One Hundred and Twenty Third Question
Sorry for the late post, I'm a bit under the weather...
When was the last time you had a cold? Are there any remedies you recommend?
When was the last time you had a cold? Are there any remedies you recommend?
At 6:27 PM,
danielle said…
i had a bad cold last spring (usually get 2 a year...once between spring and summer and the other in fall). i recomend that when you sleep you put an extra pillow at the top of your neck/base of your head to help you breathe better.
if that doesn't work, hop yourself up on sudafed and tylonol cold and pass out.
hope you feel better soon!
At 7:41 PM,
Heidi said…
I hope your feel better soon.
Ok..remedies..The first sign of a cold..Scratchy throat etc.. I take Ecchinachia 3x a day.
For stuffy nose..Those breath right strips..OMG awesome! They have them for colds now.
If you have a hacking cough..Prop your self up with pillows..The lower you are the post nasel drip worsens the cough.
Let me add Nyquil..Knocks u out!
Hope this helps.
At 7:58 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Got sick when I first moved to LA two months ago with the nastiest-sounding cough ever (I called it 'emphysematic' and the sexy voice that Phoebe had on friends? Anyway, I highly recommend Mucinex if you're coughing up the stuff. Otherwise, if it's just cold stuff only, about 1000 mg of Vit C a day and tons and tons of water, and rest...hang in there!
At 8:20 PM,
nancy =) said…
tea with honey and lemon and a shot of nyquil...
feel better soonly, missy...
At 10:35 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Good timing... I have on right now! I just blogged looking for suggestions how to get rid of a really stuffy nose before I have to fly on Wed!
At 3:48 AM,
AKH said…
I think the last time I had a cold was around my birthday back in August.
We are all about the herbal remedies in our house so when I'm starting to come down with something, I take my echinacea, vitamin C, and drink plenty of water and get lots of rest.
Hope you feel better soon!
At 5:06 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
At the first sign of a cold coming on, zinc zinc zinc and mega doses of Vitamin C, along with tons of water. It'll shorten the length of your cold to half the time! Also, to promote sleep, Nyquil!
I got a cold about 2 months ago, but was only down for a couple of days.
At 8:25 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I was feeling poorly this week and shots of Emergen-C and an Echinacea/Mahonia tincture did the trick, along with lots of rest and fluids. I also recommend Zicam if you can catch it at the very beginning. Otherwise, it's not that effective.
At 8:48 PM,
fruitydog said…
hot baths with that green mineral salt stuff. 1 gram powdered vit C every hour in water. less if it gives you the runs.
definately no work!!! rest day and night.
At 10:09 AM,
Reach the Beach said…
Zycam....I swear by it. Ii is essentially a zinc nasal spray. Good stuff.
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