Forty-fourth Question
Do you have a best friend? Who is it and what makes that person special to you? How did you meet and when? Describe one of your happiest/funniest times spent with this person.
"One does not make friends. One recognizes them."
~ Garth Henrichs
"One does not make friends. One recognizes them."
~ Garth Henrichs
At 1:28 PM,
babyjewels said…
I have several best friends that I really cherish. One particular (T) is just an amazing person. She never lets me down. I met her through work, over a decade ago. We were fond of each other, but she really clicked with another friend of mine. Later, we started to all hang out together and really developed a great friendship. Nothing I wouldn't do for her.
At 1:28 PM,
Kris said… do you delete a comment anyways...seems everyone can do it except for me.
At any rate...C. is my best friend since grade 7. We are both marred now with kids living in different cities but still keep in touch. We are always eager to catch up. Happiest and funniest times are when I am with her...
At 8:05 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Other than Fran (who really is my best friend), my best friend is Carolyn. We've been friends since the second day of Kindergarten in 1971. There's nothing we haven't been through together. I'm part of her family, she's part of mine. For a few years we lost our friendship, we talked about wanting it back, didn't do much about it. Then when my father died, she and her mother were here, taking care of us. It was as if we'd never spent any years apart. What bought us together? Um, we were 5 years old, playing doggie, and roaming our kindergarten classroom barking. What kept us together? Lots in common, genuinely caring for one another. Very much like sisters. Happiest/funniest time? Oh gawd, I'm sworn to secrecy on that one!
At 11:49 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I met my best friend at a radio station. I was a show producer, she was a concert promoter. She and I clicked immediately. We listened to each other, supported each other through very difficult times and spurned each other on to great personal growth. 6 years later we married. 10 years later we have an insanely happy home with 3 wonderful children.
At 11:56 PM,
4evergapeach said…
I guess my closest friend is in GA. We met at church. I always admired her family and for a while when I tried talking to her or inviting her to coffee or something she was always busy. We laugh about this now, but at the time she was thinking to herself "God, what does this person want? I wish she would leave me alone" Long story short we got to know each other and now even though miles seperate us, we know we will always be there for each other. I love her dearly!
At 11:57 PM,
And the Past Recedes... said…
I have two best friends. The first I have known forever, but we didnt get to be best friends until 10th grade. She's the one who helped me come out of my shell.
My second best friend is a girl I actually met online. She is truly my long lost sister. I love her.
At 9:07 AM,
I n g e r said…
My mother's my best friend. She's got my back like nobody I've ever met. And I've got hers.
At 10:04 AM,
Robert said…
I have a few very, very good friends, but I do not have A best friend. Does that make any sense?
At 10:59 AM,
Christina said…
I'm blessed enough to have several. My first is my husband, who I have more fun with than anyone in the world. Then I have Cagefighter, who grew up down the street from me, and even though we live a thousand miles apart, we always click when we're together. And then there's S, my college roommate, who I simply adore because she's been through everything with me.
At 12:15 PM,
sttropezbutler said…
PMO and LES come to mind.
My new world of this world of blogs.
At 7:59 PM,
nancy =) said…
my oldest best friend is d from 7th grade...we would cut gym class and smoke cigarettes behind the gym - that's how we other best friend is another d who i met 10 years ago in a woman's support group...we're really long lost sisters seperated at birth...and my daughter who is 20 and my son who is almost 18 are my pals for life...peace...
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