Forty-third Question
Have you ever experienced a natural disaster (ie: flood, tornado, hurricane, fire, etc.) of any type? Please describe the experience and where/when it took place.
"There are two big forces at work, external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do I respond to those disasters? Over that I have complete control."
~ Leo Buscaglia
Our thoughts are with the people affected by hurricane Katrina...
"There are two big forces at work, external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do I respond to those disasters? Over that I have complete control."
~ Leo Buscaglia
Our thoughts are with the people affected by hurricane Katrina...
At 11:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
the worst I have been in was the loma prietta earthquake in 1989, I remember my mom coming home about 10 minutes after we stopped shaking, telling me she was on the carquinez bridge at the time it was happening, and the bridge was swaying... my step dad {at the time} for days after helped remove bodies from the freeways that had collapsed together. my husband and current step dad worked to for cal trans to rebuild the freeways 10 years later!
At 11:12 AM,
Kaycee said…
I slept through an earthquake in Italy when I was a baby and had a flood in alabama. What fuN!
At 11:19 AM,
Blogzie said…
Being born and raised in Southern California, I can ride out an earthquake with the best of them, although the one we had two years ago did scare the poop out of me.
At 11:33 AM,
Kris said…
I was witness to the Edmonton tornado of 1989..."Black Friday" they call it. That day marked the change in the weather patterns for see we NEVER got weather like that before that day...and now we get at least 4 tornadoes a year! I'd never seen such a green sky in my life...but I knew something was up!
At 2:55 PM,
arcane said…
We had a house fire when I was 12. There was a tornado in a near by town and it caused us to lose power and when the power was restored, it caused a spark in the fuse box and we lost everything.It was most devastating for my mom who lost all of our baby pictures and my brother had just died 5 months prior to the fire.
At 4:40 PM,
4evergapeach said…
A tornado came through our back yard and dropped a tree right where my husband had been standing only a minute before and inches from our house. Had it hit, it would have been my daughters bedroom. We were blessed. I can't begin to imagine the loss and devastation those down south are going through. My prayers are with them.
At 4:48 PM,
HappyKap said…
Hurricane Gloria back in the early-80s on Long Island. A gigantic mulberry tree fell down in our backyard and missed our house by inches. The [tiny] house would have been demolished. We didn't have electricity for over a week. I will never ever forget what the fridge smelled like when we opened it. Ick!
At 6:20 PM,
nancy =) said…
well, not a natural disaster but a totally unatural one...9/11...i was in jersey city the morning of 9/ is exactly across the river from where the wtc sister worked in the financial district and after the 1st plane hit they shut down all the trains and tunnels and bridges so no one could get off the island and they were taking people by boats across the river to nj...and i drove to jersey city to pick her up...i just had to stop typing this for a few minutes cuz all i can think of is i don't ever want to see the looks i saw on peoples faces that day ever ever ever again...
At 7:01 PM,
Heidi said…
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At 7:06 PM,
Heidi said…
The Ice-Storm of 1998 in Montreal..Photos and info if interested.
At 8:00 PM,
AKH said…
We had a small fire once in our old house. I know I was younger than 10 when it happened (I know because at 10 we moved into our current house.)
Anyway, my mom used to keep a box with rags hanging on it in front of the hot water heater in order to dry the rags. (Not the brightest idea, but we've learned since.) Apparently one night the box of rags caught on fire and our smoke detector went off.
Apparently my mom and dad were awoken in the middle of the night and my dad ran into the bathroom and came out with a little dixie cup to put the fire out. The next day when I woke up, my brother told me that we had a fire, but I didn't believe him. I apparently slept through the entire ordeal and my parents told me about it the next day.
I guess we are pretty lucky that that is the worst thing that has happened.
At 8:34 PM,
SassyFemme said…
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At 8:40 PM,
SassyFemme said…
In light of today, and the other really horrific natural disasters, I don't think these count; blizzard of 78?) in New England, Hurricane Gloria in NY while I was at college, a little earthquake in NY in the mid 80's. I'm fortunate. I know it. It makes me feel guilty watching TV today, for all that I have, and all that they've lost.
At 12:02 AM,
Bent Fabric said…
Hmm...I have experienced five hurricanes that I can remember:
Hurricane Gilbert - Jamaica
Hurricane Irene - Florida
Hurricane Frances - Florida
Hurricane Jeanne - Florida
Hurricane Katrina - Florida
In all cases flooding was a direct result. I so need to get out Florida. The weird thing is, I wasn't scared during any of them. I love storms. The disaster that follows is what I HATE. My experiences combined aren't even comparable to what the people in New Orleans are experiencing.
When I lived in Jamaica we got quite a few earthquakes. One of two a year maybe.
At 9:23 AM,
Trudy Booty Scooty said…
I'm with Lynn on this one...the Loma Prietta earthquake 1989.
I was leaving a meeting and we were driving onto the top of the Cypress Structure which was the freeway overpass that collapsed on top of cars going the other way on the underside part of the structure of freeway below. It was very very scary. We backed off the structure because people were out of their cars running towards us yelling "It's collapsed! It's collapsed!" It didn't occure to me that it had collapsed on cars below until as we tried to get home the radio station starting reporting well as reporting that a portion of the Bay Bridge had collapsed. (We had thought of going in that direction to get home..but had changed our minds.)
I'll never forget any of it.
At 3:34 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
Never hit directly by any tornados but two years ago on my birthday one ripped through about three miles away and where I was babysitted as a kid. And where I worked, it tore the place apart.
At 3:36 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
Also when me and my friend went to Florida about six or seven years ago, we were in the middle of hurricane Danny. It was crazy. Took alot of pictures after it passed by.
At 7:50 AM,
Dr. Deb said…
9/11. It was indescribable, and on many levels, remains that way for me.
At 6:28 AM,
Unknown said…
got caught in a flood in 1974 that was generated by a cyclone (hurricane) that dumped six weeks' rain on my home town ... i was 9, so it was fun but in a scary kind of way ... the water rose fast, devastated all the low-set homes between us and the river, but spared the top half of our house (we were literally the last ones flooded) ... we got evacuated, isolated, vaccinated, snake-infested and shat on by the insurance companies ... best memory was watching a family friend wading through the waters, dragging a kayak full of food, with a slab of beer balanced on his head
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