Since 5 years ago, I feel like I've aged by about 20 years. I have a better job, plus my own business on the side. I am buying my own house and have a much better car. I feel a lot more overwhelmed by life. I'm more cautious and don't feel nearly as "bullet-proof".
Man, I have done the most changing in the past 4 years. I have become a stronger, more confident person. I started doing yoga, which has really changed my body and my mind. A few months ago, I ended my 12 year relationship. He moved out last month. Right about now I am going through some major major changes. I've never really been single before. (I've never been married, either.)It is a very surreal life I am living right now.
I am much closer to becoming who I am deep inside (although not there yet). I have stopped needing others validation and am better at being true to myself and hearing that little voice. That said, I find this is a scary process and once change begins, it is not always possible to stop. Things that used to work, no longer work. There is both an excitement and sorrow to these losses/changes. My job has changed, my friendships are changing, and I am no longer sure my SO will have the characteristics I need to maintain a longer term relationship. As I age it is important I become me, so to speak, however I'm far more vulnerable and time is much more fragile.
I am a completely different person and much more who I wanted to be and not what others thought I should be. I have come so far and worked so hard in the past 5 years, to battle illnesses, find my husband, get married, move a few times, start foster care for min pins and get a couple of jobs. I have been through 4 cars and I have the most wonderful relationship with my kids. I LOVE who I am today.
-I'm wiser. I think. *paranoid* -I think before I fly off the handle. -I appreciate things more. -I'm addessing my dysfunctons. -I'm half and inch taller. -It's easier for me to let things go. -I'm not as self-destructive. -I have more patience. -I have the guts to pursue what I want. Most of it anyway. -I eat more vegetables.
the most profound change in the last 5 years has been that i can now speak my truth in a calm and coherent fashion and it no longer comes ripping out of me...i am way more comfortable inside my head...i am comfortable enough with my self that i no longer seek or care about other's acceptance of me...things roll off me very easily nowadays as well...peace...
5 years ago, I met my g/f so it goes without saying that I wake up everyday happy now. And also it has only been in the past 5 years that I know what it is to be loved.
Also. I might add that I am more worried about the future of my children than I was 5 years ago with war and terrorism in the news everyday.
I'm much more self-confident now than I was 5 years ago, both personally and professionally. I'm stronger, emotionally stronger, than I thought I was. We no longer have credit card debt. I no longer have my parents. I'm much more aware of my mortality and my partner's. Overall, I'm more comfortable "in my own skin", so to speak.
The last 5 yrs have been tough emotionally for me..I'm more of a worrier because of it...I hope the next 5 I'll have some more profound positive changes.
Five years ago I got a clue. Different in that I'm more independent, not scared to be alone, and much tougher. I also don't apologize about who I am or what I believe (or don't believe.) Not nearly as insecure...looking forward to shedding my 20s, that's for sure.
Alot has changed in five years. I remarried after being single for awhile, I had a child, I have a career I like. I'm stronger in a lot more ways, but I'm also not fearless (in some ways) like I used to be.
enjoy my job, lost 83 pounds, went through a divorce, love my new partner, aged five years, I'm more stubborn and life is going good for us now that we are on the right track and we are married.
At 10:42 AM,
Sublime said…
Since 5 years ago, I feel like I've aged by about 20 years. I have a better job, plus my own business on the side. I am buying my own house and have a much better car. I feel a lot more overwhelmed by life. I'm more cautious and don't feel nearly as "bullet-proof".
At 11:38 AM,
Robert said…
Since I met my love 7 years ago, I've been a better person because of him.
I laugh a whole lot more now! :-)
At 12:11 PM,
HappyKap said…
Man, I have done the most changing in the past 4 years. I have become a stronger, more confident person. I started doing yoga, which has really changed my body and my mind. A few months ago, I ended my 12 year relationship. He moved out last month. Right about now I am going through some major major changes. I've never really been single before. (I've never been married, either.)It is a very surreal life I am living right now.
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am much closer to becoming who I am deep inside (although not there yet). I have stopped needing others validation and am better at being true to myself and hearing that little voice. That said, I find this is a scary process and once change begins, it is not always possible to stop. Things that used to work, no longer work. There is both an excitement and sorrow to these losses/changes. My job has changed, my friendships are changing, and I am no longer sure my SO will have the characteristics I need to maintain a longer term relationship. As I age it is important I become me, so to speak, however I'm far more vulnerable and time is much more fragile.
At 12:22 PM,
Kaycee said…
I am a completely different person and much more who I wanted to be and not what others thought I should be. I have come so far and worked so hard in the past 5 years, to battle illnesses, find my husband, get married, move a few times, start foster care for min pins and get a couple of jobs. I have been through 4 cars and I have the most wonderful relationship with my kids. I LOVE who I am today.
At 1:41 PM,
Christina said…
I'm more honest, with others and with myself.
At 4:49 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
-I'm wiser. I think. *paranoid*
-I think before I fly off the handle.
-I appreciate things more.
-I'm addessing my dysfunctons.
-I'm half and inch taller.
-It's easier for me to let things go.
-I'm not as self-destructive.
-I have more patience.
-I have the guts to pursue what I want. Most of it anyway.
-I eat more vegetables.
At 5:31 PM,
nancy =) said…
the most profound change in the last 5 years has been that i can now speak my truth in a calm and coherent fashion and it no longer comes ripping out of me...i am way more comfortable inside my head...i am comfortable enough with my self that i no longer seek or care about other's acceptance of me...things roll off me very easily nowadays as well...peace...
At 6:45 PM,
arcane said…
5 years ago, I met my g/f so it goes without saying that I wake up everyday happy now. And also it has only been in the past 5 years that I know what it is to be loved.
Also. I might add that I am more worried about the future of my children than I was 5 years ago with war and terrorism in the news everyday.
At 6:47 PM,
SassyFemme said…
I'm much more self-confident now than I was 5 years ago, both personally and professionally. I'm stronger, emotionally stronger, than I thought I was. We no longer have credit card debt. I no longer have my parents. I'm much more aware of my mortality and my partner's. Overall, I'm more comfortable "in my own skin", so to speak.
At 7:11 PM,
Heidi said…
The last 5 yrs have been tough emotionally for me..I'm more of a worrier because of it...I hope the next 5 I'll have some more profound positive changes.
At 10:51 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Five years ago I got a clue. Different in that I'm more independent, not scared to be alone, and much tougher. I also don't apologize about who I am or what I believe (or don't believe.) Not nearly as insecure...looking forward to shedding my 20s, that's for sure.
At 10:07 AM,
Asaph's Table said…
I am a LOT less naive than I was. A lot of hurts and abuse from sub-cultures will do that to you.
My wife says she's not the dreamer she once was.
At 10:25 AM,
babyjewels said…
Alot has changed in five years. I remarried after being single for awhile, I had a child, I have a career I like. I'm stronger in a lot more ways, but I'm also not fearless (in some ways) like I used to be.
good question
At 6:27 PM,
AKH said…
Let's see ... 5 years ago I had just graduated from college and thought the world was my oyster.
Since then ...
I've become more political and concerned with the world around me and not just what you learned in school.
I've also learned that there is more to life than a great paying job (but I still want to find one).
At 3:26 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
enjoy my job, lost 83 pounds, went through a divorce, love my new partner, aged five years, I'm more stubborn and life is going good for us now that we are on the right track and we are married.
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
What it could be useful for?
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