Sixty-eigth Question
Disclaimer: This might be a tough one, but please TRY to answer it!
"One faces the future with one's past."
~ Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973)
Sometimes our lives seem to go in certain cycles, or patterns that repeat themselves. Often, people make the same "mistakes" over and over, always doing the same thing but expecting different results. Frequently (and usually disappointingly) the outcomes turn out the same way as they have in the past.
If we instead think of and RECOGNIZE (sometimes the hardest part!) these cycles/patterns as opportunities for us to learn the "lesson" of the "mistake" then, maybe it will never have to be repeated again.
What is a problem or mistake that you've often had show up in your life? Did you consciously decide to learn the "life lesson" and break the cycle? Please explain...
At 1:03 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
Get out of my head, P!
Mine is dating the same kind of women. For a long time I attracted the cheater types and the ones who were always trying to change me. The red flags are more visible now and I do my best to heed them.
At 1:27 PM,
Margaret said…
i consciously chose to break the cycle of organized religion, ignorance, intolerance, negativity and poisonous thinking...
in breaking this cycle, in choosing to take the higher road, i lost my birth family...
it was the hardest decision i have ever made...yet it was the easiest...
i decided that it was not ok anymore...and decided at that particular moment that certain words were not allowed to be spoken to me...i was not someone they could run over...i was a woman with a back bone...and i was not afraid to stand up and be counted...and i paid the price...and continue to pay...
but it was worth it...
because i am worth it...
because my children are worth it...
because my family of choice is worth it...
At 1:53 PM,
Kris said…
I have to really think hard about this one...I will try to comment later when I come back with my thoughts...
I did want to say something to monkey though...who are you trying to convince, us or youself?
At 3:59 PM,
nancy =) said…
i think once you hit a certain age, you kinda take the life lessons over the the time i was 33, i was just too tired to keep doing things the same old way cuz it always led to pain and unhappiness...i'm 43 now and for the last 10 years i've been looking to learn something from almost every instance in my life - negative and positive - and then moving on...
At 4:57 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
I'm with monkey on this one. Like I said a couple of questions ago, though I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, I don't consider myself a "Christian." I don't belive in the system anymore.
I had to make a huge decision to choose the principles of the Bible over those of the church. I lost a lot of friends, but I made a lot of others. After 20 years of making dumb decisions based on theology or church teaching, I now make choices based on how I believe God would want me to live.
I don't think monkey was trying to convince anybody. I'm sure we don't agree on our faith, but we share a newfound freedom and an end to repeated problems.
At 6:34 PM,
Unknown said…
I become too infatuated with something's potential to see it clearly in its present condition. I'm aware of my flaw but won't be happier by making any changes.
At 10:49 PM,
babyjewels said…
Being overly excited about something (say a new hobby) and then getting completely immersed in it, only to burn out and never want to do it again. I have two speeds, SUPER HIGH and OFF. I have a hard time with in between on stuff.
At 12:05 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
That was deep. I always make the same mistakes with my family and always get burned in the end. The love of my life is trying to help me open my eyes to all of their crap.
At 10:53 AM,
I n g e r said…
I tended to befriend and date extremely needy people. It made me feel valuable and important, and also made me resentful, and so the ending was embedded in the beginning.
I don't rush in anymore; I know that I have a finite amount of emotional energy, and I'm more conscious about how I spend it. It's helped me to feel more balanced and happy, esp with my kids.
At 12:00 PM,
Unknown said…
i am attracted to unattainable women ... whether they're lesbians already in a relationship, or straight women ... does this mean i don't fully accept my sexuality? am i afraid of commitment? or am i just, y'know, stupid?
At 12:38 PM,
Clandestine said…
credit cards.
i'm hoping i'm on my way out of the cycle, but only time will tell.
At 12:57 PM,
Ritmeyer said…
I'm with babyjewels and LuLu. I'm with something and emerse myself in it, then tire of it completely. That's why I had a new major every semester and was an undergrad for 6 years...full time student! My husband is the only thing I've done consistently. (pun intended!)
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