Forty-second Question
Carl Sandburg wrote:
"I cried over beautiful things knowing that nothing beautiful lasts"
What beautiful thing have you cried about... other then a romantic/marital relationship?
"I cried over beautiful things knowing that nothing beautiful lasts"
What beautiful thing have you cried about... other then a romantic/marital relationship?
At 10:34 AM,
Robert said…
I haven't really cried for a long while. But every now and then I would tear up while driving home, listening to music and thinking what a lucky person that I am to be living in such a wonderful place and time.
And I am.
At 11:15 AM,
Bent Fabric said…
I'm not sure this qualifies, but sometimes I get teary when I listen to Sarah McLachlan. Her lyrics and voice are so beautiful.
Also, though I've seen it a billion times and can recite it verbatim, the movie Beaches makes me cry every single time.
At 12:14 PM,
babyjewels said…
Another blogger had a link for feral children. True stories and scientific research and some first hand accounts. That stuff shouldn't happen to innocent little children.
At 3:01 PM,
Margaret said…
the birth of my son...
At 4:05 PM,
I n g e r said…
Children, of course. The Christmas tree can tear me up, too, and harvest moons.
At 4:44 PM,
arcane said…
It was around the 12 of August and one of my daughters was spending time with family in another state and I was missing her very much. I came home one day and listened to my voice mail and she was singing the 'you are my sunshine song' I dont know the actual name of the song..and it made me cry because not only did I miss her but she and I used to sing that all the time when she was a baby. It was "our" song.
At 7:35 PM,
nancy =) said…
i cry at EVERYTHING...i bawled really bad at my daughter's graduation from hs a coupla years ago...i stopped watching that show on abc where ty pennington comes and redoes your whole house cuz i would just boohoo thru feb i was driving home one night right on the edge of sunset and the way the sunlight hit this glass building it made it look like the building was made of gold and it was so beautiful i cried...i cry at nature at least once a week...see? i'm a huge crybaby...
At 9:54 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Good music will make me cry. Cute critters like penguins and hermit crabs and puppies and pretty much any baby animal...sometimes when I'm talking to my dog (c'mon, who doesn't talk to their dog?) he'll turn his head back and forth like he's really trying to understand what I'm saying and it's so damn cute it makes me misty. Oh, and any time I see people do something amazing that they've worked really hard for; for example, Lance Armstrong - I saw this picture of him on his last race and the look in his eyes was amazing...human accomplishment will get me everytime.
At 12:52 AM,
Asaph's Table said…
There's a very special place I call the Field of My Soul-- a place of solitude that is my inner sanctum. It's a meadow surrounded by forest, nearby where I grew up. I recently went back there for the first time in 10 years, and so much of the surrounding woods have been stripped and cleared. This little gate to heaven has been tampered with by men's own agendas. I sobbed when I saw the adultery committed upon this sacred land...
At 1:28 PM,
Kaycee said…
Any time I adopt out one of my Fosters, I cry. I cry for the hours I spent rehabilitating them, the hours in the Veterinary ER, the hours holding them while they cry and shake only to have them turn and bite me if they get scared. I cry because now they know how to love, they don't pee on themselves when they see a man coming toward them. They are not afraid to give kisses and they will have a better life in their new homes. I have changed their lives and their new families lives completely, all by simply opening my home to a furry babies and giving him/her food, a crate to sleep in, his or her own blanket and lots and lots of LOVE!!!
Sexy xenaphobes never yell "Exactly"
At 9:40 AM,
Christina said…
Christmas Eve, family reunions, my Pop Pop.
At 3:32 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
Love/romance movies
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