Forty-eighth Question
Today is Labor Day (in the USA) and it marks the unofficial end of the summer season. Enjoyable memories of past summer's from my childhood have popped into my thoughts off and on today. What is your favorite memory of summer (past or present)?
At 9:17 PM,
4evergapeach said…
Oh this was an easy one for far my favorite Summer memories are tent camping with my family at Lake Lanier. Back then this was a low key lake, not as crowded as it is now. I am from a family of 8 kids so our tent was packed full! I remember mom cooking over the Coleman stove, Dad teaching me to water ski, playing, swimming and fishing with my brothers and sisters, running up to the camp site when I caught a fish so my dad could take it off the hook (poor fish dangling from the end of my pole, and occasionally getting caught in a tree limb)and getting my first kiss. This boy that was sweet on me, and I guess me on him too ;), were out in the water a ways from shore with our floats. He tipped it up so we were hidden from view and there I lost my virgin lips. Oh, the sweet days of summers past!!
At 10:08 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I would take a bike trip on lazy summer days to a secret little place about 1.5 miles from my home. It was a quiet, open field which was surrounded on every side by forest. I'd travel the rough path to the field, then go to the middle of it and just sit for hours, listening to the buzz of the locusts in the trees, the birds singing, and the extremely faint hiss of traffic an interstate about 5 miles in the distance. I'd just connect with nature and shut out all the chaos and confusion of the world outside this gateway to heaven. I called this place "the field of my soul." I went back there a couple of months ago for the first time in years, even though I live 70 miles away. It's still the wonderful sanctuary that it was so long ago.
At 1:38 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
Camping with my Dad over my summer vacations. We'd head up to the Sierra's, near Lake Tahoe, and pick a small nearby lake. We'd unpack the kayaks from the top of the car, load all the camping gear into them, then paddle across the lake to our campsite. Set up the tent, get gear unpacked. Go fishing, go hiking, go paddling, go exploring. Eating fresh caught fish, or freeze dried food in bags. :)
As an adult, my favorite summer so far was 3 weeks in August 2003 when my husband and I went on vacation. We flew from LAX to Hawaii to Guam to Palau, and spent a week on a live-aboard boat going scuba diving in 82 degree water with over 80 feet visibility. :) Got to do alot of drift diving along walls, and also reef-hook diving with a strong current, watching the reef sharks effortlessly maintain their position in spite of the current!
Then flew from Palau to Guam to Truk (Chuuk) for another week on a live-aboard boat, another week of scuba diving. More 82 degree water. Vis wasn't as good, but the ship wrecks and the reef sharks were totally worth cutting the vis down to 60 feet! [Oh, my, just 60 feet! :) Where we live, we're lucky if we have 15 to 20 feet vis! :) ]
The ship wrecks were awesome (except of course for the death and destruction that went along with it), and we also got 2 reef-shark chum dives, where we sat on the bottom at 60 feet in a semi-circle while the captain opened a can of chum 15 feet in front of us. Totally cool. :) The reef sharks were absolutely beautiful.
Then flying from Truk to Guam to Hawaii, and spending a couple of days to check out Oahu. Saw where my uncle was burried, in the Punch Bowl. Walked through a destroyer on display. Saw the Arizona memorial. Ate great food. Did a little shopping.
Got home by 9am, SLEPT ALL DAY. :)
At 9:51 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
That white shoes were no longer acceptable!
At 9:59 AM,
nancy =) said…
i live in nj, and when it's summer in nj you go down the shore...we went down for the day on sunday and it got me thinking about all of the times i've had at the a child, as a teenager, then bringing my own kids there as babies, and now bringing them there as young adults...the wheel is turning and it can't slow down =)...peace...
At 12:23 PM,
danielle said…
when i was little i had a play house in my dad's backyard. one summer he let me paint it however i wanted to. i proceded to splatter paint the entire inside, covering not only the walls with floresent colors, but myself as well. that was my first lesson in painting.
At 5:09 PM,
Christina said…
The beach. Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina with my family and close family friends. We've been going for years, to the same place, and we've never outgrown it.
At 10:53 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
Going to the lake with my son and girlfriend, riding bikes, walking in the park, playing on our softball leauge, hanging out with friends, playing poker, laying out and getting a sweet tan, driving in those summer nights with my baby and the biggest on is getting married to my girlfriend one august night.
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