It's been so long that I can't remember the last time. I don't yell when I'm really angry. I get very quiet. I rarely get truly angry. I get frustrated, but not really angry. I let most thing roll off my back, most of the time.
Welbutrin XL and Lexapro are my poisons of choice. Definitely alot less anxious moments.
I do yell alot, but mostly to try to get the dogs attention. I use my big angry mean voice, which unfortunately they know is totally fake. "Ah, Mom, you don't mean it!" Crap. :)
I've yelled at people in anger inside my head. Things I wish I could say to them, but never have had the guts.
Seven hours before this question was posted... To my ex, for completely no reason at all (atleast at first). I was tired, she was drunk and I just couldn't listen to her going on and on about the beautiful moonlight one more time. And telling her to shut up about that just got me going so things kind of got out of hand and I yelled at her for quite a lot of things.
I honestly can't remember. I normally don't yell. I just stew and then later get angry at myself because I didn't say all the things that I should've said.
Lexapro, the drug of champions. And the well-adjusted. I yell at my dogs, though, but only when they're *this close* to chewing each other's faces off.
Hmm... Furiously, it was about 10+ years ago.. With my ex, of course... who then was an alcoholic, pot-head, P/T prostitute, crack user, chronic liar and a smoker, too. He just knew how to 'press' my buttons! I just HAD to yell to compensate! :-)
At 2:44 PM,
I n g e r said…
At my father, for mistreating my mother. Sigh.
At 3:35 PM,
SassyFemme said…
It's been so long that I can't remember the last time. I don't yell when I'm really angry. I get very quiet. I rarely get truly angry. I get frustrated, but not really angry. I let most thing roll off my back, most of the time.
At 4:28 PM,
Blogzie said…
Well, I may have used my outside voice a time or two, most likely at some dimwit customer service person on the phone.
Since I started taking Celexa 4 years ago I never, ever yell in anger. I'm not big on creating drama or participating in others perceived drama.
I'm so Zen...
Better Living Through Chemistry
At 7:06 PM,
Sith Snoopy said…
Welbutrin XL and Lexapro are my poisons of choice. Definitely alot less anxious moments.
I do yell alot, but mostly to try to get the dogs attention. I use my big angry mean voice, which unfortunately they know is totally fake. "Ah, Mom, you don't mean it!" Crap. :)
I've yelled at people in anger inside my head. Things I wish I could say to them, but never have had the guts.
At 7:44 PM,
arcane said…
Earlier this afternoon when my oldest daughter hit her sister in the mouth and made some of the wires on her braces loose.
At 8:51 PM,
nancy =) said…
i have terrible road rage, and i am always yelling at some other's not good...
At 12:32 AM,
Ms Enigme said…
Yesterday, at my brother for dumping a plate full of spag into the sink and filling it with water. I hate waste.
At 9:25 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
When I stubbed my toe last week!
At 11:00 AM,
Sublime said…
Saturday night...better to be forgotten.
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Seven hours before this question was posted... To my ex, for completely no reason at all (atleast at first). I was tired, she was drunk and I just couldn't listen to her going on and on about the beautiful moonlight one more time. And telling her to shut up about that just got me going so things kind of got out of hand and I yelled at her for quite a lot of things.
At 11:35 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
ditto sassyfemme.
At 11:27 AM,
AKH said…
I honestly can't remember. I normally don't yell. I just stew and then later get angry at myself because I didn't say all the things that I should've said.
At 9:44 PM,
Christina said…
Lexapro, the drug of champions. And the well-adjusted. I yell at my dogs, though, but only when they're *this close* to chewing each other's faces off.
At 9:59 PM,
sdk said…
This morning. My three year old gave the dog a haircut before we got up.
At 11:36 AM,
Robert said…
Hmm... Furiously, it was about 10+ years ago.. With my ex, of course... who then was an alcoholic, pot-head, P/T prostitute, crack user, chronic liar and a smoker, too. He just knew how to 'press' my buttons! I just HAD to yell to compensate! :-)
Course I was much younger then. heh!
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