have to call in the morning and see what the heck they were thinking and crap. People sometimes, drive me crazy.
At 11:39 AM,
danielle said…
recently i have had to deal with the financial aid department of the college i work at. it's been a royal pain the ass trying to deal with the process of hiring student workers.
At 12:24 PM,
nancy =) said…
i have nothing at the moment but i'm sure as the day progresses i will come up with i'll get back to you on this one, k?...peace...
At 12:30 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
Annoying chatterbox co-workers who won't shut the frig up.
At 12:52 PM,
Ritmeyer said…
I was running late to work and needed some coffee so I pulled into the last space at Quick Trip (yeah I know, but Starbucks isn't 1 minute from my house & I needed some coffee). I rush out to my car and some jackass has parked behind me. Why, why would anyone do this? You don't do that. This means I have to pull an Austin powers reverse-forward 50 freakin' times to try and get out. The silly bitch walks out as I am doing this and by this point I am in a world of pissed off one can only be in when late for work without having injested much coffee and reversing and fowarding 50 million times. I shot her a look that said it all, but I really felt I needed to say something too, uh so I did, managed to get my car out and pealed out. I showed her! (I'm such a jackass)
At 1:44 PM,
Christina said…
This morning at work, I was trying to do everyone else's work because my co-workers are completely incompetent, and then getting behind on my own work.
At 1:59 PM,
babyjewels said…
yesterday. I'm doing the presidency at my son's co-op nursery school with 2 other women. At every step, the director seems to try and trip us up. Yesterday she pulled some silly crap trying to get the people we rent from to limit (parents) use of the building. It's a freaking co-op, ah, don't get me started.
At 2:13 PM,
4evergapeach said…
Do I have to pick just one? We'll have to skip the one most recently on my mind.....sorry, but a close second is my husband is out of a job, on strike. Frustrated because the company is being an a** and the union is being just as much of one! Don't know what the future holds for us.
At 3:58 PM,
AKH said…
Nothing has really frustrated me lately unless you want to include my reaction to the news coverage lately.
At 10:07 PM,
Jan said…
patient in emergency department who put his face over a firecracker and it went off in his face....actually in his eyes. MD immediately saw him, examined his eyes. Blurry vision right eye with mulitple foreign bodies embedded in cornea. No vision left eye with mulitple foreign bodies embedded in cornea and a slit in iris. left eye completely clouded over. placed page to eye who has not taken call in about 2 years. why would today be any different. Instead of calling another hospital to transfer....we wait on return. when it came the doc was in a code on one of the floors. finally about 1 hour later eye specialist from another hospital found by me was called and accepted patient in transfer. 2 hours after rolling through the doors he was transfered....could the er doc not listen just once when told the eye guy does not take call and lets get this guy out of here, his vision is at stake. I am furious about this.
At 10:11 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
My toddler so refuses to stop injuring himself!!!! First it was a badly scraped knee. Then he cuts the roof of his mouth with a key he found. Then today he climbs a kitchen chair, falls, and gashes his chin open!!! All this in a span of 5 days...
At 10:12 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
At 11:38 AM,
Unknown said…
trying to change my work situation to one which is compatible with my sleep and health needs and running up against a boss who just will not budge
At 12:13 PM,
Kaycee said…
My work, the ex and everything in between.
At 1:34 PM,
Kris said…
It's all sexual...I'll leave it at that.
At 6:38 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
Getting a note through the mail saying I did not give all the information needed to this place to get accepted and I did. That was this evening so now I have to call in the morning and see what the heck they were thinking and crap. People sometimes, drive me crazy.
At 4:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Being 300 miles away from love.
At 2:52 PM,
Ms Enigme said…
not being able to study - arggggg
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